The Legendary Scarface

Record since UFC 266 : 51-34
Apr 5, 2019
Reaction score

This morning I texted him, and earlier this afternoon I received a text from his mother, from his phone, informing me of the tragic news.

Ben was an amazing dude. He was so thoughtful and caring and always had your best interest at heart. He was also a sports encyclopedia - from mma, to basketball and everything in between, he knew stats, dates, accomplishments and could always knock your head off in a debate.

He was actually the only person I've ever made friends with on the internet(which is something I never have done before or even considered doing). I met him on Sherdog (older account) about a year and a half ago and eventually we exchanged numbers and would talk or text. We planned to meet up in person to watch a card at some point as we were about 3 hours away but it never worked out. We talked about sports most of the time but we also talked about life. Ben had a lot of things going for him, he was very athletic (A - Level son) , charismatic, and very intelligent. He was also the kindest dude man, he was so sensible and had a beautiful self awareness to him and always made sure you were comfortable and happy when speaking with you. He also unfortunately had some demons he struggled with for years . Ben struggled with depression and drug use for a while. His mother told me he never learned how to fail and he was so accustomed to being perfect (sports, studies, etc) that once he started to make mistakes and not achieve the goals he strived for, it was a foreign experience for him and that eventually led him to drug use. Last year, when i was going through some things myself, he was one of the first people to call and talk to me like a brother to help even though we didnt even know each other that well. If any of you on here are struggling with any mental health issues or drug abuse please seek help. You can overcome it.

The last time I spoke to him was the day Kobe passed. I remember informing him of Kobe's death and he immediately called me in total shock. This impacted him more then I initially thought and I haven't texted him since then until this morning . What especially hurts to think about is if i should of texted him after Kobe's death instead of waiting an entire week. I had this gut feeling that it affected him a lot and that maybe i should hit him up but i just decided to wait a bit. And right before i woke up earlier I had a dream that I was looking for a missing person. You can't run from destiny. He passed from an overdose on Monday, January 27th 2020.

My condolences go to his family and friends.

This is a link to his obituary if you'd like to read more about him:

Please be respectful.
RIP Ben Spark
1990 - 2020
Love you bro
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i recognise the name but didn't really know him, if this is true then RIP, sucks to lose a sherdog brudda.

That is terrible news.

RIP Sherbro, you were one of the good ones.
That's sad to hear. RIP. Wish his family and friends the best.
All I do is talk a lot of shite on here but very sad to hear when one of us passes, you forget sometimes that there is real people behind these screens

RIP sherbro
One of my fav posters, his name always made me chuckle.


Death to drug dealers, especially heroin/fentanyl dealers.
Too many sherbros dying. Sad news. A username that caught the eye for sure. Condolences to OP and YOLOGOGOPLATA’s mother.

Reading his obituary he has a father and a girlfriend too. Also an animal lover. Sad to see him leave so soon.
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That’s too bad man.

Lost two guys I knew from overdose.

Overdose is a real thing, Sherbros. Stay safe out there.

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