I had back surgery 3 years ago, artificial disc replacement. At L5 S1.I still take 1 pill of 10mg of norco a day. Just to take the edge off. But my pain isnt managed. I just deal it. Pre back surgery i used to take 5 pills of 10mg norcos a day. Im having complications and pain in the area some 2 years after surgery. Been out of work for a while. I take benzos too. But usually no more than .5 to 1mg a day. Ive cut back my use a lot. I try to do other meditating techniques. I remember someone gave me a small little bag of fentanyl. But mixed fent not pure fent. I just ate a bit of the powder. Fuck dude, i was on jupiter. Thats hands down the best pain killer. Im trying to get my pain management doctor to get me the fentanyl skin patch. You wear it for 3 days and it slowly puts the medicine in your body. But they only give that to like major car accident victims or cancer patients... my L5 S1 is the last disc, its the load bearing disc. Still gives me tremendous pain. Shit i couldnt sleep last night because of it. Its 740am now and i hope to get some Zzzz soon. Hang in there.

Be extremely careful. I would highly recommend getting the benzos out of the mix to the extent that’s feasible. The pain meds may be necessary right now (and may continue to be for a very long time, I don’t know) but as others have said here you can function with a pain killer dependency. The cocktail with the benzos makes an accidental overdose far more likely. The only other thing I would add is that the two stories I saw here about going cold turkey are not something I’d recommend following when the time comes. A well thought out taper can absolutely work.
Don’t come here often but wow. It’s tragic. May you Rest In Peace sir
It takes a lot of strength to post something like this about yourself, even online.

Keep your head up, Sherbro

Do you know this guy? I was reading this post and looked at his account and he hasn’t been on in ages and kind of had me thinking the worst. Hopefully someone knows him?
Do you know this guy? I was reading this post and looked at his account and he hasn’t been on in ages and kind of had me thinking the worst. Hopefully someone knows him?
I don't know him, unfortunately. Lets just give it a little more time. He's been on here since 2011 and only has 1,100 posts so hopefully he is just inactive right now. I go through periods like that and I have more posts than him, in less time even.

Hopefully he pops back up in a couple weeks. It is a little concerning though considering Khabib just fought and I have been seeing a ton of people that haven't been around in months. If he's not going to come back to sherdog for Khabib, then what would he come back for?
kobe death has been spiralling since the date.

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