Real Life Wannabe Hanma. His log.

Baby Hanma

Orange Belt
Jun 19, 2023
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I am thirty-two years old. Collectively, throughout my years of life, I have accumulated more than three years of total training. Recently, I have been training for the goal of becoming a great powerlifter. I've been at it for one year and two months. This had been the longest time I've spent lifting without quitting. Some bullshit happened in my life these past two months that kept me away from the gym, but I've been back at it for several weeks now. I'm almost back to my original levels of strength.

The way I see it, the key to success in anything, including powerlifting, is stamina and perseverance. I didn't come up with those. Marcus Aurelius listed those two things as great qualities that made his stepdad great. I trained for a full year, working hard all the time... Thus, stamina. Bullshit happened in my life, yet after that craziness, I chose to pull myself together and resume training. Thus, perseverance.

My training philosophy is simple. I memorized Doug Hepburn's training system. I know it like the back of my hand. I follow most of his recommendations, with lots of changes that are uniquely my own ideas. I've made so many tweaks to it that I can practically call the system my own and probably not get sued for plagiarism if I do end up writing a book about it.

With newfound dignity and confidence after a shitty life, I ended up training a lot, getting a job that treats me well, and allowing myself to be ambitious once again. Age forty, I am coming for you. I will give the world a new definition of the word "redemption"...

My best lifts so far are...

395-pound squat for 6 sets of 1 rep. The squat was high bar, narrow stance, and with a pause at the bottom.

205-pound clean and jerk at 190 pounds bodyweight, the lightest I've ever been as someone who lifts.

225-pounds for 5 reps in "pulls". It's an Olympic lift variation that looks like a deadlift but with an explosive shrug, or "pull" at the top. The initial position imitates Olympic weightlifters doing their sport more than powerlifters who do their deadlifts. I really pull it very high. Up to my chest. It's more appropriate to call it a "clean high pull" instead of a clean pull.

275-pound bent-over row for 2 sets of 3 reps.

225-pound bench press for an 8-rep max... It's probably my 10-rep max now. I've been doing the "pin press" variation of it and I can do five reps at that weight...

305-pound squat for a 6-rep max. Low bar, to parallel, each rep paused at the bottom. It's currently my weakest lift despite the squat being my favorite lift. Just weird...

All of the lifts above are my all-time best performances as of February of 2024.

I also train in Judo, but that's a side activity. Powerlifting is my main sport.

My bodyweight right now is 250 pounds. I am 5 feet, 6 inches tall.

Lifetime natural and I intend to stay that way, just like my heroes Doug Hepburn and Paul Anderson.
Last edited:
February 27, 2024

I bought a mini fridge so I can store more food here in my house…
Welcome, good luck with your training and reaching your goals. I'm also a (recreational) Judoka, I know you said it's a side activity, but how often do you train judo?
Welcome, good luck with your training and reaching your goals. I'm also a (recreational) Judoka, I know you said it's a side activity, but how often do you train judo?

Twice a week if I can help it. I train in an actual MMA gym and my three Judo coaches are a part of a big team who trains everyone in boxing, Muay Thai, BJJ, wrestling, and Judo.

February 28, 2024

It's late night tonight as I write this, but I will record here that during past midnight "last night", which was technically "today", I did my pulls and squats.

Normally, I do squats before pulls, but since I just am really rushing to finally have that golden 225-pound power clean, I've prioritized pulls over squats recently.

Pulls... Or "clean pulls", if we're being specific... The numbers below are what I did for them.

225 pounds. 5 sets of 4 reps.

Squats below.

305 pounds. 5 sets of 4 reps.

As is always the case, with every rep of the squats, I pause at the bottom. These are not Olympic squats. They are low bar (if you catch my drift) and somewhat wide stance.

I am not yet back to my original strength, but today's workout was technically a new personal record. I am happy about that at least.

All in all, I train very infrequently because of the frequent fasting days. On those days, I'd literally consume less than a thousand calories for an entire 24-hour period. Normally, I'd execute those days once or twice a week. It keeps my 250-pound frame under control. But recently, I've been sometimes be doing those up to three times a week if I can help it... It's hard to lift heavy and hard frequently if you have three of those on certain weeks.

After the pulls and squats, I had to skip my ab workout. More on that later. I'll explain why.
March 7, 2024

I'm having a terrible week. Some dumb, attractive bimbo flirted with me in the gym and danced around me when I gave her a song recommendation for her Spotify account. And after all of that, she gave me her phone number. I set up a date with her on Friday (tomorrow), but I am certain she is going to flake based on her lack of response to my text messages. I'd say screw her... Hopefully I don't see her again in my gym, or she will receive a piece of my mind...

I never use weights to release my frustration against the world. I'm a powerlifter, and when I do my powerlifting training sessions, I make sure that my mind is as clear as the sky on a sunny day, as relaxed as a sloth napping, and as razor-focused as a katana. In order for those conditions to be met, I can't go to the gym with anger in my heart... I was in the gym a few days ago for my pull and squat workout. I'm glad that bimbo gave me anger after my workout. Because if it was prior, then it would've been hard for me to focus on the workout...

On pulls, I did 225 pounds for 6 sets of 4 reps.

On squats, I did 305 pounds for 5 sets of 4 reps, followed by a last set of 5.

And then abs.

Prior to the above workout, I did some grip training with FatGripz, followed by pin bench presses, followed by hammer curls with FatGripz on the dumbbells... For the pin bench presses, I did 225 pounds for 5 sets of 4 reps. This was before the above workout. My mind is just too pissed off to be organized right now... Ugh, that stupid bimbo.

Well anyway, I speedwalk when working. I'm a janitor in some gym and I just really walk fast lots of times to get my cardio done while working that job.

Anyway, the pull and squat workout above was done some days ago. Not as I type this...

If I ever see that bimbo again, I'll give her a piece of my mind...
March 10, 2024

Unfinished workout. Although this isn't my all-time best on bent-over rows, it was a personal record.

Bent-over barbell rows. 265 pounds for 6 sets of 3 reps.

That's it. I gotta do my bench presses soon too. Work kept me away from the gym.
March 7, 2024

I'm having a terrible week. Some dumb, attractive bimbo flirted with me in the gym and danced around me when I gave her a song recommendation for her Spotify account. And after all of that, she gave me her phone number. I set up a date with her on Friday (tomorrow), but I am certain she is going to flake based on her lack of response to my text messages. I'd say screw her... Hopefully I don't see her again in my gym, or she will receive a piece of my mind...

I never use weights to release my frustration against the world. I'm a powerlifter, and when I do my powerlifting training sessions, I make sure that my mind is as clear as the sky on a sunny day, as relaxed as a sloth napping, and as razor-focused as a katana. In order for those conditions to be met, I can't go to the gym with anger in my heart... I was in the gym a few days ago for my pull and squat workout. I'm glad that bimbo gave me anger after my workout. Because if it was prior, then it would've been hard for me to focus on the workout...

On pulls, I did 225 pounds for 6 sets of 4 reps.

On squats, I did 305 pounds for 5 sets of 4 reps, followed by a last set of 5.

And then abs.

Prior to the above workout, I did some grip training with FatGripz, followed by pin bench presses, followed by hammer curls with FatGripz on the dumbbells... For the pin bench presses, I did 225 pounds for 5 sets of 4 reps. This was before the above workout. My mind is just too pissed off to be organized right now... Ugh, that stupid bimbo.

Well anyway, I speedwalk when working. I'm a janitor in some gym and I just really walk fast lots of times to get my cardio done while working that job.

Anyway, the pull and squat workout above was done some days ago. Not as I type this...

If I ever see that bimbo again, I'll give her a piece of my mind...

Did you see her on Friday? Did you screw her brains out and/or give her a piece of your mind?
Did you see her on Friday? Did you screw her brains out and/or give her a piece of your mind?

We talked on the phone a lot. She said lots of things. She said she liked me but can't be in a relationship. Me being pissed off, I gave her a piece of my mind and she got a shaky voice. Probably cried...

Hours later, I texted her. We talked on the phone again and I explained to her why I said what I said. I apologized.

Her excuse is that she is an introvert who prefers to be alone. She said she has issues and I was too good for her issues. I don't know man. I'm sure she fucks guys who are better-looking than I am while beta boys like me are really only allowed to fool around with her...

It's really sad. She blushes at my compliments. But at the end of the day, I'm just too beta for her... She didn't like hearing that but I just got blunt.

The conversation was a mess dude. All you gotta know is that in the end, I apologized and I'm not gonna be stupid enough to get near her again. I value my gym membership.
We talked on the phone a lot. She said lots of things. She said she liked me but can't be in a relationship. Me being pissed off, I gave her a piece of my mind and she got a shaky voice. Probably cried...

Hours later, I texted her. We talked on the phone again and I explained to her why I said what I said. I apologized.

Her excuse is that she is an introvert who prefers to be alone. She said she has issues and I was too good for her issues. I don't know man. I'm sure she fucks guys who are better-looking than I am while beta boys like me are really only allowed to fool around with her...

It's really sad. She blushes at my compliments. But at the end of the day, I'm just too beta for her... She didn't like hearing that but I just got blunt.

The conversation was a mess dude. All you gotta know is that in the end, I apologized and I'm not gonna be stupid enough to get near her again. I value my gym membership.

The phone is for making dates. She can chat with and text her girlfriends. The next bimbo that gives you her number, you wait a few days, you call her, you set a date, you hang up. You take her out when you planned and you plant your seed. The world needs baby Baby Hanmas.

Godspeed, BH. I'm proud of you. 12 points.
The phone is for making dates. She can chat with and text her girlfriends. The next bimbo that gives you her number, you wait a few days, you call her, you set a date, you hang up. You take her out when you planned and you plant your seed. The world needs baby Baby Hanmas.

Godspeed, BH. I'm proud of you. 12 points.

Hey thanks man.

I'm more serious now. I just wanted sex in my younger years, and I did get it occasionally. Nowadays, all I want is a real relationship like what most people have...
March 12, 2024

It's a less-than-1000-calories day today. I consider these as actual fasting days... I eat later at midnight.

Zero reps on anything, zero cardio. It's almost 3 pm, so I got nine more hours before I can feast.

My janitorial work gives me my "LISS" (low intensity steady state) cardio, which I think does not take much away from my powerlifting endeavors.

I'm barely managing my time. I wish I can train in Judo again. It's been a while.
March 23, 2024

Hey, do you all remember that girl I was fooling around with some weeks ago? Well... Let's just say I fooled around with her again... And then found out she's one of the crazy ones.

I think I'll go ahead and avoid her like the fucking plague. For a really smart young lady, her brain doesn't operate on real world logic.

Well anyway, I'm ashamed to admit I've been missing workouts. Part of it is the fact that I get exhausted from work a lot. The other part is stress. I'm building my wardrobe and buying some things for myself. Really stressful stuff. I'm also adjusting with my new life of zero video games. It's hell...

Days ago, I had a personal record on the bent over row at 265 pounds for 6 sets of 3 reps, though not my all-time best. Personal record on the pin bench press for 225 pounds for 6 sets of 4 reps. I think that one is my all-time best. Then I did side shoulder raises.

Days later I did pulls. Not deadlifts, "pulls". An Olympic lift variation of cleans. Personal record of 5 sets of 4 reps followed by a set of 5 reps with 225 pounds... I'll be doing my squats as soon as I can. Hopefully that girl doesn't bother me. We train in the same gym.
April 11, 2024

It’s been a while. Sorry.

I’ve been training semi-consistently, yes. I have a lot to recall here. I’ll just mention a few. These are not all of what I did. Just the ones worth mentioning the most…

Personal records on pulls and squats. My paused-at-the-bottom squat is at 305 pounds for sets of fours followed by sets of fives.

Personal record on grip training. I use FatGripz. Some sets and low reps with double overhand deadlifts at 135 pounds. Yeah. I’m weak at them.

Personal record on a woman. I met an extremely attractive woman in the gym that I work at. It was my first time flirting with a woman of her caliber of beauty while being able to hold the belief that I have a shot at her. Back then, when I talked to women as hot as her, I felt less worthy. This time was different…

Workouts here and there. The usual stuff. Bench presses, pulls, squats, whatever. Same old shit.

My restricted diet holds me back. Gains are slow because of them. But it’s worth it. I don’t wanna get diabetes or atherosclerosis.

When I’m resting, I watch cover songs from this girl right here…

Yeah. The girl I met at the gym is that beautiful. I’m not saying they look alike, but they are as beautiful as each other.

I don’t know why lots of guys settle with mediocre skanks, man… Flirt with the hottest even though you know they might shoot you down. They’re worth it. I might talk to that girl again if I see her again.
April 11, 2024

It’s been a while. Sorry.

I’ve been training semi-consistently, yes. I have a lot to recall here. I’ll just mention a few. These are not all of what I did. Just the ones worth mentioning the most…

Personal records on pulls and squats. My paused-at-the-bottom squat is at 305 pounds for sets of fours followed by sets of fives.

Personal record on grip training. I use FatGripz. Some sets and low reps with double overhand deadlifts at 135 pounds. Yeah. I’m weak at them.

Personal record on a woman. I met an extremely attractive woman in the gym that I work at. It was my first time flirting with a woman of her caliber of beauty while being able to hold the belief that I have a shot at her. Back then, when I talked to women as hot as her, I felt less worthy. This time was different…

Workouts here and there. The usual stuff. Bench presses, pulls, squats, whatever. Same old shit.

My restricted diet holds me back. Gains are slow because of them. But it’s worth it. I don’t wanna get diabetes or atherosclerosis.

When I’m resting, I watch cover songs from this girl right here…

Yeah. The girl I met at the gym is that beautiful. I’m not saying they look alike, but they are as beautiful as each other.

I don’t know why lots of guys settle with mediocre skanks, man… Flirt with the hottest even though you know they might shoot you down. They’re worth it. I might talk to that girl again if I see her again.

This is a different girl from before?

There are few feelings as nice as looking around at a bar/restaurant/wherever you are and realizing the most attractive woman there is the one with you. And, more importantly, going home with you.

Keep up the good work, B-Han. I'm proud of you. Enjoy 17 points.
This is a different girl from before?

There are few feelings as nice as looking around at a bar/restaurant/wherever you are and realizing the most attractive woman there is the one with you. And, more importantly, going home with you.

Keep up the good work, B-Han. I'm proud of you. Enjoy 17 points.

Thanks man. Yeah. This is a different girl.

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