Rinya HypeTrain

Seems like a nice well rounded prospect. Look forward to seeing more of him.
Potential champ or Okami-esque gatekeeper?
Japan's great yellow hope

Along with Rei Tsuruya and Tatsuro Taira. Maybe if they resign Horiguchi, he's got a decent chance at beating Pantoja also.

UFC definitely fucked up in not signing Shinryu Takahashi. Japan just needs better MMA gyms and more serious training. They have the resources for elite striking coaches, cross training and training partners. Same as they do for elite grappling through Judokas, Wrestlers and BJJ practices. Take the strength and conditioning along with weight cuts more seriously and build gyms with strong enough stables of teammates, cross training resources and high level coaches. They do that, they'll thrive....as a country they have a stronger fight culture and resources than most but they don't put it together.

War Rinya but he's a Bantamweight not a Middleweight, he's about to turn 29. He may have started a few years too late. He's doing a lot of learning on the job still, where most Bantamweights are already in their primes at this age. Cody Gabrandt, Cruz, Yan etc. We're all like 25-28 when they became champs.
Very weird fight, that was. Didn't enjoy it. Nakamura doesnt seem anything special to me if I'm honest.