RIP Sherbro Gregolian

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it's an international site, people are operating in different time zones. One person's morning is another person's evening. Greg logs in every day and posts. We will know if it's true or not in short order by default.
He hasn't said a word in discord today. Nor replied to my messages. He would have posted at least 5 anime gifs by now usually.
it's an international site, people are operating in different time zones. One person's morning is another person's evening. Greg logs in every day and posts. We will know if it's true or not in short order by default.
I think @StabbyMcHatchet is Canadian, if so timelines arent in order and it leaves questions. Stabby kind of dropped the bomb and ran off. Lack of details, first post in a year.
Aw man....

Gonna miss seeing that name being posted here on Sherdog.

Dang... :(

I'm praying for his family and all of us who crossed paths with him. We were better people for it.

R.I.P. Sherbro.
@Gregolian is universally liked and arguably the most chill, laid back Sherbro across the whole fucking forum. And yet most people will never know the depth of his true character or how much warmth he really had in his heart. I am truly heartbroken. We'll grill those steaks and go shooting when I see you on the other side, I love you brother.
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