Crime River Visitor Found Guilty of reckless homicide After Drunk Teenagers Harassed Him

Well it was established that they didn’t have the phone in court and he assumed that person he yoinked out of the intertube had it. That’s not really a question.

Whether he punched a girl or not really doesn’t matter- pulling that kid out of the tube was already an assault. He had no right to do that and it’s he who initiated this confrontation.
So he yanks the kid out. Then he gets pushed into the water several times. It is obvious he is no match for the several football players. He is outnumbered and fat and old with a heart condition. So if he were to die after one of those falls, should one of the football players be charged? They weren't acting in self defense. They were filming and laughing and making a fool of him. I am not defending him, I just think there are more moving parts here. I think the charge was right. But we have no idea what happened before the video.
So he yanks the kid out. Then he gets pushed into the water several times. It is obvious he is no match for the several football players. He is outnumbered and fat and old with a heart condition. So if he were to die after one of those falls, should one of the football players be charged? They weren't acting in self defense. They were filming and laughing and making a fool of him. I am not defending him, I just think there are more moving parts here. I think the charge was right. But we have no idea what happened before the video.
I mean he is the one who started it. He assaulted one of them at the very least. Do you expect them to just let him do those things he shouldn’t be doing because it’s not a fair match? They were telling him to leave which is fair imo.

In my mind there is no case for self defense when you initiate the violence
I mean he is the one who started it. He assaulted one of them at the very least. Do you expect them to just let him do those things he shouldn’t be doing because it’s not a fair match? They were telling him to leave which is fair imo.

In my mind there is no case for self defense when you initiate the violence

I disagree. One can initiate something mild, but then another party can escalate it to something really dangerous, that initiator still has a right to self defense.

In this case, the old man was not a danger to anyone when the actual pushing and hitting started.
I disagree. One can initiate something mild, but then another party can escalate it to something really dangerous, that initiator still has a right to self defense.

In this case, the old man was not a danger to anyone when the actual pushing and hitting started.
Sure but pushing him a few times when he wouldn’t leave and stood there obstinately is not self defense. He did the even get hit hard he got slapped like once. This was his fault

Lol don't need to waste a single minute of my life reading or watching on this shit: The old man was right.
I know this is off topic but jesus sometimes a thumbnail makes me want to not watch the video. Always has the "influencer" with a fucking retarded look on their face

This is the only person that was able to get an interview with the brother of the guy.

The more I find out about this, the more convinced I am he is not guilty. Saw some footage of the young guys testifying during trial and they're clearly lying. Claiming to have forgotten simple details. The Karen who butt in is in hiding being anonymous.
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This is the only person that was able to get an interview with the brother of the guy.
Maybe she should have found a way to incorporate that info into the thumbnail instead of just trying to hit some idiotic influencer formula with BOLD words and a dumb face. I also don't bother with those videos because I find it insulting.
Definitely mob mentality that led these brazen fools to believe they could bully someone and repeatedly attack him. Whether he made contact with one of them previously or even the female, the proper way to handle it is to not actively mob him. When he lashed out with the knife, he was being actively attacked and it was justified self defense imo because it was in water and he was greatly outnumbered. I think they all learned a valuable lesson that day that it wasn’t all fun and games to one of them.
This is why you don't fuck with people. You never know who is going to pull a shank out of their swim trunks and gut you.

It's not hard to be nice - especially when you are relaxing in a fucking river to chill. I am always surprised when I see this stuff. This whole thing probably could have been avoided.

I think its easy to say it wasn't necessary and they weren't going to kill him and he didn't need to use lethal force.. but, when you're in the water, things get more dangerous. I don't know. Glad I didn't have to make that decision.
Edit: Mod note. This is an older incident, the verdict was recent. He was found guilty of first-degree reckless homicide, four counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety and one count of battery. The initial charges of intentional murder were lowered to this manslaughter equivalent before the trial.

The video below shows an older man in a confrontation with group of 17-24 year olds at Apple River, Minnesota. The younger guys were taunting and hitting him - knocking him down and also strangling in the video below. Then he ends up stabbing a bunch of them as they crowded around him and 1 dies. The older man charged with 1st degree intentional homicide.

There were 13 people in total toward the end surrounding him. He just had open heart surgery so I don't think he was spoiling for a fight initially. Older man is Romanian or something and I don't think can speak English that well.

The video below is the whole uncensored vid.

According to witnesses and what I can piece together, this video was their 2nd encounter. I think the sequence of events was:

1. A group of teenagers were drinking and using drugs on the Apple River. Meanwhile, a man named Miu and his group were also drinking in the same area.

2. Miu, searching for his lost phone, went upstream. He was snorkeling, trying to find a phone. He saw a group of teenagers holding up a phone at him. They were recording, but he mistakenly thought they were showing him the phone he was looking for.

3. The young guys started yelling at Miu, accusing him of being a pedophile looking for little girls.

4. Miu dropped his goggles and started looking for them. He walked past the tubes, and the group began following him. He turned back and said something unintelligible before continuing on.

5. Miu turned and walked around the teens, returning to his original group upriver. A few people from another group started yelling in his face.

5. Two females get up in his face aggressively. They did make some physical contact.

6. (Off camera) This is the crucial moment. Allegedly, Miu hit one of the women in the face. Others say he swiped at the phone in his face. This moment is highly debated. The defense argues that the woman did not drop her drink and her sunglasses did not fall off her face, suggesting that she wasn't hit with significant force.

6. The group of young people start striking Miu. He falls into the water where he is hit some more times. While attempting to get up, he is shoved back down. It should be noted that Miu is 54 and recently had a heart attack that required triple bypass. After he "allegedly" struck the female, he was punched in the face, causing him to fall into his back in the water, where he was then slapped hard in the face multiple times while also being pushed while trying to regain his footing.

The little girls pedophile accusation kind of has a snowball effect where it becomes mob anger IMO.

In sum, I think the group of young men were bullying an old man for the fun of it and the older man overreacted killing one person and nearly killing another. I do think he had fear because who wouldn't be in the situation. Wasn't physically fit and surrounded by taunting, video taping and getting hit and shoved into water.

Also, the situation got really escalated by a karen women who's in her 20's from another separate group. When she came, it really escalated. Woman's name is Madison Coen. She claimed he punched her but cops saw no marks.

guy must have a shit lawyer.
Imagine being a 50+ year old after having heart surgery, going up to a kid, and start grabbing him. You pull a kid off a tube, then you hit a woman. Then, as you're peeling yourself off the ground, because you got punched in the face for hitting a woman, you pull a knife because your fragile ego can't handle getting a taste of your own medicine, and you stab someone.

If you go around grabbing people and hitting women, you deserve to get your ass beat. Keep your hands to yourself.
<surebuddy>It's 2024 bruv. Equal rights, and lefts.
Definitely mob mentality that led these brazen fools to believe they could bully someone and repeatedly attack him. Whether he made contact with one of them previously or even the female, the proper way to handle it is to not actively mob him. When he lashed out with the knife, he was being actively attacked and it was justified self defense imo because it was in water and he was greatly outnumbered. I think they all learned a valuable lesson that day that it wasn’t all fun and games to one of them.

How is it justified self defense when he already assaulted one of the kids? Everyone involved in this incident handled it poorly but it all started with the man handling this situation poorly. If you lose your phone and you think some kids stole it than get someone to call the cops. You don't just get to start grabbing people and doing whatever you want. Then when those people try to stop you, you get to stab them because it's to many people.
Sounds like a bunch of asshole kids set out to ruin a man's life and succeeded.

He took one out. Cool. Maybe that will be a lesson to the rest of them not to fuck with people.

And of course it would appear no consequences will befall the stupid arrogant asshole kids who are the actual reason for all the problems. At least they can continue thinking they are entitled to be complete douchebags without recourse.

God if you are planning on smiting this place or raining down hellfire and brimstone, now is a good time.
We are ready.
Yeah teenagers that act obnoxious deserve to be killed, very cool. It's not like both sides were acting shitty.

One less coward who would attack a middle aged man 13 on 1.

The world is a better place.
I've floated down that river many times when I was younger... luckily never got stabbed...

Looks like everyone was being shitty and I guarantee everyone was drunk... reckless homicide seems a little steep but what do I know? A young kid lost his life after all.

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