Movies Robocop 3 vs Terminator 3

RC1 had Red foreman as the possible GOAT villain. After that, meh

oooh , guns! guns! guns! C'mon Sal - Tigers are playing... to-night! I never miss a game
Think I'd prefer Robocop 3, it still retains some of that warm tacky camp aura that the originals had whilst T3 didn't seem to have nearly as much in common with it's predecessors, the modern improvements in CGI really highlight how unconvincing it is compared to using real scale models, make up and lighting. The original only had a budget of 1 million (Around 4 - 5 million adjusted to inflation) and whilst not perfect, had more jawbreaker scenes compared to T3 which had a budget of nearly 200 million, even with all that money aside it is a rather unforgettable movie. It was a pure cash grab and it shows.
MAX has robocop 3 it is an unintentional comedy they should have let george miller make part 3.

This pimp mobile scene was comedy gold robocop was neutered this film

Well for one Robocop could fly and was able to beat two samurai robots. While the new Terminator had boobs and would kill you before you could touch them, so I'll go with Robocop 3
both turds, especially t3 since t1 and 2 were so epic, but comparing movie to movie t3 is better than robocop 3.

robo 3 had straight to video vibes and the corniest scenes.
just downloaded robo 2 and 3.

5 minutes into 2, not 3...and it's so awful lol. how much worse is 3 again?
While it didn't and couldn't really live up to it's predecessor, I thought T3 had some merrits and I think it became one of those movies your supposed to hate becaue the internet told you to hate it.

IMO Peter Travers got the criticims just about right "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines may lack the mythic pow of the 1984 original and the visionary thrill of T2, but it's a potent popcorn movie"

There were some good ideas there:
Skynet was a defense AI software that escaped on to the internet to deal with a trivial issue.
John Connor never accepting that Skynet was gone and living off grid
The plot twist that the bunker where they were sent to stop it was just for their protection because it was already too late.
The idea the Judgement Day was inevitable and nothing they could do would ever stop it.
I thought going through with judgement day and showing it was ballsy

Some of it was a warmed over rehash of T2, it was tonally messy, and Arnold was old and rusty, but they actually tried to make a good movie. They started the action pretty much instantly and kept on the throttle as I recall. It was a fun if not masterful film.

Robocop 3 is a sad and ignominious end to a franchise that started with a great movie.
T3 by a mile even if it wasnt good it still had arnold. Rc3 had that weird looking kid and weird samurai robot
I literally haven't watched Robocop 3 in 30 years, but in my 10 year old mind it wasn't horrible.

If I watched it again, I'd probably agree its horrible.

But Robocop 2 wasn't a great sequel either, so I imagine expectations weren't very high for it to be great.

Terminator 3, on the other hand, had two of the greatest SciFi/Action movies of all time proceeding it, so expectations were sky high.... and it crashed so hard its considered one of the worst sequels ever.

But that's considering the expectations & hype before the movies were released. I'd have to rewatch Robocop 3 & Terminator 3 to have a more objective point of view on both movies.... and I really don't want to watch either.
did you guys know that before he became a successful pillow salesman mike lindell was in robocop 3?

The real RoboCop 3 story is the new RoboCop game for Xbox,PC and PS. Story is building on 2 and worlds better than the third one. Actually a really good story.

Buy it ,you won't be disappointed and play it after watching 1 and 2 again
I saw some of the other terminators. It got confusing. It’s like the transformer franchise.
Just recently watched Terminator 3 again and man it gets worse with age, to me it reminds me of the gay Batman movie that killed that franchise a lot of gay stuff going on in the Terminator, plus Nick Stahl as John Connor yuck. That was an amazing botch there. I thought Salvation was cool the first few times but realized how lame it was last viewing as well. 2008 was such a weird time for movies right?

One day I will watch all the Bloodsport sequels, I always did think the straight to VHS Kickboxer sequels 2, 3, 4 were pretty sweet especially 4.
The end of T3 is better than all of RC3. By a mile.

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