Media Ronda Rousey on CTE fears: "I never wanted to talk about concussion. It felt like a weakness"

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Silver Belt
Aug 6, 2016
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The former MMA fighter, once described as ‘the world’s most dominant athlete’, reveals her fears for the future after a career riddled with glory and pain

"I worry about it because we already have Alzheimer’s and dementia in our family, and those family members did not get whacked on the head a whole bunch,” Ronda Rousey says as she considers a future shrouded by the consequences of concussion and a past where she broke so many barriers for women before a shattering fall.

It’s hard to say because I wouldn’t rest when I had a concussion. I would continue to train and keep re-aggravating it. So instead of having symptoms for a few days, I would have them for weeks or even months. Most of the year I would be having concussion symptoms. There are grades of severity but my worst was being thrown on the back of my head at the Pan-American [Judo] Championships in Argentina. I completely blacked out till the next morning.”


Part of me has declined and I have moments where I’ll be singing my daughter a lullaby and I’ll get a word wrong. I’ll be like: ‘Oh my God! This is it [the onset of dementia]!’

I hope I don’t end up that way but you never know. It might be decades later when you understand you’ve taken one hit too many. When you have kids and family, it’s much harder to gamble on your future. I went from being the most eligible bachelorette on earth to instant family, and it completely changes your priorities


CTE confirmed?
Well she didn't take that much punishment in fact.. Holm did take her head but Amanda dealt with her quick and for the other fights she had it went to the ground.

Don't know how she fought in the gym but I'd want her brain damage instead of the Diaz bros
Well she didn't take that much punishment in fact.. Holm did take her head but Amanda dealt with her quick and for the other fights she had it went to the ground.

Don't know how she fought in the gym but I'd want her brain damage instead of the Diaz bros

She's been thrown a million times though, you're not hitting your head but there's still a jarring effect on the brain.
There’s no way she just called herself the most eligible bachelorette. What is that? Code speak for “hot and ready”?

Imagine Travis Browne reading this shit…
tbf she said she WAS the most eligible bachelorette
but yeah calling herself that just show another level of delusion, it's really impressive
i wonder if the rogan speech had an effect in creating this state of delusion and lack of self awarennes<mma4>
She would've gotten less backlash from the MMA community if she had been honest about her feelings at the time.

Right guys? Or would you still have shit on her?
Well she didn't take that much punishment in fact.. Holm did take her head but Amanda dealt with her quick and for the other fights she had it went to the ground.

Don't know how she fought in the gym but I'd want her brain damage instead of the Diaz bros

She's talking about Judo.

And tbf I can understand where she's coming from.

Her mom was a high level Judoka and pushed her from probably 5 to train intensely. She doesn't seem like a high test woman, so they must have pushed her hard in training. Then she did MMA.

It's cringe to me when I see parents trying to live their dreams through their children, pushing them too hard in combat sports. Most of them would be too pussy to take licks or compete themselves. Worse than soccer moms.
well, it's normal i think.
a lot of people don't check themselves for the fear of finding something.

It's cringe to me when I see parents trying to live their dreams through their children, pushing them too hard in combat sports. Most of them would be too pussy to take licks or compete themselves. Worse than soccer moms.

there was a moment in wich Ronda's mom was everywhere and it was embarassing... if it was her father people'd have start talking about a severe, tirannic, obsolete father's figure but since it was her mom it all became a "women empower" circus.
on top of that it was clear how ronda's mom (which iirc always calls herself "doctor") was enjoing the spotlight.
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