International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

BTW I think that not all russians are bad ppl while usually totally brainwashed.

I once had to read stuff posted by one guy....he later deleted this. He is pro voluntary hired for this small special operation.
I think he isn't bad lad. ..when they were ordered to take small village....where before war were 200 inhabitants ....and after evacuation orders ....remained some 15 inhabitants, ....he ordered to slow down and take village carefully in order not to harm these 15 civies waiting for matuska to come....and liberate them. Therefore fight for small, almost 100% abadoned village was 4 days ..... later he proudly declared that this russian village is liberate from Ukrainian occupation and he needs meds etc delivered for these civies waiting for matushka.
He also had posted % of losses his unit had, while in sharp business manner: we have xx guys . . .usable....( without mentioning specific numbers of 200 ies and 300 ies on details ) and we asked reinforcment ...they delivered next unit etc. Now we are clearing from mines etc and It is ...hell here.

However despite looked like normal guy with sense of humanity, he declared that Ukraine is Russia....therefore he is helping to liberate occupied russia's areas.
While Ukraine is Talking about next counter offensive....
Reality is that they even doesn't have sufficient resources to do mandatory forced evacuation from villages very close to frontline.
Nope, this isn't like they are keeping hostiges or like this. Some buildings might be without any military in, just civies....some might be with just only military guys in.
Ukr also fears from civies that they might be informants etc therefore ....

Then is next reality: small % of civies who remained almost all will not be dangerous for russia. Some doesn't care and some are waiting matushka to come and liberate them.

Then next reality: some commander might be with sense of humanity and order to do things carefully....some other might order to flat village in peace of debris...together with some ppl waiting for matushka and to get liberated.
Slovakia is...weird.
Despite government stopped any military assistance, ordinary casuals in Slovakia had donated at least 4 m € for Ukr ammo purchases and this get Fico into mad mode.
He was very cocky vs Chech and Polish politicians.
Also had told that Ukraine should not get any weapons because this will be better for Ukraine and Ukraine should negotiate with Russia...

BTW if Fico will talk with Duda like he talked with Fiala, relationships between Poland and Slovakia will be fucked up for decades...

Slovakian PM and president wants that Ukraine never will be NATO member and are insisting to stop any military aid for Ukraine.
Fico is even worse than Orban. Orban in open text told that he never will allow Ukraine to become EU member or NATO member.
At least he doesn't do stuff like Fico : advising other countries to stop military assistance for Ukraine.
BTW I think that Fico is worst stuff for Slovakia ever ....
If we will stop financial and military aid....yup Ukr will be 404 quickly but what will happen with Slovakia after this?
They maybe will have land border with Russia.
While without questions and any doubts Slovakia will get damn a lot more refugees and EC will order Slovakia to pay them benefits while ECB will brainwash them with demands to keep fiscal discipline.
This is doable if they will use casual Dombrovskis IMF style reccomendations with Excel table : increase tax and duties fees+ reduce budget spendings....I don't know does Slovakia something sellable in privatization process....if yes, these reccomendations they too will get.
And IF Ukraine will get 100% 404....they never will be able to kick these refugees out.

Russia bombs itself.

So the rumor is Russia spending over 25 percent of the Countries budget on the war. Look who showed up in France after President Macron announced France willing to send troops to Ukraine.

See below.


Russia sometimes really is hiting Belgorod oblastj in Russia with bombs...most likely cos some mistakes.

They had relocated closed to Ukraine 30 th Motorized Rifle Regiment and installed in Kursk oblastj one batallion from 76 th Airborne Division ( this is actually Special Tasks batallion [ trained guys who earlier were well trained pro paratroopers ].
Putin intensified manpower hiring in Siberia, agents and recruiters are working 24/7 ...while hiring contracts are signed during working days, casual office working hours.
Usually 500-1500 guys are hired each working day.
Employers are replacing workforce shortage by hiring lower quality workforce or immigrants.

So where Putin wants peace talks? He still is repeating that Special Military operation is going as had been planned and will be continued.....
So the rumor is Russia spending over 25 percent of the Countries budget on the war. Look who showed up in France after President Macron announced France willing to send troops to Ukraine.

See below.


Thing is in a different world could have imagined China making deal with west to make Russia fail and eat it from two directions afterwards, but in current scenario Is hard to imagine because without Russia China alone would have to give up any ambition to confront western team over taiwan/pacific

On other side France is hyper Active because i guess

-german shitshow(and american bullshit) handling the ukranians situation give them(frenchies) the chance to search that spotlight for that gimmick where they seem themselves as the "leader" nation of EU

-France is mad at Russia because in africa russians are fucking up french interests

-They understand shit is bad and somebody must do something

I guess there's some truth in third point, but suspect mostly is first two

But the reason is not THAT important, even if for wrong reasons french activism may balance a bit europeans slow and super careful up to fake approach and american politics disaster, even if as long are just french words with gay r not much will change on the field

Problem is lot should have bene done before to be safer now, and seems to me It's a while we know situation would have end up where we are today

Wonder if western forces could have entered non-occupied ukranian lands (wich is huge % of Ukraine) without confront russian forces and build all the defensive infrastructure needed, replying with fire only if attacked
Putin intensified manpower hiring in Siberia, agents and recruiters are working 24/7 ...while hiring contracts are signed during working days, casual office working hours.
Usually 500-1500 guys are hired each working day.
Employers are replacing workforce shortage by hiring lower quality workforce or immigrants.

So where Putin wants peace talks? He still is repeating that Special Military operation is going as had been planned and will be continued.....

I also read that they lowered the age that kids can work in factories down to 14. Shows that they cant just keep plucking people from the workforce as something has to give. Putler destroying his country all for the "special military operation". Hopefully that video of the commander telling the soldiers they are all going to die circulates in russia, might make some of the zombies think twice before committing suicide.
Thing is in a different world could have imagined China making deal with west to make Russia fail and eat it from two directions afterwards, but in current scenario Is hard to imagine because without Russia China alone would have to give up any ambition to confront western team over taiwan/pacific

On other side France is hyper Active because i guess

-german shitshow(and american bullshit) handling the ukranians situation give them(frenchies) the chance to search that spotlight for that gimmick where they seem themselves as the "leader" nation of EU

-France is mad at Russia because in africa russians are fucking up french interests

-They understand shit is bad and somebody must do something

I guess there's some truth in third point, but suspect mostly is first two

But the reason is not THAT important, even if for wrong reasons french activism may balance a bit europeans slow and super careful up to fake approach and american politics disaster, even if as long are just french words with gay r not much will change on the field

Problem is lot should have bene done before to be safer now, and seems to me It's a while we know situation would have end up where we are today

Wonder if western forces could have entered non-occupied ukranian lands (wich is huge % of Ukraine) without confront russian forces and build all the defensive infrastructure needed, replying with fire only if attacked
I think your last lien about western forces entering un occupied Ukraine should have been in the works. But hindsite is 2020 like they said. Nobody really expected Ukraine to hold out this long. It is always risky to commit military forces.
I also read that they lowered the age that kids can work in factories down to 14. Shows that they cant just keep plucking people from the workforce as something has to give. Putler destroying his country all for the "special military operation". Hopefully that video of the commander telling the soldiers they are all going to die circulates in russia, might make some of the zombies think twice before committing suicide.
Putin is attempting to turn Russia into North Korea No2 in reality.
He is hiring not only soldiers.
They are hiring also workforce to work in weapons and ammo factories and brigades of construction workers to build fortifications.

A lot of companies are experiencing workforce shortage and therefore owners and directors are begging Putin to do something cos they does have contracts and should deliver production in time according to signed contracts. One director in Siberia posted that he needs quickly to hire 112 workers after recruiter had hired batch from his workers for special military operation....
Hungarian vice PM announced that Hungary will not expel Ukrainian refugees back to Ukraine regardless from Ukr possible demands.
Estonia told in open text that they aren't Ukraine and will not be Ukr conscription service and will allow Ukr citizens with expired documents term to live in Estonia regardless from ukr possible demands.
Latvia had even gave 0 wall from ice.
BTW Ukraine and their politicians are too cocky vs Baltic countries....
Their propaganda and idiotism does work against them.

One example: Ukraine is asking to get anti tank missiles. These countries might supply Javelin , NLAW from their stockpiles while after(!) they will get replacement already delivered and only option to get this quickly is to call Benny who is in mad mode....cos he might allow to them them their missiles from Israel's active stockpile...then these countries might sent some american Javelins to Ukr...

Then stuff like Zelensky or Arestantovich are talking with them bullshit....and makes them in angry mode.
Switzerland get gift from their comrades in Russia. Propagandists are telling that they aren't neutral and are arming up ukraine.
While reality is awful.
European countries does have a lot of different ammo they had purchased and paid for... from Switzerland during last 30 years....but with re export clauses. And Switzerland refused to remowe re export ban clauses therefore this ammo can't be sold or donated to Ukraine....cos Switzerland is Panama of Europe and €$£ is their God.
I think your last lien about western forces entering un occupied Ukraine should have been in the works. But hindsite is 2020 like they said. Nobody really expected Ukraine to hold out this long. It is always risky to commit military forces.

Where have you been?!!?! :oops:

The Russian advances have slowed.

Russian tanks firing on... Russian troops.

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