Sambo thread!

For some reason i forgot about these videos i uploaded.
They are the highlights of a Combat Sambo tournament held in Kstovo (Sambo-land).
Originally they had some nu-metal music, but YouTube killed it, so i re-upped them with something more fitting.... Tchaikovsky's Swan lake!

YouTube - Combat Sambo Highlight

And this other one:

YouTube - Combat Sambo Highlight
The thing that i feel refreshing about sambo as compared to judo is that I was shocked at the ammount of limitations/restrictions that judo has on the stand up game. You cant use certain grips, you can't grip a certain grip for more than x amount of seconds. Can't grab the pants, can't do this... As far as i know, sambo doesn't have those restrictions. And that's refreshing.

Yes, the only restriction for gripping in sambo are that you can't grip the jacket below the belt and you can grab inside your opponent's sleeve. Everything else is fair game with no other gripping or time limitations.
Two tidbits:

This month's issue for FIGHT! magazine has an article on Sambo. I don't agree with some of the author's assumptions about sambo and MMA, but it is pretty good history piece.

Second, there is a nice interview with California Sambo Coach Serge Gerlach here:
Sambo Wrestling
BUMP - This thread shouldn't go too far away from page 1
Is it ok to post schools on this thread? Posting on my phone from work so I didn't check back into thread.
I'm moving to Jonesboro, Arkansas real soon. Last week while I was visiting my fiance there, I was looking through the phone book and saw a guy that teaches boxing and sambo!!! I'm gonna give him a call a few weeks after I move there and see what he has to offer. I love throws and leglocks, so am hoping he is a good instructor.

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