Crime Senator Menendez D-NJ indicted for taking bribes


Steel Belt
Apr 3, 2002
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Some of the bribes include 400k in gold bars to help someone being federally prosecuted get a sweetheart deal. Wow, surprise the DOJ complied and gave reduced sentence.

Maldonado got luxury cars, an apartment, among things

he has been indicted before for corruption, but resulted in hung jury.

This link has info regarding the felony case menendez helped get reduced sentence

It's about time. This guy should have had to book thrown at him 10 years ago.

Did you follow the first indictment when it happened? I didn’t, but reading about it now seems pretty obvious that he was guilty.

reading about the case interesting, mostly cause the person he was taking bribes from then is a super mega playboy. Had multiple foreign girlfriends he was flying in and out lol.

what is also interesting, both back then and with this indictment, there are other people involved. This case the DOJ prosecutor(s) who reduced sentence with gold bar person. Tho they aren’t necessarily taking a bribe to reduce the sentence, they are complicit with doing a senators corrupt bidding.

Similar in the first indictment, mendnez met with, likely colluding with US cabinet secretary, at least one ambassador, etc.

these people also need to be charged for enabling this type of stuff
Lolll, dude has 480k in cash just chilling in various clothing items and such when they raided his home. Some stuffed in a shirt that says senator menendez. Kind of poetic.

Also interesting he is ranking member of foreign relations committee, apparently kept classified info and gave it to Egypt. Sounds similar to another ranking member of the foreign relations committee taking classified material… hmmm….. home might that be? Hopefully there is an impeachment inquiry into such a person

aaannnd this is actual treason. Isn’t execution by hanging the appropriate consequence, if indeed found guilty?

Did you follow the first indictment when it happened? I didn’t, but reading about it now seems pretty obvious that he was guilty.

reading about the case interesting, mostly cause the person he was taking bribes from then is a super mega playboy. Had multiple foreign girlfriends he was flying in and out lol.

what is also interesting, both back then and with this indictment, there are other people involved. This case the DOJ prosecutor(s) who reduced sentence with gold bar person. Tho they aren’t necessarily taking a bribe to reduce the sentence, they are complicit with doing a senators corrupt bidding.

Similar in the first indictment, mendnez met with, likely colluding with US cabinet secretary, at least one ambassador, etc.

these people also need to be charged for enabling this type of stuff
Yeah I'm from NJ, so this was big news back them.

Everyone thought he was fucked then too, but the jury fucked it up apparently.
except the DOJ prosecutor that worked with him to lower the sentence in exchange for the gold bars? Or that guy get a gold star too?

It seems likely that person involved at the DoJ wasn't aware of any bribes or they would be part of the indictment as well.

You want to fix our political system, they should hang this dude in front of the Capitol. Send those corrupt fucks a message.
There is so many loopholes in getting paid. He should have wrote a book like the rest of those crooks. Have Egypt buy a shit load of books which is perfectly legal.
Too bad he is not a Supreme Court Justice because then he would have been untouchable.
Also this is his 2nd time, Lol. Why do citizens keep re-electing shit heads?
crazy he was indicted before for similar things, jury was hung, but still re-elected lol. Was supposed to be a toss up election apparently, but he won in a landslide, despite the indictment being just a year before. deadline for independent candidates,reelected by an 11.2% margin.

Blatant corruption isn't a flaw of democrat politics. They see it as a feature.

You want to fix our political system, they should hang this dude in front of the Capitol. Send those corrupt fucks a message.
There is so many loopholes in getting paid. He should have wrote a book like the rest of those crooks. Have Egypt buy a shit load of books which is perfectly legal.
Too bad he is not a Supreme Court Justice because then he would have been untouchable.
Also this is his 2nd time, Lol. Why do citizens keep re-electing shit heads?
Is the book thing a real corrupt grift? Pretty slick, never thought of that. Makes sense and easily deniable.