Resolved Sherdog Is Frustrating Now

This should be resolved now. Please clear cache and restart your browser if you're not seeing the change locally. Apologies for the inconvenience on your browsing experience and thanks for your membership with us.
seems to have worked. Thank you for the attention.
The Sherdog ads now are full screen adverts that require extensive scrolling to bypass. Like you can't even tell you're on the forum when they pop up. I see the Sherdog admins are hard at work addressing our complaints about ads being too invasive, by making them more invasive. Yes I know about the Brave browser but I habitually use Chrome for everything.
The Sherdog ads now are full screen adverts that require extensive scrolling to bypass. Like you can't even tell you're on the forum when they pop up. I see the Sherdog admins are hard at work addressing our complaints about ads being too invasive, by making them more invasive. Yes I know about the Brave browser but I habitually use Chrome for everything.
As if being a human cawkfighting fan on an internet karate forum isn't embarrassing enough, now I have to deal with full screen dildo ads when I'm on Sherdog in public

I ain't have dat problem fam hope ting get better tho
I use the Brave browser on my mobile phone for Sherdog.

I use Ublock Origin and Adblock Plus on Chrome on my desktop.

Haven't had an ad in years.
The Sherdog ads now are full screen adverts that require extensive scrolling to bypass. Like you can't even tell you're on the forum when they pop up. I see the Sherdog admins are hard at work addressing our complaints about ads being too invasive, by making them more invasive. Yes I know about the Brave browser but I habitually use Chrome for everything.
I read the title as "The aids have gotten even more insane" I thought this was going to be another thread on the scourge of Super AIDS.

Install adblock plus or the Brave browser, problem solved.
Why you keep making threads about your inability to internet
Bruh…took their advice and got Brave. Takes two minutes. They’re all gone man…no more ads. No more threads. It’s a win/win for mankind.
I usually use PC (firefox browser) and is i have zero problems

When i sherdog on cellphone (chrome browser) yes it can be annoying when having to post but nothing dramatic

Btw ads i ever get is scandinavian looking blonde milf advertising online dating site, followed by normal stuff
This thread literally first time i see the dildo one, imho teh internet is trying to tell you something lmao

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