Television Shogun

Agreed. Biggest disappointment of a show I can remember in recent times. I wish I hadn’t wasted my time watching this.
The canons did nothing, season felt like they ran out of money and capped it 2 or 3 screen hours away from wrapping up the plotlines.
It’s pretty good. The customs and way of life is Japan are well presented. Loses me with the drama and some of the Brits dialogue but wins me back with the random unnecessary decapitations.
Majority of S2 should be Fuji's misadventures as a nun.
Finally got around to watching this. Pretty good. If the actress who played Mariko doesn't win an Emmy I'm calling shenanigans.

Also, it took me way longer than I care to admit to realize that Toranaga was based on Tokugawa Ieyasu. I'm a lot more knowledgeable about Japanese history from the Boshin war onwards than I am about the period depicted in the show.
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Checked DVR Spectrum on Demand and Apple TV Spectrum app for Paramount+ Showtime on Demand and didn't find original Shogun, but did find it when I searched Apple TV+ which pointed to Paramount+ so I guess I'll subscribe for a month to watch and continue watching 1883 or whichever one had Harrison Ford and watch S3 of Mayor of Kingstown.

The original Shogun looks like several 1.5 hr movies. It's gonna take some time to get through. The priest with goatee looks evil. One Euro guy looks like the guy from Indiana Jones.
I heard it got picked up for a second season. I don’t know what they plan to do though as the book it’s based on is over. Also, the period of history it’s set in, the Sengoku civil war era ended and Japan enters a long period of peace.
Watched like 1.3 of the original episodes so far in decent quality 4x3 video on Paramount+. HULU seemed to recreate the key moments, the key scenes like getting pee'd on, Omi the piece of shit beheading some guy for nothing, rescuing Rodrigo who is much better in the original throwing his name dropping Toranaga weight around, boiling one of the crew.

So after getting pee'd on by Omi and seeing Omi kill someone for no reason, this original Anjin dares try to make Omi call him Anjin-san or Anjin-sama. WTF?
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Towards the end of original episode 2, there's a cringey scene where it's a good thing FX/HULU didn't re-create. Anjin is drunk and does this lame song and dance three frigging times because Toranaga arrives and wants to know what he was doing, so he does the whole song and dance again, then again because Toranaga wants to dance too.