Somewhat of a conjugate log

took a couple extra days off because work was brutal this week felt like death even so today

game got rained out so I did DE lower

Clean and push press 10 singles @215 on 1 minute rest

squat 70% 315x2x10

deadlift 75% 415x5(just did a quick single set today)
ME Upper

close grip bench up to 265x1, back offs 210x5x3

incline bench 135x17, 155x13, 175x5

DB rows w/70 x17, 12, w/60 x10

rear delt raises w/15x15, 10, 10sx10
ME lower

paused box squat 345x2x3

p snatch 160x 10 singles on 30 sec rest

sumo deadlift
475x1, 515x1, 535x1(was enough for the day) back offs 90%480x2x2
De upper

bench 80% 240x3x6

beltless press 155x5x3

pullups. 25x9
bw x 8, 5, 4

pushups BW x31, 17, 10

85x9, 65x11, 45x11
DE lower

slight deload today on olympic lifts

75% squat 335x2x8

power clean 185x2x3

deadlift 75% 415x5

going to rep max my squat next Tuesday or Wednesday then switch programming to something with more of an overall athletic influence
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played my last game of the year Sunday (at least I think)so training should be more frequent

ME upper
pin press eye level up to 205x1, back offs 165x5x3

close grip bench

bb rows 135x13,10, 10, 10

rear delt flies w/5 pounds played 3x a bunch

5x30 yards
ME lower

high bar squat x405x5

worked up to 170 split snatch and 225 power clean

deadlift 75% 415x5

and that was vacay tommorow but ive brainstormed this all week im going to stick with conjugate because it is CLEARLY working but im going to add a little twist with more sub maximal olympic lifting
ME upper
incline bench up to 245, back offs 85% 210x3x3, 75%185x10, 160x14

bb rows 135x14, 10, 115x10, 8

wide grip upright rows with the bar x15, 15, 15

LTEs 85x10, 65x13, 8
ME lower kept it short and brief

front squat 285x3x3

power snatch 145x10 singles 30 sec rest

SLDL 415x7

DE upper
bench 70%

seated supported press 135x5m 145x5x2

chin ups w/25x12, 25ILBsx8, bw x 5

pushups bwx35, 15, 10

85x9, 65x10, 45x10
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DE lower

squat 85% I did 405x2x2, 385x2x2

power clean
205x10 singles on 60 seconds rest pretty easy

deadlift 85% 455x2x2, then worked up to 475 then up to 505

got some bands in so did some banded GMs just to test them out
ME upper

2 count pause floor press up to 265x1, 240x2x2
close grip 2 count pause floor press 185x8,8,5

pullups bodyweight 2 minute rest periods, x14, 5, 5, 4, 4

lat raises----10sx20, 17, 14

BB OH tricep extensions w/65x10, 45x15, 15

sprints 5x 30 yards
ME lower

high bar squat warm ups to 435x1, then im talking I missed 455 by .001 pounds just a split second of loss of concentration and I would have heaved it up, back off 385x3

p snatch 150x10 singles on 45 seconds rest

SLDL 385x5, 410x3x2

hurdle bounds 5x5
DE upper
bench 75% 220x3x8 minute rests

push press 185x5 singles on minute rests
SOHP 135x12

chins(3 minute rests) 25x12, 8, bw x 5

pushups 40,15,10 (2 minutes rest)

sprints 30 yardsx5
ME upper

bench 255x3

spoto bench 205x5x3

pullups bwx15, 7, 6, 5, 5

lat raises w/10s, 25,17, 15

BB OH tricep extensions 65x15 ,65x10, 45x16

sprints 5x30 yards
threw a bullpen

ME lower

front squat 295x3x3

p snatch 150x 10 singles on 30 seconds

deadlift up to 495x1, back off 425x9