SOUL upon entry: Make a deal with the devil [power/strength training log]

I actually tried it for few days after I saw you write about it. Took about 50 MGs twice a day. I didn't notice anything drastic so I read a few studies about it. I think im good with whey, creatine, vitamins/minerals and a a couple of melatonins a night.

Absolutely. Do what works for you. Melatonin is a long term supplement that has been shown to activate Sirtuins 1 and 3. My primary reasons for taking it are anti aging and something that may not be clear for many years potentially.

I am in a fb group where people use upwards of 8g of melatonin daily so things are truly relative. I had not seen or heard of too many people who had used my dosages and then I found multiple.

You may want to explore NMN and AAKG.


Close Grip Chin Ups:
bw(216-220lb)-5 reps x 6 sets

Wide Grip(wider than shoulder width) Pull Ups:
bw-5 reps

Slightly Wider Grip Pull Ups:
bw-5 reps..



135-10 reps
185-3+0 reps

Wide Bar Pulldowns (overhand grip)
160-10 reps
235-10+1 reps...lots of lower back on last couple reps

Sit Ups w/ feet pinned on mat:
bw-30+0 reps



135-10 reps...TNG....thumbless grip
225-22+0 reps...TNG...thumbless grip..
275-12+0 reps....TNG...bounced

Very Wide Overhand Grip Pulldowns :
160-10 reps...
235-10+0 reps..lots of lower back


bw: 221lb

Bodyweight Squats:
bw-25 repsx4 sets
--about 5 min rest between sets-----yes my cardio/conditioning is trash---
bw: 221lb

Sit Ups w/ feet pinned:
bw-25 repsx3 sets
bw-35+0 reps

Standing 2 arm DB curls:
20s-20 reps
30s-20 reps
40s-20+0 reps
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bw-10 reps
135-10 reps...deep reps
225-10 reps...deep reps
315-5+0 reps...deep reps...bounce out of the bottom
+open belt:
365-2+0 reps...maybe had one more...deep reps...bounce out of the bottom

1 game of 21 1 on 1 in basketball, 1 more game to 21 but stopped at up 11-2, 1 game of 2 on 2. I played very poorly. Squatting before basketball was a bad idea.
Decline Sit Ups:
bw-20 reps x 3 sets
Standing Machine Calf Raises:
160-10 reps
180-10 reps
200-10+0 reps
100-10 reps...tried to do them explosively..


bw: 220lb

135-10 reps...thumbless...TNG...felt light
225-22+0 reps...thumbless...TNG....
+open belt:
275-10+0 reps...TNG....grinded out last few reps...

----shot a basketball around for an hour

Decline Sit Ups: highest setting
bw-20 reps x 3 sets

Sitting Incline Press Machine:
150-10 reps
180-10+0 reps



Close Grip Chin Ups (Middle Half or 2/3): bw - 15 reps
Sit Ups w/ feet pinned sitting on rolled up mat:
bw-40+0 reps x 3 sets



Push ups:
bw-42 reps...had a couple left

Bw Squats:
bw-52 reps....had a few more left

Bw Wide Grip Pull Ups:
bw-10+0 reps

Bw Close Grip Chin Ups (Upper 1/3 - 1/2 ROM)
bw-22+0 reps
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bw: 220lb

135-10 reps...TNG....thumbless grip
225-22+0 reps...TNG...thumbless grip..
295-10+0 reps....TNG...bounced

Very Wide Overhand Grip Pulldowns :
160-10 reps...
220-10+0 reps.....not too bad
295(stack)-3+1 reps...lots of lower back...just short of touching chest on 4th rep...

Sit Ups w/ feet pinned:
bw-50+0 reps
bw: ~220lb

25 min
135-5 reps
225-5 reps
315-5 reps
405-1 rep
495-1 rep
barefoot+closed belt:
585-2+0 reps...tapped floor on 2nd rep----clean rep but was very tough...
Almost an hour of 3o3 half court basketball. I played 3 total games, 2 to 12 and 1 to 16.
---Was feeling bouncy today....was able to grab the rim with right hand after a run up
-conditioning held up surprisingly well although I wasn't playing too hard...
----played in old walking shoes which was a bad idea...good for deadlifting but not so much for basketball...thankfully I avoided an injury...
15 min
Decline Sit Ups(highest setting):
bw- 20 reps...few reps left
bw-20+0 reps....
bw-20+0 reps....

Overhand Wide Grip Pulldowns:
235-5+0 reps to chin....weird bar(long bar ends are tilted inward with handles on ends)....not used to this bar....also grip was an issue...

Sitting Rows with Short Straight Bar:
295(stack)-8+0 reps....used lower back...probably had more
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bw: 225lb
Sit Ups w/ feet pinned sitting on rolled up yoga mat:
bw- 60+0 reps
bw- 50+0 reps
bw- 40+0 reps

bw: 225lb

135-10 reps...TNG - Thumbless grip
225-26+0 reps ...TNG - Thumbless grip...maybe had a couple more with spotter....wide grip...all time PR was 30 reps about 10 year ago...

275-13+0 reps....TNG - bounced reps a bit....

Wide Gripe Pulldowns thumbless grip:
160-10 reps..
250-8+0 reps...ton of lower back on last few reps...
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bw: 225lb

135-10 reps...paused...felt heavy....suicide grip
225-10 reps...TNG....suicide grip...
300-10+0 reps...TNG...bounced...suicide grip...

BodyMaster DM215 Assisted Pull Up Machine: Wide Grip Pull Ups
(-120)-10 reps....left elbow was hurting
(-100)-10 reps...left elbow was still hurting a bit
(-80)-10 reps.....left elbow felt better
----full ROM---touching chest to bar
----interesting resistance....quite different from using a band---same assistance throughout ROM--

Leg Press Machine:
320-10 reps
380(stack)-20 reps...moderately hard
----felt shitty today
-----last week tweaked something in my only started feeling better yesterday----
bw: 225lb
Sit Ups w/ feet pinned sitting on rolled up yoga mat:
bw- 60+0 reps
bw- 50+0 reps
bw- 40+0 reps

bw: 225lb

135-10 reps...TNG - Thumbless grip
225-26+0 reps ...TNG - Thumbless grip...maybe had a couple more with spotter....wide grip...all time PR was 30 reps about 10 year ago...

275-13+0 reps....TNG - bounced reps a bit....

Wide Gripe Pulldowns thumbless grip:
160-10 reps..
250-8+0 reps...ton of lower back on last few reps...

You training for the NFL Combine, bro?:)
Bw: 225lb

Bw: 10 reps
135-10 reps
225-10 reps...solid form
275-10 reps...conditioning started hurting first...maybe had another reps or two...
315-4+1 reps...lost tightness in upper back, bar rolled forward, left leg slipped forward but still managed to muscle the weight up in a near goodmorning. It honestly didn't feel too heavy...

Standing Db Shoulder Presses:
50s-10 reps...maybe had a couple more

Sohp: barbell
135-10 reps...smooth...still a few left
185-4+0 reps...decent form

Wasn't going to workout at work but then decided to suck it up during lunch time as there was zero chance i was going to the gym after. Have been up since 9pm last night and was fading...not doing 5am shifts anymore...



Wide Grip Pull Ups w/ Purple Med Band (50lb?)
---feet on the cable all the ways to the floor
bw(225lb)-10 reps
bw-10 reps
bw-10+2 reps
---lots of momentum

Upper 1/3-1/2 Close Grip Chin Ups:
bw-15+0 reps

Lying Leg Raises:
bw-25+0 reps...
---abs started cramping...
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Bw: 225lb

Bw: 10 reps
135-10 reps
225-10 reps...solid form
275-10 reps...conditioning started hurting first...maybe had another reps or two...
315-4+1 reps...lost tightness in upper back, bar rolled forward, left leg slipped forward but still managed to muscle the weight up in a near goodmorning. It honestly didn't feel too heavy...

Standing Db Shoulder Presses:
50s-10 reps...maybe had a couple more

Sohp: barbell
135-10 reps...smooth...still a few left
185-4+0 reps...decent form

Wasn't going to workout at work but then decided to suck it up during lunch time as there was zero chance i was going to the gym after. Have been up since 9pm last night and was fading...not doing 5am shifts anymore...

I'm still on part time hours at work, as I slowly recover from the surgery. I'll finish my shift tomorrow, then go straight to the gym. Because if I go home first, I'll fall asleep and won't have the energy to hit the gym until much later when it will be busy.

So yeah, like you say, sometimes you just have to tell yourself, "suck it up, buttercup".
bw: 225lb

Shoulder Width Push Ups(chest to floor to full extension):
bw-55+0 reps...
--long rest of multiple hours
bw-50+0 reps

Lying Leg Raises with foam roller under shoulder blades:
bw-25 reps
-long rest
bw-25 reps
--long rest
bw-25 reps....had at least a few more

----best push up number in a very long time.....I can't remember what my all time best was....but this is a huge improvement over the 42 I did a couple months back......not sure what to attribute this to....NMN?


bw: 225lb

Close Grip Chin Ups w/ Purple Med Band (50lb?)
---feet on the cable all the ways to the floor and a bit of bound from the bottom after touching the floor
bw(225lb)-22+0 reps...touch chest to bar...very very narrow grip
bw-18+1 reps...didn't touch bar on last rep to chest..slightly wider grip
---was mostly working biceps/arms/upper ROM---
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bw: ~225lb

135-10 reps...TNG...very light....suicide grip
225-27+0 reps...TNG....suicide grip...maybe had 1 more rep
open belt:
305-11+0 reps...TNG...suicide grip...w/ slingshot
315-8+0 reps....TNG...suicide grip ..w/ slingshot

bw-10 reps
135-10 reps
225-10 reps
55 min rest
+open belt:
275-12+0 reps..
---weight was offset...didn't feel balanced on my back...
----hit safeties on the right side on 11th rep and nearly lost it....grinded out last couple reps...the weight felt light
---40-45 min rest
315-10+0 reps....I removed safeties before the set and was going to a parallel or below...the weight felt quite light....I wasn't folding over into a goodmorning which felt better

BodyMaster DM215 Assisted Pull Up Machine: Shoulder Width Grip Pull Ups
(-80)-10 reps....
(-60)-10+0 reps...
---full extension to chest to bar

bw: 225lb

Lying Leg Raises with foam roller under shoulder blades:
bw-25 reps
bw-25 reps
bw-25+0 reps

Neutral Grip (using Swissies) Chin Ups w/ Purple Med Band (50lb?)
---feet on the cable all the ways to the floor and a bit of bound/hop from the bottom after touching the floor

Very Wide Grip(beyond shoulder width):
bw-15+0 reps...chin to bar...could not go any higher....left elbow was hurting

Narrow Grip(shoulder width or bit narrower):
bw-15+0 reps...touch bar to chest

Very Narrow Grip(Few Inches Apart):
bw-11+1 reps....1/2 on last rep...chest to bar...
---was mostly working biceps/arms/upper ROM---

---Have not recovered from Saturday' workout----


bw: 225lb

Shoulder Width Push Ups:
bw-60+0 reps....left arm at elbow almost gave out....

Wide Stance Squats with feet pinned against sides of doorframe:
bw- 20 reps...

Assisted Pistols w/ Purple Band:
1 rep per leg w/ ton of help from band

Standing Purple Band Crunches with toes off the ground:
bw-20 reps

Neutral Grip Chin Ups w/ Purple Med Band (50lb?):
bw: 15+1 reps....couldn't touch chest to bar on last rep
---little hop off the floor on each rep...focusing on upper ROM
-------Slept really well after yesterday's workout...
----Seems like NMN is possibly improving my muscular endurance....
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Nice work, what do you do to fill the time during the rest period?
bw: 225lb

135-10 reps
185-6+0 reps...
225-1+0 reps.....solid rep....held it out for a couple sec....felt very heavy...almost got light headed
165-10+0 reps...
---solid sets

Crunches :
Sitting on Fitness Ball with feet pinned under bench press--
bw-60+0 reps....hands along sides of head and elbows to the front touching my thighs...had maybe a few more but abs started spasming shortly thereafter...

135-10 reps ...paused and explosive...suicide grip...
225-10 reps...paused and explosive..suicide grip...
315-9+0 reps....TNG......suicide grip...
335-6+0 reps...TNG....regular grip

BodyMaster DM215 Assisted Pull Up Machine: Wider Than Shoulder Width Grip Pull Ups
(-60)-10 reps....
(-40)-6+0 reps...felt like I was getting no help and worse yet I couldn't generate any momentum from the bottom....very weird exercise compared to pull ups on a bar or pulldowns...
---full extension to chest to bar

Overhand Wider Than Shoulder Width Grip on Pulldown Station:
250-7+0 reps......assistance with lower back

Neutral Grip Narrow(within shoulders) Pull Ups(over doorway):
bw-12+0 reps....chest to bar


bw: 225lb

Lying Leg Raises with foam roller under shoulder blades:
bw-25 reps
bw-25 reps
bw-25 reps
bw-30+0 reps

Sit Ups w/ feet pinned at the door while sitting on rolled up yoga mat:
bw: 25 reps
bw: 25 reps
bw: 25 reps
bw: 30+0 reps



bw-10 reps
135-10 reps...paused on a below parallel box
225-10 reps...paused at the bottom
275-5 reps....
315-5+0 reps....decent reps but no energy today

Sitting Leg Press Machine:
380(stack)-20 reps x 3 sets
---only got 5-6 hours of sleep so was dragging a bit today

W/ purple band with double knot at the top:
Wider Than Shoulder Width Pull Ups w/ feet on band: bw - 20+0 reps...last 10 were with lot of help

Neutral Within Shoulder Width Grip Pull Ups w/ feet on band: bw - 20+0 reps...just upper 1/2 ROM

Close Grip Chin Ups w/ feet on band: bw - 24+0 reps....just upper 1/3-1/2 ROM
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24 hr fitness
Bench: low bench
135-10 reps...paused and explosive
225-24+0 reps...maybe had 1 more...TNG...suicide grip
+closed belt:
275-12+0 reps....TNG....
325-6+0 reps...TNG...maybe had 1 more....
---changed set up a bit where I was more forward but unracking without a spotter was a bit tough and also I couldn't get stuck because even the low safeties were behind me....however the set up made the reps more comfortable...

Incline Press Machine:
200(stack)-10 reps...upper half ROM....poor set up of machine
----readjusted machine for deeper ROM to where it was almost full ROM
200-9+0 reps...last rep I bounced from the bottom...


40 min

BodyMaster DM215 Assisted Pull Up Machine: Wider Than Shoulder Width Grip Pull Ups:
bw-4 reps...couldn't touch chest on any rep...station is very narrow...kept banging knees on the machine

135-10 reps...
185-1 rep
225-1+0 rep...barely grinded it out with layback....10/10 RPE...haven't taken creatine in a few days...
185-6+0 reps....6th felt ok but had nothing left ...

Beyond Shoulder Width Overhand Grip on Pulldown Station:
160-10 reps
265-6+1 reps...7th rep to forehead...ton of lowerback on all reps

Tibial Raises with DB held in between feet:
25lb-20 reps
50lb-20 reps..
---all very easy...couldn't go heavier since no DB over 50lb....will give it a try at my other gym with 100-120lb

Narrow /\ slanted/neutral grip chin ups:
bw-10+0 reps...touched chest to bar ---minimal momentum


Lying on the floor leg raises: bw - 40+0 reps
Bodyweight Squats with shoulder width stance: bw - 50+0 reps
Sit Ups w/ feet pinned at door on door attachment: bw - 50+0 reps...had a few more
Ham Raises on door attachment: bw- a few negatives with almost no control---only bit of control at the very top

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Bench: set up in the squat rack today w/o safeties
135-10 reps....suicide grip
225-10 reps....suicide grip
275-15+0 reps....suicide grip...TNG...maybe had one more with spotter...
--shocked that I got this many reps because I felt like trash and my left elbow is slightly tweaked
315-8+0 reps....TNG...set up felt a bit off....but reps were solid ...

Glute/Ham using Pulldown Station:
bw-10+0 reps....slowly lowered myself....
---could definitely feel it in my hamstrings....


bw: 225lb

NordStick Hamstring Curls:
bw-10 partial negatives+assisted reps x 3 sets (I could only do partial reps near the top)

NordStick Sit Ups:
bw-50+0 reps

Bodyweight Narrow Stance Squats with 1-2 inch pad under heels:
bw-50+0 reps....

bw: 225lb

Push Ups: Narrower than shoulder width:
bw-50+0 reps...maybe had a couple more

Diamond Push Ups w/ hands under chest:
bw-21+1 reps...had nothing on 22nd rep...did not rest a whole lot after last push up set

Ham Curls on NordStick:
bw-5 reps+0 reps...keeping upper body close to legs and going face to the floor and back up....maybe had a couple more...also did a couple assisted reps where I went out more with upper body/hips...started cramping

Wide Stance Lunges:
bw-10 reps / leg


Bw : 225lb

Very Close Grip Chin Ups:
Bw: 13+0 reps...solid reps....controlled...maybe had 1 more with Kipling

Very Wide Pull Ups:
Bw-8+0 reps...barely got last one...full reps...
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Bench: set up in the squat rack today w/o safeties
135-10 reps....suicide grip
225-10 reps....suicide grip
315-10+0 reps....TNG..
275-15+0 reps....suicide grip...TNG...maybe had one more with spotter...

Wide Overhand Grip on Pulldown station:
160-10 reps

Narrow /\ neutral grip on pulldown station:
295(stack)-8+0 reps...ton of lower back...

One Arm Cable Station Rows:
160-5+0 reps / arm
160-5+0 reps / arm.....increased ROM...

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