Ahh ya take it easy man, you might benefit from a nice dry herb vaporizer. I’ve been doing research for a small one.
This volcano vape is epic at my buddies place . Eats up a lot though .
Ahh ya take it easy man, you might benefit from a nice dry herb vaporizer. I’ve been doing research for a small one.
This volcano vape is epic at my buddies place . Eats up a lot though .

Ya know what?
I can't hit out of those things at all without hacking up a lung.

I tend to take a dab of rosin once a night.
I actually smoked a joint the other night while I was cooking on the grill that was pretty smooth.
Ya know what?
I can't hit out of those things at all without hacking up a lung.

I tend to take a dab of rosin once a night.
I actually smoked a joint the other night while I was cooking on the grill that was pretty smooth.
Haha I cough like crazy when I smoke wax or dab! Only flower for me these days. Although I miss that eyes rolling in the back of my head feel after a brutal dab.
Haha I cough like crazy when I smoke wax or dab! Only flower for me these days. Although I miss that eyes rolling in the back of my head feel after a brutal dab.

I actually have some rosin that my homeboy made that's pretty awesome smooth.
He doesn't make it all the time but I get friend prices when he does lol.

I paid $300 for an ounce the last time he made it last year.
I'll have that for like 3 years lol.

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