Stronger shins

I can tell you when I first started I did all the stupid shin conditioning stuff you hear about online. It was quite painful but I wanted to be a tough guy. I used the rolling pin quite a bit. My shins never got hard until I regularly kicked the sand bag. That's what the sand bag is for. Most gyms don't have one here in the US.
I can tell you when I first started I did all the stupid shin conditioning stuff you hear about online. It was quite painful but I wanted to be a tough guy. I used the rolling pin quite a bit. My shins never got hard until I regularly kicked the sand bag. That's what the sand bag is for. Most gyms don't have one here in the US.
I guess I can't technically confirm that my shins are harder now, but they certainly hurt less now. The rolling pin most certainly worked for me. Although I kicked the bag for years before that and never stopped doing that. It's certainly a better starting point than rolling your shins out without ever kicking a bag.
Keep kicking heavy bags 1000's of times. Avoid kicking with foot.

Do the Buakaw landscaping method.

Did that as a new(ish) MT practitioner. Was disappoint.

It’s surprisingly easy and unfulfilling.
Don't do weird shit. I done all the weird bottle rolling and kicking parking meters. It doesn't do anything but stroke your ego.

Just kick the heavy bag and pads. Find the long bag in your gym. All the sand sinks to the bottom and kick the bottom part. You will get a few egg shells from sparring but you will get used to it.
I always kick with the bottom half of my shin, closer to the foot.

I had a cheap heavy bag that felt like it was filled with sand and the bottom was super hard. Thought I was going to break my leg. So I bought an outslayer muy thai heavy bag with no filling, and I filled it myself with carpet padding and old clothes.

Then I started kicking the shit out of it and it was nice and gentle on my shins. I keep cramming more and more clothes into it as it settles. I'd estimate that it weighs about 60 lbs now, which is heavy enough for me. I can always empty it out and fill it with something heavier if I need to.

Anyhoo, my shins are tougher now. Not nearly as tough as a real fighter but if I had to defend myself in a street fight I could throw some leg leg kicks without hurting my shins.
My shins are sore to the touch. Should I keep kicking to strengthen them or wait a few days to heal them?
There used to be a thing about rubbing/rolling glass bottles on your shins to desensitize the nerves, is that still a thing?
My shins are sore to the touch. Should I keep kicking to strengthen them or wait a few days to heal them?
No, let them rest and heal.
There used to be a thing about rubbing/rolling glass bottles on your shins to desensitize the nerves, is that still a thing?
It works but it’s a bad idea. You want your nerves to be desensitized at the same pace your shins are getting stronger
How can I get past that mental block and the pain of shins hurting? Should I be turning my into my kicks and using the middle of my shin to land? Or the sides of my shin? Every time I kick I get a big knot on the middle of my shins and want to know if that’s where I need to land it.

Do not try at home
I suppose for the Thais it's their national sport so some of them need to be more hard-core than anyone else
Anytime I throw a kick my shin immediately swells up and people tell me to rest it. If I do that I’ll never get any work. Guess my only option is to push thru the pain and bruises
Walk around town and kick random people in their shins. Much more realistic. You can also try to headkick them, but if you aren’t flexible you gotta go for the short ones. They usually end up being women and children though

Or you can do steroids & use the words "bro" & "teep" a lot.
After one kick my shin swells up and one touch it feels like my leg will break. This is after weeks of rest. I don’t feel as though it would let me push thru the pain. I’m so frustrated.
That’s weird. Maybe a bone bruise? If it is then you need to rest it.

What are you kicking? Pads, bags, or people with shinguards.

My feet and toes are absolutely destroyed but my shins always heal fast.
That’s weird. Maybe a bone bruise? If it is then you need to rest it.

What are you kicking? Pads, bags, or people with shinguards.

My feet and toes are absolutely destroyed but my shins always heal fast.
Anything. I’ll kick a bag one time after weeks of rest and then I’ve got a bruise so sensitive to touch, I promise I can’t kick again. I like pain and feel I’m mentally tough, but maybe I should go to a doctor. I want to kick box
Anything. I’ll kick a bag one time after weeks of rest and then I’ve got a bruise so sensitive to touch, I promise I can’t kick again. I like pain and feel I’m mentally tough, but maybe I should go to a doctor. I want to kick box
You might have low testosterone or something. How is your recovery. I remember a guy kept breaking his hands and he had a brain tumor which gave him low test.

Definitely not normal to kick something once after resting for weeks and be fucked up. I’d go to a doctor and maybe get some blood tests
Just watch some Tony Ferguson training footage.
You might have low testosterone or something. How is your recovery. I remember a guy kept breaking his hands and he had a brain tumor which gave him low test.

Definitely not normal to kick something once after resting for weeks and be fucked up. I’d go to a doctor and maybe get some blood tests
I got blood work done. Test was normal. I’ll go make an order for my leg specifically.

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