The 2023 Heavies' Awards: Poster of the Year (FrankieNYC Award) SEMIFINALS Round

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Substance Abuse

Beer, Not in Moderation, Belt
Staff member
Senior Moderator
Aug 11, 2008
Reaction score



Welcome back, sherbros! We've tallied your nominations and the official list of nominees are in!

But before we get going, I'd like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas! Wishing you and your loved ones good health, wealth, and prosperity going into 2024!


Though not everyone made the cut, consider it an honor being recognized and given praise by your fellow Sherbros for your quality posting, presence, and contributions this past year.

Each of you who were nominated stood out in your own way and made the forum a better place to post. You are the main reason we return, week after week to discuss this sport, partake in play by plays, and stay engaged on the boards. Good job by you!


And with that being said, I am honored to present this year's official nominees for...

The FrankieNYC Award - 2023 Heavies' Poster of The Year



This prestigious award goes to the poster who represents the best aspects of the Heavies: substantial contribution, insightful posts, solid judgment, loyalty, wit, humor, intellect, helpfulness, and having a positive presence and demeanor in the forums the whole year, and you sherbros get to decide who wins it!

Whoever wins this award will be immortalized in the Sherdog history books forever. So take time to reflect, recall, and look back over the past 12 months on who you think has been the most deserving, the ones who's made a difference, and made the Heavies' forum special for the entire year 2023...



Before we proceed, just a quick reminder on how the nominees were selected:

A word from the Sherdog Admins/Staff

- The nominees have to have been around for at least the majority of this year (minimum of 9 months) and have spent mainly of their time in The Heavies' more than any sub forum.

- Posters that have received infractions that accumulate to 6 pts (Double Yellows) in 2022 will NOT be eligible for the contest. Single yellow, we can manage, but 6 pts of total infractions knocks them out of the running. It goes without saying that banned posters will not be eligible either.

- Mods, Admins, and staff are NOT included in the contest

And now without further ado, here are the TOP 20 Semi Finalists for this year's
FrankieNYC Award - 2023 Sherdog Poster of the Year!



@Ares Black
@Dirty Frank
@Jose Beehive
@Mohawk Banditó


Congrats to the official top 20 nominees of
The FrankieNYC Award - Poster of the Year 2023!



- You have 5 VOTES
- You can change your votes
- The top 10 posters with most votes
will move on to the Final round

- The voting poll closes in 7 days

It was very difficult to narrow it down to only five but I went with (in no particular order)

@Mohawk Banditó

Literally everyone on that list is a great poster and asset to the community, with the possible exception of myself.
There are a dozen real contenders for The Frankie this year, may the best Sherbro win!


All I want for Christmas is a Day Pass to the Mayberry Lounge!
Merry Christmas hookers,

And thanks so much for the noms, thanks for the thread @Substance Abuse and thanks for the vote @Ares Black :)

This is so damn hard to do each year, every poster that gets a nomination in the first thread, let alone the semifinals or finals, are amazing posters. I tried my best this year to not just vote for friends, and really vote for the best posters I saw in 2023.

My votes:

@Ares Black
I appreciate all the votes, but my focus here is always shooping . I don't post much in the heavies other than the shoops and the shoop contests. I love the shoopers and all the art they selflessly create from year to year. SOTY is massive but POTY is incredible too.

My votes for POTY go to:


All great guys and they contribute top content to the heavies. You all deserve to win this.
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Feels like I'm constantly clicking into @svmr_db @BoxerMaurits @Siver! and @KazDibiase Threads so they get my vote. Keeping me updated with all the news and crazy finishes and @fortheo gets my final vote based on the MMA IQ that really gets me thinking at different angles, nothing I love more in this sport than learning.

Also shocked I made semi finals since I just ramble but I appreciate the people who nominated me and seem to appreciate my unreasonably long posts. <45>
When it says vote for your top 5, does that mean: Vote everyone you want and only the top 5 will move on, or Only vote for 5? Cuz the poll allows us to vote everyone

Edit: nvm, just read that part. Too entranced by the options
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Feels like I'm constantly clicking into @svmr_db @BoxerMaurits @Siver! and @KazDibiase Threads so they get my vote. Keeping me updated with all the news and crazy finishes and @fortheo gets my final vote based on the MMA IQ that really gets me thinking at different angles, nothing I love more in this sport than learning.

Also shocked I made semi finals since I just ramble but I appreciate the people who nominated me and seem to appreciate my unreasonably long posts. <45>

Your striking insight is appreciated. Your contributions are worthwhile. Don't discount yourself.
When it says vote for your top 5, does that mean: Vote everyone you want and only the top 5 will move on, or Only vote for 5? Cuz the poll allows us to vote everyone

Edit: nvm, just read that part. Too entranced by the options
Lol..I was the same. Picked multiple people, but got an error:) Just jumped the gun.
My dumb ass finally got around to voting only to see I missed the first round lol.

But at least my votes count in the semis


Damn, now I see a few other names I wanna give a vote for too.


Should I get my wife to join the forum so I can use her votes for those guys???
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