Social The hypocrisy of climate change activists.


Duty Belt
Oct 27, 2005
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Depending on who you ask, climate change is either real, or fake; a very serious issue, or not a big deal; responsible for everything from forest fires to strong storms and will be the cause of our extinction or, this has all happened before and the earth was much hotter in the Permian period, Jurassic, and five million years after the K-T extinction (what killed the non-avian dinosaurs).

I believe it is real, but I also study a lot of prehistoric periods/animals and have a serious infatuation with many prehistoric animals (Gorgonopsids/marine reptiles/giant crocodilomorphs (Deinosuchus/Purrosaurus/Sarchosuchus)/entelodonts/livyatan/pretty much every Pleistocene mammal). Anyways, I nerd out over this stuff. So, due to my interest in these topics, I am knowledgeable about times that the earth was much hotter, dryer, more greenhouse gases, more radiation from the sun, so much oxygen that we couldn’t survive, etc. I am aware that the climate is cooler than it has been during some of those times, but recognize that it is changing more rapidly(over a period of 100 years va a million years).

So, assuming one believes that climate change is a very serious problem, what can we do to reverse it or at least slow it down? Some say alternative fuel sources are the answer while others point to our dependence upon beef as one of the single biggest contributors to climate change through an increase in bovine farts and deforestation in order to graze all these cattle.

Climate activists block traffic, cut your tires, tell you to eat bugs, fake and engineered meat, they vandalize art and chain themselves to various structures-all based upon the words of celebrities who live lavish and carbon heavy lifestyles and think it’s ok because they can donate money to ease their conscience.

The answer, however, definitely doesn’t lie by following the orders of our elite climate defenders like Al Gore, Leonardo DiCaprio, Bill Gates, or Taylor Swift. Greta Thurnberg, while extremely annoying and hideous, actually does seem to walk the walk(vegan, climate educator, and sails instead of flying when possible).

These extremely wealthy global warming alarmists have a bigger carbon footprint than all of sherdog combined. So, let’s look at some of the hypocrisy of these elite “good for thee but not for me” pricks. This list is not in order and I picked and chose the celebrities I wanted to highlight-some because of the huge hypocrisy and others because I simply don’t like them.

1. Taylor Swift. Besides being a prolific serial dater and all around slut, T. Swift is also one of the biggest hypocrites on this list. She owns a private jet-on which she logs more miles than just about anyone else in the world. She’s also the inspiration for this thread.

I read earlier today that she has sent a cease and desist letter to a college student that tracks her and other celebrities private jets. This student, 21 year old Jack Sweeney, uses public information to track Swift’s private jet and reports on it on his Reddit blog. Swift’s lawyers sent him this letter ordering him to stop posting this information because it causes Swift to live in a constant state of fear because she worries that a stalker intent on doing her harm, may use this list to plan an attack upon her despite the fact that the entire offensive line of the Kansas City chiefs will surround and protect her like she’s Patrick Mahomes(damn, am I sick of my feed blowing up with her and her fuck-toy of the moment, Travis Kelce, whirlwind romance).

Swift’s jet logged an insane amount of flight time and she is considered the worst climate celebrity by many lists.

“Racking up a total of 170 flights since January, Taylor's jet has amassed a vast 22,923 minutesin the air – 15.9 days. Quite a large amount considering that she is not currently touring.

Taylor's jet has an average flight time of just 80 minutes and an average of 139.36 miles per flight. Her total flight emissions for the year come in at 8,293.54 tonnes, or 1,184.8 times more than the average person's total annual emissions. ”

Her defense? Her press team released a statement that not all of those flights were Swift. She often loans her jet out to friends, which makes her not responsible for the dinosaur sized carbon footprint because even though it’s her jet, she’s not the one onboard every single time. Swift calls climate change “horrific” and one of the worst issues facing the world today and something has to be done. She offsets her carbon footprint by “buying carbon credits” So, I guess it’s all right that she took a 100 mile 30 minute flight to attend a football game.

2. Oprah Winfrey placed ninth on the list. She often has climate activists on her shows and has articles in her magazine about what we can do to limit our own carbon footprint.
"The future of life as we know it is being determined by everything we're doing—and not doing. Now," Winfrey wrote in the post that called on protecting the environment.
The report said her private jet emitted an estimated 3,493.17 tonnes of carbon dioxide this year through a total of 68 flights, or "499 times more than the average person's total annual emissions."

Not to be outdone by T. Swift, Oprah logged a 14 minute flight on her private jet on a 74 mile journey from Van Nuys CA to Santa Barbara.

3. Al Gore. Mr. “An inconvenient truth” himself that is probably personally responsible for sounding the climate alarm bells that turned many on this list into climate change “activists.” He claims he uses his farm to experiment with better ways to grow crops. His farm is attached to his land in which a 10,000 square foot house sucks in more energy than a small town and one month to heat/cool/light/ power/ and warm his heated outdoor pools, is more than the annual footprint of hundreds of people. His annual power usage is more than six families usage for ….21 years. The cost to heat his pools is more than six families annual consumption. He had a $30k bill in 2006.

“Research charged Monday that the gas and electric bills for the former vice president's 20-room home and pool house devoured nearly 221,000 kilowatt-hours in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kilowatt-hours.”

He also personally profits from oil and has proposed laws that punish companies and countries that are the biggest offenders. He has a 300 million non profit that uses satellites and other tools to measure where the greenhouse gases are coming from. Basically, he’s spying on the world.

4. Leonardo DiCaprio. Mega movie star. Climate change champion. And giant fuckkng hypocrite. He gave the opening speech at the 2014 UN conference as a peace ambassador for climate change. He probably took a private jet to attend. Though he does occasionally fly commercial air and he doesn’t own a personal jet, he is often spotted boarding private jets and yachts.

When the actor took home the Oscar for best actor in 2016, he said in his acceptance speech, “Climate change is real, it is happening right now. It is the most urgent threat facing our entire species, and we need to work collectively together and stop procrastinating.”

He added: “We need to support leaders around the world who do not speak for the big polluters, but who speak for all of humanity, for the indigenous people of the world, for the billions and billions of underprivileged people out there who would be most affected by this.”

On the eve of COP26 in late October, he also tweeted, “The climate crisis is here. #COP26 must be a turning point to protect people and the planet. Leaders, the world is watching and urging you to rise to this moment. There’s no time to lose. #ActNow.”

While DiCaprio has claimed to be a “CarbonNeutral citizen,” for years his critics have noted his extensive use of private jets to travel the world.

In 2014 he reportedly rented the world’s fifth largest yacht owned by a UAE oil tycoon, to watch the World Cup in Brazil.

In 2016 he was branded a “climate hypocrite” after Page Six exclusively revealed he took a private jet from Cannes, France, to New York to accept an environmental award — and then immediately flew straight back from New York to France on another jet for the model-packed glitzy Cinema Against AIDS gala for the charity amfAR — where he gave a speech.

I like Leo and all, and he has some kick-ass movies (the departed is one of my favs) though he looked bloated and I didn’t much like killers of the flower moon, but he’s another rich, entitled celebrity that tells us to watch our carbon footprints but he stalks through the thinning forests like Bigfoot.

5. Jay-Z and Beyonce. Not going into too much detail here with jay and bey, though jay has the 4th largest carbon footprint and bey is no slouch either. They are billionaires. They also urge people to eat a plant based diet to reduce their damage to the ecosystem and it just so happens they have their very own plant based food company.

I will get into some more detail about other climate hypocrites in a bit, I just wanted to get the ball rolling here with a few. Basically, these twats want us to suffer and make sacrifices while they are living high on the hog and using as much fossil fuels as they want, each in their own wasteful and meaningless occupations. They just throw a few million at the problem to make them “carbon neutral.”

Coming up, bill gates, Steven Spielberg, John Kerry, and others

In general, it's stupid and pointless to try to deal with climate change on an individual level, and trying to shame people in that area does no good at all for the environment. We need policy to reduce emissions.
We could reduce emissions and with 1 or 2 good size volcanic eruptions we would be right back to where we started.

We need to reduce volcanoes.
In general, it's stupid and pointless to try to deal with climate change on an individual level, and trying to shame people in that area does no good at all for the environment. We need policy to reduce emissions.

So, you’re fine with people with giant carbon footprints trying to shame and ultimately legislate how the rest of us live?

When I get to John Kerry, things get more interesting. He basically perjured himself in front of the senate
So, you’re fine with people with giant carbon footprints trying to shame and ultimately legislate how the rest of us live?
I think that the ideal policy to deal with the issue is completely independent of what any individual person does or doesn't do. Do you disagree?

"I think we need to reduce emissions to avoid increasing extreme events and a general reduction in living standards, but since Taylor Swift flies private, fuck it."
I think that the ideal policy to deal with the issue is completely independent of what any individual person does or doesn't do. Do you disagree?

I don’t disagree. I don’t have much of an idea what can be done, but I sure as hell am not taking the advice of celebrities or wanting people like gore and kerry punishing me financially or legally for not being able to afford an electric car or riding a bicycle everywhere.
I don’t disagree. I don’t have much of an idea what can be done, but I sure as hell am not taking the advice of celebrities or wanting people like gore and kerry punishing me financially or legally for not being able to afford an electric car or riding a bicycle everywhere.
I mean, I don't think there is anyone who is looking at Taylor Swift as the expert in climate policy.
No, but when she is speaking about how tragic climate change is while owning a 40 million dollar jet and flying it five miles to go grocery shopping, she loses all credibility
OK, but, like, actual scientists and shit have credibility. So, fine, don't listen to Taylor Swift on the issue, but we still have to actually address it.
I am not a fan of Taylor, but she seems like a decent person. She seems to be good with her fans, donates to lots of charities, and has never been seen doing drugs or dressing slutty.
My daughter likes her, which is OK, because it could be worse, she could like some female singer who walks around with her ass hanging out.
I guess the point I am trying to make is I guess since she supported some Democrats, now grown men every chance they get love to call her a slut and various other names, because Politics is real life, when generally Taylor seems like a good person. I am unsure if the negativity to her is born out of jealousy or fear she unleashes the Swifties to vote for Old Man Biden. If it is the later, calling her a slut or a psy-op seems to be incentive for her to release the Swifties.
If you want to point out the hypocrisy of the private planes, fine, but you are better than calling her a slut.
The same group that supports pedophiles like Ted Nugent like to call Taylor a slut. It has been bizarre to watch from someone with no skin in the Taylor game.
I don’t disagree. I don’t have much of an idea what can be done, but I sure as hell am not taking the advice of celebrities or wanting people like gore and kerry punishing me financially or legally for not being able to afford an electric car or riding a bicycle everywhere.
Instead of punishment we need money going into renewable energy tech. Better designed cities where things are like 15 minutes away. More public transit etc. Stop subsidies for stupid oil companies.
Leftists: 'climate change is awful and will destroy humanity'

Also leftists: 'humans are awful and it would be better if they went extinct'

no, actually its mostly nihilistic right wingers on here that spout that shit.
it's going to be better for everyone longterm getting off fossil fuels
with 1 or 2 good size volcanic eruptions we would be right back to where we started.
We need to reduce volcanoes.
That isn't true. Oh no what if we make a better world for our children and humanity.