*** "The New York Badass" Phil Baroni SHERDOG Q&A ***

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And second question, who are some of your favorite fighters ever?

A.Same as you, me.

Shit man, how'd you know? :p

I do like fighters that go out there and give zero fucks and go for the finish a lot. Mir, Arlovski, Crocop, Vitor etc. What are your thoughts on those guys?

Really hope you get one more go at it in Rizin like others have mentioned, a lot of fun fights for you there
NEW YAWK FUCKIN BADASS, DA BEST EVAH!!!!!!! First fighter New York had to be proud of was Phil fucking Baroni da NYBA.

Phil, come back home and headline shows first at the Coliseum then the Garden.

I'd love 2 Nassau Coluseum where I use to root for the Hulkster
Shit man, how'd you know? :p

I do like fighters that go out there and give zero fucks and go for the finish a lot. Mir, Arlovski, Crocop, Vitor etc. What are your thoughts on those guys?

Really hope you get one more go at it in Rizin like others have mentioned, a lot of fun fights for you there

Live and die by the sword. Kill or be killed
He's a nice guy
Phil, my brother ran into you at the Arnold Classic back in the day. He said "You're Phil Baroni!", he said you looked at him like he was crazy and walked away.
Thx for your time to answer questions and hope to see ya in the ring or cage soon.
I'm not retired. I just trained hard 6 months in Thailand at Phuket Top Team. I had a good camp there and I believe I can still compete at a high level. I just have to tweak my mindset and style a bit. I was in talks with Rizen a bit. I couldn't come to an agreement with Millen. But hopefully something can be worked out in the future. Crazy Horse can't be the guy repping American MMA in my opinion. Esp when you have a Hammer House rep and 2X PRIDE GP title contender still at it. But what do I know. And of course I'd love to work the booth at Rizen. But that's not up to me.

So do I. I think I would have KOed Ninja. Shogun was a monster in PRIDE that woulda been a tall order. But I always have a punchers chance. I'm the better wrestler and I hit harder. But he was STRONG in PRIDE that woulda been a tough order.

I'd say find a good trainer that you believe in and that believes in you and stay there. For the most part. But find a successful team and train with them. And I recommend staying in the gym. Don't get to out of shape between fights. That's my advice from experience.

I don't know. It's hard to unionize fighters. Maybe a union for the promotions. Like a ufc union and a Belator union could be good.
But I'm not so sure. I am in favor of the Ali act. That's a no brainier.

I took some time off but I'm back at it. I figure this is it it's now or never and I'm looking to book something soon. I went to Thailand and PTT and I'd say for about 2 months I thought maybe it's time to hang it up. But I trained hard 2Xs a day and ran. I built my body back and by the 3rd month I was training hard 4Workout 2Xs a day. I also had massage & was Stretched everyday. Thailand cheap and I was able to be massaged, iced, & stretched everyday. That's s gaood thing about Thailand. You can eat good and have your body worked on and taken care of cheap.
Training camp or teams are very important in MMA but I believe it will turn more into gyms like boxing gyms. And fighters will have there own coaches & camps will be sparring partners specific for the fighters like you see in boxing. I was at aka recently and there are a lot of coaches helping fighters. Javiar Mendez can't hold pads and put time into everybody. I think all the gyms have there own techniques that they employ. But MMA is different. You see the prototypical mma fighter & then you see guys like
Wonder Boy, Cruise, and Machida that have there own styles. It all depends on the fighter and what he excels at and what style suits his strengths & weakness physical as well as his mind set.

Yes I'd love to fight again in Japan. I'd fight anybody. The issue was they didn't have my minimum purse so terms couldn't be reached. And I like Crazy Horse there would be no reason to fight him. And we're both American so I don't think that would make sense.
Who's the hardest hitting guy I ever fought.
That would have to go to Chris Holland. That guy can punch

Serious question, was training in the early days serious and you just not have the added value of the 20+ years guys now do, or did you just show up play around and try to 'figure it out'

A. I had to figure it out. It was wrestler vs bjj guys pretty much when I started at UFC 30. We had to figure it out. It was a guessing game. I lost fights trying new shit back in the day. And when I thought it was figured out it would change. It's still evolving. But back then I didn't even know how to get in shape. Now they have specific S&C coaches. It's a completely different world now. When I can up it was the wild Wild West.

Yes he goes. He can fight his ass off. But I don't know? He says a lot of the things I said or we feel the same about a lot of things. I don't think we have a similar style or fight the same. Cody Garbrant reminded me of myself a lot when he wanted to kill Dilashaw during an interview. Those two have a similar mindset IMO. My style standing was pretty much sprawl & brawl. I used my wrestling souley for take down D most of the time and boxed guy's with a peek a boo style. I don't see that in those two. They use all there weapons and fight a lot smarter. I'm big fans of both fighters. I like them both, there mindset and styles.

Same as you, me.

Yeah I been hurt a lot. Had 2 Knee surgeries. Tore my pec and had it down back on. Shoulder surgery my ankle and leg blew apart. My back & neck are bad. But that's it a part of the game. I wish I took care of my body a little better. But I'm 40 and I can still compete so nothing career ending. Just some surgerys & a lot of rehab. I also went into a few fights hurt with concussions from hard sparring. I've had injuries but have always been able to fight through them.

I have 3 Menne put me in the map. KOing Minowa in PRIDE proved I was still one of the best in the world at the time. And beating Ribero in ONE. That was an important fight and win for me. And I was really happy. It was my first fight back after shoulder surgery and told me I'm still a dangerous mother fucker and can still compete against anybody.

Ive grown to like it. I'm not sure I agree with it being in the ufc. We will see how it does now that Rhonda might not be fighting anymore.

The ufc sale/did he expect the Fertittas would sell the ufc around this time or did he think they wouldn't sell it at all or at least till 2020
A. I new it was for sale it was always for sale and the frettias wanted to bring the Nfl to Las Vegas so I wasn't surprised.

Goldberg was pretty good and the voice of the ufc but there are new owners and they want to put there guys in now. It's understandable.
Joe Silva also gone.We will see more entertaining fights now. Not so much #2 vs #3 or #15 vs 17.I think it's good. I want to see exciting fights. But joe did good. He found talent when there wasn't much and made it a legit sport and had rankings in his head making it legit back in the day when the sport needed to be legit. He did his job and did it well. He at the time was what the ufc needed. Now we need BIG fights and rankings not as important. More like Koker's style of match making. I think Rich Chew is the new Silva but for Belator. But with a better mix of "fun" fights

Torn Pec and destroyed shoulder surgery fixed. Both knees I've had surgery on. My ankle witch was like acl of ankle but worse a dislocation and shattered leg, torn labrum in shoulder and hip. Bad back that's about it. And nerve damage my entire left side is half my right. But still stronger than most's strong side hahaIt's been said chuck and Matt just cashed checks so they were fired and Forrest who worked kept his gig. Seems fair.

Too many to remember but one a lot of people know is we were watching shoguns fights in japan at a fight bar in Ropongie. He saw that Odessa had him a huge dog called him and bet 20k on himself. He won and in the back was saying never bet the house against the hammer and that was why. He bet on himself and won. He also stood on Silva's neck after I tackled him and pulled up on the middle rope pro wrestling style to choke him while I got a few shots it. The Hammers the best. I owe him my career in Japan. I owe him everything really. He for no reason took me under his wing and mentored me. And still helps me and gives me advice to this day.

I'm not sure as I don't check out dudes. But Rhonda Meisha Marlouse & Pennya are sexy
Would he like to fight Wanderlei in Rizin. I'd love to see that fight cause of the whole Shogun vs Coleman incident. Yes, I'm old too Yeah I'd love that fight. Silva's a monster and Ive always been a fan. Makes a lot more Sense IMO that Crazy Horse And yeah I kept telling everyone I was the best myself included and I feel formanfew years indefinatly was.

Yeah I Got a few shots in and slapped him hard haha Maybe more than 1 in Rizen Or someplace but maybe no more just depends

It's ok. Some chicks can really fight

I'm awesome at soccer kick techniques check my insta or Phuket Too Teams insta I showed some soccer kicking techniques.If they pay me I'd go fight in Rizen in a heartbeat but not for peanuts.

Everything before and after my fight in ONE against the evolve guy.

Think I'd ever verbally tap? Or tap from strikes? I've never tapped in a fight so what do you think? He's not Refing anymore. Dana said calm the fuck down. I was pretty stressed

He went Bulgarian on me. International Wrestling term for not wearing deodorant. Something like that. Something like a dead one rotting in the heat for a few days. He did it on purpose haha

Much better I had no idea why I was doing. Going 2 three or 4 dif gyms I got a question:

Friend and sponsor

He's a good dude and my friend.

I have no idea man

I just left AKA I was in vegas at XC but that Follis cat they got there is a Cocksucker and I can't stand him. I use to beat his ass at lindlands make him cry. Ask the law so not at XC. Drysdales is top notch an Syndicate is as well. Vegas has good training gyms. I'm always at OKG as well. One Kicks gym is always home.

I have no idea? Nor do I care. We didn't worry about that shit in my hay day.

There both friends. There are a lot of other cats to fight.

He's reading the book I wrote.

Thanks I never liked you much either btw

Floyd clowns him.

Happened 2Xs to me. Oh well. I tried to get out and fellAsleep. And I'd never tap to that scumbag Shamrock

Japan was awesome but I wish I was as successful in the states as iI was in japan. Maybe japan wasn't as much pressure. But I fought a lot better over there. I like the ring a lot better cage tactics suck. I like a fair fight

Damn this response is awesome. It seems a lot of pro fighters don't really know the MMA business, they just keep their head down and train. But if you read all of that ^ you'd see that Phil knows a shitload about the business.

I'd love 2 Nassau Coluseum where I use to root for the Hulkster

Hahahah I shit you not I was gunna ask you how many inches your pythons were and say I bet they were bigger than the Hulkster's 24 inchers.
What was the toughest fight of your career Phil?

Thanks for taking time to answer fans questions BTW.
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Thanks for taking time to answer question. Your finish of Menne is legendary. What is your favorite song to train to, something that gets you pumped?
No question here......just wanted to show appreciation to a legend that took the time to come on here and chat with some fans. Respect man. Hope all is well.
Shit man, how'd you know? :p

I do like fighters that go out there and give zero fucks and go for the finish a lot. Mir, Arlovski, Crocop, Vitor etc. What are your thoughts on those guys?

Really hope you get one more go at it in Rizin like others have mentioned, a lot of fun fights for you there

I like those guys too Fight to finish. Kill or Ben killed
A legend of MMA. Glad to have him on Sherdog! Thanks for answering my question Phil.
I like those guys too Fight to finish. Kill or Ben killed

Agree 100%

Guys who go out there to end the fight are why we love the sport as fans and what makes us jump out of our seat.

PS - It is cool as fuck that you actually take the time to come and chat with us here. I don't know why so many fighters hate fans that follow mma online- so some of us talk a little shit.... we also WORSHIP MMA and obsess about fighters and match ups and the sport in general 24/7.

Long time fan of ya NYBA. I love your attitude in and out of the cage- from the KOs to climbing on the cage screaming "I'm the best EVA" to making completely honest videos about your life as a fighter and sharing them with the mma community.


One last thing Phil - if you are still on here. You have the best quote in MMA history as far as I am concerned, it came at the end of an interview and it seemed like you were fed up with the questions and the interviewer (for a UFC preflight hype video) asked:

Why do you fight MMA? (paraphrased)

to which you responded:

Why? Because I can't sing and dance and it beats working for a living


Sorry to be a geek and quote you but that was fucking awesome and truly badass.
Whoa, forgot about this.

Phil if you're still around. Where have you been, Ask the Fighters section is dead without dudes like you.

And I thought about it, ask Big Nog, frank Mir, Roy Nelson and Cain hit harder than a truck. Those ones are verified. I say you come over, punch me one time, if I don't go down and out you man the BBQ and make me some chicken
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