The Official Sherdog Shoop Tutorial & Template Thread

Great thread! Looks like I have lots to learn, but you guys make it look less daunting!

Hoping to be able to make decent animated gif shops in the near future!

You were in the MS paint comp yea? I think I voted for ya :)
How to upload images to Sherdog From External Hosts

TY. I am going to update it. After watching my own tutorial i learned something!! I am going to update that tutorial to include this info.

lol, much easier. I probably have used that method sometime, but I always forgot after not using imgr for a while. Would be awesome to see more tutorials of you in the future.
lol, much easier. I probably have used that method sometime, but I always forgot after not using imgr for a while. Would be awesome to see more tutorials of you in the future.

I'm actually thinking of making a more on going Q&A type thread where I can make a video/audio tutorial and people can ask questions about it. I can make another tutorial to answer their question if need be. They can also request tutorials on w/e subject. What do you think of that?
I'm actually thinking of making a more on going Q&A type thread where I can make a video/audio tutorial and people can ask questions about it. I can make another tutorial to answer their question if need be. They can also request tutorials on w/e subject. What do you think of that?

I think that would be great. One separate thread for tutorials and Q&A would be allot of help for many that have very few or no skills at all on the computer.
this is the most helpful tutorial that I have seen. You do a fantastic job of teaching . Very in depth and clear instructions. I Thank you so much!!!

this is the most helpful tutorial that I have seen. You do a fantastic job of teaching . Very in depth and clear instructions. I Thank you so much!!!
I've been using the basic Photoshop now, for several years but what puts me off of Adobe is a monthly subscription.
I wont subscribe to any pay monthly software, I like to own and have the choice if I need to upgrade.
Gimp seems to be a fantastic alternative to Adobe Photoshop and I will be using this program from now on.

drawing tablet are good for photo editing, I have XP-Pen Star 06 Painting Tablet (or sth like that) and I don't need anything better.
many dead links on earlier pages

I'll take care of it after the NGS and possibly after New Year.

Thx for pointing that out. I am going to revamp this thread and make another one that is more interactive, called "BWR Teaches You How to Shoop". I have a decent mic now and am going to make audio/video tutorials starting off with the basics like cutting out stuff. People can ask questions about techniques and I will either answer by a typed post or another video if needed. I will progress from there and get into topics that people request. Well this is the plan anyways and it can be changed as needed.
Sweet, I knew a thread like this existed somewhere on Sherdog. It’s been a couple of years since I’ve Photoshopped anything. Feels like I’m back at day 1.
this thread is awesome! I wish they had it years ago when I first started posting here damn...
There used to be a way to clip vids from YouTube and post them. I tried the old way but it doesn't seem to work after an update to YouTube (a long while ago). I'm talking start it at 45 and end it at 54. Is there any way to do it now?

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