Shoop THE TOP SECRET EMOJI'S ARE HERE!! Come tell us what you would like added to the offical section.

Bloody hell that is going to be hard. something like that is going to have to be traced frame by frame (I believe). there is a shit ton of movement which makes it even harder. i can see that one taking hours and hours and hours to do. it would be awesome though!!! If I am ever bored beyond belief and dont have multiple things going on at one time, which is rare, I will get that one done fore sure. It will be epic... but so damned hard to do. These things are on no way fun to do. They are boring, tedious, and can make you fall asleep. You basically trace around Frame 1. Then trace around frame 2. Then trace around frame 3 and keep going until you have several hundred of them done. Sometimes there are shortcuts but for something like that I see just about the hardest scenario there is. But to tell you the truth for something like this, there is no stinking way I am going to work with nothing less than the best quality video.

Mahalo bro!!!

I should start a PM with you and talk hardware. I am a little behind on the new tech but I love computers myself.
No pressure. LOL!
My picks below.

This is amazing. Thanks BWR. I had access to some of them, but not all, however, i never used it here because it was too much of a hassle. Having them more accessible in the emojis tab makes all the difference!


@bigwaverider @Lethal
All Brendan Schaub emojis on here should be banned IMHO. Just sayin
The rest of them are really awesome though!
We need the schaub, racism Tyron and running Yoel emojis.
"Who da fook is dat guy..."

No? I'm not one for over-Conorizing the gifs, but that one seems like a necessary no-brainer.
Prob a difficult one to do, but the masvidal askren ko would be epic
Needs more red/pink exploding Danas

Every time something happens that pisses off the pink goof and we all laugh, we need a selection of appropriate emojis to insert.
Wow, so many new awesome emojis! As I've said before the sherdog shoop crew are gods among men. Gonna have to edit this with my favorites later!
I am absolutely, euphorically overwhelmed. It will take some time for the fog of delight to clear enough before I can think about selections...
These need to be added to the ones we already have here imo. Awesome work

Good stuff. Been needing a refresher.

My finest, and possibly only useful contribution to sherdog was creating these emoji:


Happy days.

I'd personally love some more star wars emojis...

Ben Kenobi looking worried
Han Solo shrugging
Vader with his palm outstretched
Vader "noooooo"
Luke "that's impossible"
Lando "yahooooo"
Chewie hands behind head chilling
Yoda using the force
R2 toppling over
Old Ben in general
Vader holding dude by throat
"Youre my only hope"
Pilot blowing up
Death star blowing up
Han Solo frozen in carbonite
Vader "no disintigrations"
Bar fight guy "he doesn't like you... I don't like you either"
Yoda sad
Stormtrooper "move along"

I can help cut stuff if you need?
Mr Charlie Weidman is my favorite that you created buff.

He's still my boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE all MINE. My boy. thats my boy.