Economy Trump in Christmas message wishes EV users to rot in Hell

I brought up the GOP because they've been obstructing the utilization of these funds, and this is a thread leveraging the delays to attack Democrats.

Politics are stupid, but we don't have to be.

You're still just being blindly partisan. Pretending as if this program would be a success if not for the pesky GOP. The bill was passed in 2021 and the GOP lawmakers attempted to strip funding this November due to lack of progress and the fact that they believe that it is not the federal government's responsibility to fund charging stations.

That's 2 years of essentially nothing but wasted time and money before they attempted to put the brakes on it. Pretending like it was going to be a resounding success if not for the GOP is dishonest.

Politico is full left wing and even they report that it's not just the GOPs fault.

‘Frustrating delays’ at the state level

The slow rollout of the NEVI program primarily boils down to the difficulties state agencies and charging companies face in meeting a complex set of contracting requirements and minimum operating standards for the federally-funded chargers, according to interviews with state and EV industry officials.

Jim McDonnell, director of engineering at the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, which is assisting states in administering the federal charger funding, said the work of distributing the NEVI funds largely fell to state offices that had never worked on EV charging before.
You're still just being blindly partisan. Pretending as if this program would be a success if not for the pesky GOP. The bill was passed in 2021 and the GOP lawmakers attempted to strip funding this November due to lack of progress and the fact that they believe that it is not the federal government's responsibility to fund charging stations.

That's 2 years of essentially nothing but wasted time and money before they attempted to put the brakes on it. Pretending like it was going to be a resounding success if not for the GOP is dishonest.

Politico is full left wing and even they report that it's not just the GOPs fault.

‘Frustrating delays’ at the state level

The slow rollout of the NEVI program primarily boils down to the difficulties state agencies and charging companies face in meeting a complex set of contracting requirements and minimum operating standards for the federally-funded chargers, according to interviews with state and EV industry officials.

Jim McDonnell, director of engineering at the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, which is assisting states in administering the federal charger funding, said the work of distributing the NEVI funds largely fell to state offices that had never worked on EV charging before.

I had read that article before replying to you, I don't know why I'm surprised your takeaway blames the states, who you said should be responsible.
I had read that article before replying to you, I don't know why I'm surprised your takeaway blames the states, who you said should be responsible.

My takeaway is that our tax dollars should not be funding this at all. Show me where I said the state should be responsible? I'll wait.

The fact that you read the article and still came out blaming the GOP just goes to show how blindly partisan you are.
We didn’t take the oil in Iraq for the woke left mob to start using renewable energy sources!
Telling people to rot in hell, that they are vermin, poising the blood... Couldn't wish a brain tumor fast enough on someone.
You know it sucks when an outspoken guy (in rage) rants about a dozen issues and you can only pick one to maybe reduce his fan base

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