Crime Tyson Foods dumps 87BILLION gallons of toxic waste including cyanide, blood and feces into US rivers and lakes

I bet Donnie King is laughing his ass off.
If all that shit is going into our waterways, what good is the EPA actually doing? Besides taking our money


- push cuts to the EPA
- downplay environmental damage as a non-factor
- downplay any environmental activism
- block bills to further fund or expand the EPA
- take donations from billionaires who bring cases to the SCOTUS against the EPA
- turn a blind eye to SCOTUS justices going on lavish vacations, having homes and schooling paid for by those billionaires
- publicly display and agenda that would see the EPA dismantled

Republican voters:

"Ugh, why doesnt the EPA even work?"
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Meh not sure why you'd need to study business administration like that. Anybody should be able to see that it's common sense to put some basic rules in place. The free market isn't gonna take care of worker safety, child labor and mass pollution issue.

You're allowed to talk about whatever you want but you're not arguing with anybody because nobody on here is pro pollution. You're just turning this into a partisan circle jerk. Corrupt politicians and a rotten system are responsible for this, you're just looking for an outlet for your partisan whining.

Only 1 party has gutted the EPA over the years, though.

Also curtailed the power of the FTC to prevent the kinds of mergers that allowed corporations like Tyson to get so big they could essentially do whatever they want.
This sounds like a fuck up on a biblical scale.

What would the punishment had been for such a transgression back then?

We need to get back to that since we a Christian country.

It's not a fuck up.

This nonsense, Boeing, East Palestine and all of the other industrial chaos going on in the US over the past few years is the result of the aggressive gutting of the government regulatory agencies.

Turns out that when you don't enforce safety standards on corporations, they don't care if they kill a large percentage of the general public to increase profits.
Only 1 party has gutted the EPA over the years, though.

Also curtailed the power of the FTC to prevent the kinds of mergers that allowed corporations like Tyson to get so big they could essentially do whatever they want.

I wonder why corporations love democrats so much and donate so many millions of dollars to them.

- push cuts to the EPA
- downplay environmental damage as a non-factor
- downplay any environmental activism
- block bills to further fund or expand the EPW
- take donations from billionaires who bring cases to the SCOTUS against the EPA
- turn a blind eye to SCOTUS justices going on lavish vacations, having homes and schooling paid for by those billionaires
- publicly display and agenda that would see the EPA

Republican voters:

"Ugh, why doesnt the EPA even work?"
So, is the EPA getting our tax dollars?

Thought so
I wonder why corporations love democrats so much and donate so many millions of dollars to them.

Some Democrats, not all of them. And not nearly as many millions as Republicans.

They are not equal on both sides, not sure why this seems to be controversial. Just look at which side Unions back more and you'll see which side is a threat to corporations.
Meh not sure why you'd need to study business administration like that. Anybody should be able to see that it's common sense to put some basic rules in place. The free market isn't gonna take care of worker safety, child labor and mass pollution issue.

You're allowed to talk about whatever you want but you're not arguing with anybody because nobody on here is pro pollution. You're just turning this into a partisan circle jerk. Corrupt politicians and a rotten system are responsible for this, you're just looking for an outlet for your partisan whining.
No, but people here vote for a party that wants to get rid of environmental and consumer protections, ie, regulations, because of meaningless wedge issues.
Now, as a proud omnivore, I want to support farmers, so I guess it's farmer's markets going forward, because what in the actual fuck ?

Shut these fuckheads down.
The question is, is this legal? I don’t know, the sheer amounts that we dump into the ocean is astronomical, but out of sight out of mind
I wonder why corporations love democrats so much and donate so many millions of dollars to them.

Which corporations?

Specific industries have clear preferences about which party has their best interests at heart.

Trial lawyers, healthcare companies, telecoms, big tech etc. lean Democratic in donations.

Big polluters tend to support Republicans.

The leftists ITT never get tired of posting dumb shit. The EPA still functions and Biden's administration is in charge of it.
You don't understand the EPA needs unlimited power. We also need to pay way more taxes because only the government is pure, flawless and can fix things. Without a carbon tax the planet is doomed.

Think about it like laws, if they would just pass more laws on murders and guns there would be no murders using guns. Evil republicans!
Meh not sure why you'd need to study business administration like that. Anybody should be able to see that it's common sense to put some basic rules in place. The free market isn't gonna take care of worker safety, child labor and mass pollution issue.

You're allowed to talk about whatever you want but you're not arguing with anybody because nobody on here is pro pollution. You're just turning this into a partisan circle jerk. Corrupt politicians and a rotten system are responsible for this, you're just looking for an outlet for your partisan whining.

When those corrupt politicians are in one party, it's not whining to point it out.

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