Tyson says punching power is something you are born with

have u seen how china picks future athletes, they run tests and take body measurements of school children to see which sport they are physically suited to.
therefore its genetic, if someone is 5 feet tall they don't spend a fortune preparing them for basketball, they prepare for a more suitable sport such as midget tossing.
And you miss the point....again. It's useless talking this out with you. You fail to realize when people are agreeing with you. Or maybe you just did amidst all your cussing. Either way...this thread is done.

Agreed, he missed my jab at him entirely. He said all YOU guys talking about not having power as if he were a one punch type. That was the reason I got on him. I know punchers are born and not made, i never disagreed with that. I only took exception to the tone a kid who probably has less than a year of boxing kickboxing has about "other" people's power when I am sure he is average himself.

YES we all know thunder is god given. But everyone from the thunder to the gnat fart can increase what they have. Just not a whole lot. The second point was what some people pointed out.
let me guess.... you're another internet warrior that wont admit he's wrong? sorry guy if you hit the gym everyday wishing you had something you weren't born with. i dont care how much you train or how much you hit the bag or lift weights.... if its not in your gene code to punch hard, you're not gonna. is it really that hard to understand?

oh yeah.... when a pro says something vs a sherdogger..... im gonna lean towards the pros :)

simple, yet complicated for some people to understand "punchers are born, not made"

Are you really so stupid after having read my threads that you didnt see I was agreeing with Tyson, I just thought it was funny for you to talk as if you had thunder yourself, making you like the 1,000,000th internet person with crushing power.
What some people are disagreeing with is the notion that there is no room for improvement with punching power. Do you understand at least that much??
of course. you can use technique, lifting for strength and flexibility, core training etc to maximize your bodies potential. but make no mistake, there is a max to the speed your body will be able to serve a tennis ball or throw a baseball, or the power in which you throw a punch.

its tendon strength that sets the bar for you. some people just have it. thats how you have skinny dudes like Mo Rivera or a young Pedro who can throw with incredible speed.
fuck....this thread again
it should be added to the list of things that you dont talk ....religion, politics and punching power

am i the only on who caught the reference to good times?
("dy-no-mite") right at the 2min mark as they were talkin about hearns the grey haired dude was like--
" tommy was about about leverage i think"
and tysons like
"oh its about dy-no-mite" hah

tyson is cool as in the vid....
Hey, King Kabuki, how do you think Mike Tyson's head movement ranks? I see you didn't have him in your greatest defence list, but I always thought he had simple effective head movement that he could slip inside with easily
faster, more crisp and HARDER. I agree with you, but power DOES improve with technique and physical training, you seem to imply they came into the gym with the same power they developed during peak career times, and they did not. I am sure they DID come in with that thunder though, and improved it beyond where it started.

no what i did imply is that punching power is bred into you, of course you can learn to punch
with more technique... but its plain and simple... punchers are born, not made.... is that really that hard to understand?

you can twist anything that i say.... it dont matter. my point is PUNCHERS ARE BORN!!!! plain and simple... PUNCHERS ARE BORN!!!! its how the world turns..... deal with it.

Are you really so stupid after having read my threads that you didnt see I was agreeing with Tyson, I just thought it was funny for you to talk as if you had thunder yourself, making you like the 1,000,000th internet person with crushing power.

no... im just a person who's in touch with reality. i could give a shit if i had punching power or not.... its just that i face the facts.
of course. you can use technique, lifting for strength and flexibility, core training etc to maximize your bodies potential. but make no mistake, there is a max to the speed your body will be able to serve a tennis ball or throw a baseball, or the power in which you throw a punch.

its tendon strength that sets the bar for you. some people just have it. thats how you have skinny dudes like Mo Rivera or a young Pedro who can throw with incredible speed.

i bet i could run a 40 yard dash under 4 seconds if i had the dedication and will too.....:wink:
i think people have a predisposition to technique not necessarily just muscles that punch hard..... i've seen guys who go from fairies to power fighters, i think its just developmental and some people understand the technique better...when i started i didn't punch hard (i was too fat) i probably through training punch many MAny times harder now
yes, but do you have the power to knock other fighters the fuck out like tyson did/does?

we can all improve, but few have that something special that sets them above the rest, and thats god given
yes, but do you have the power to knock other fighters the fuck out like tyson did/does?

we can all improve, but few have that something special that sets them above the rest, and thats god given

yes i do..... we no.... i wish, i was young when i started and im 20 now.... so when im done with puberty ill tell you
People are not "Born" with "punching power" but people are born with the right genes that can accelerate them in a certain sport. IE MMA
Mike's very very docile when reporters aren't badgering him. This video is an example of why I've always maintained he'd make a good trainer someday. His knowledge of execution of technique is flawless, and his knowledge of History of the Sport is also just as good.

Hate to say it...but did you see that video? I agree his explanation of technique was just fine. But that reporter's nervousness was palpable. How are you so supposed to learn under those conditions...when you are scared shitless you are gonna get a "different" Mike Tyson than the one you saw a second ago?


Everyone has limits they are born with. Training will help you reach that limit, but you'll never surpass it.

There, 8 pages of bullshit condensed into 2 sentences.

Sweet vid. It's always nice to see Tyson in situations where the media isn't out to smear him.
I throw a way better punch now than when i was 5... so umm :icon_conf

Punching ability? Perhaps.
"Punchers are made, not born."

--Jack Dempsey

Dempsey literally wrote a book saying that while he was raised on that saying, in hindsight realized he learned how to generate power with technique.
Without question its a certain amount of both, your natural ability will determine your ceiling but the technique and proper training (specifically to develop tendon power) will multiply that natural ability significantly.

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