***UFC 214's Jason "The Kid" Knight SHERDOG Q&A***

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One of your only career loses has been to Tatsuya Kawajiri. What did you take away from that loss? Did it help you grow as a fighter? How did you feel after that fight given you haven't experienced loss very often in your career?
One of your only career loses has been to Tatsuya Kawajiri. What did you take away from that loss? Did it help you grow as a fighter? How did you feel after that fight given you haven't experienced loss very often in your career?
That loss sucked but I learned a lot from it I learn not to let someone take me down over and over just because I wanted to submit him now I've worked a lot of my wrestling and I felt great after the fight even though I lost I was actually living my dreams at night for the first time
hey Jason, whats up, glad to have you here.

Do you feel some kind of pressure to put on an exciting fight vs Lamas since you are filling in for Korean Zombie who's actually one of the most entertaining fighter in MMA right now?

I wish you a great fight man.
I don't feel any pressure at all I believe that I will put on a better fight than the Korean zombie would have
(Repeat) How's camp been going given this is a short notice fight and how tough is your weight cut given you're tall for the division?
Camp is going great I had plenty of time to prepare for this fight and my weight cut is always easy as hell
You have a FOTN and 2 POTN bonuses(well deserved).

Are those something you that you really focus on getting going into the fight or do you think it's just your natural style that leads to good fights and big finishes?
Your BJJ is highly entertaining to watch! It seems like you are willing to take risks that a lot of fighters won't on the ground. Have you always been that way?
Absolutely , iv always been that way , the risk makes the reward that much sweeter
Jason, what role does emotion play for you when you enter the cage? Describe the mindset /emotional state you like to be in as you enter the octagon for us if you could
Alright that will be it. Thanks everyone for asking questions & thanks for joining us, Jason! UFC 214 can't come soon enough! ;)
The Lamas fight will be your 3rd fight this year.

If you had it your way, would you shoot for 5 for the year ?
Thanks jason! Go give em hell. And thank you drake fur your efforts coordinating this
Alright, thanks again Jason, mods.

I'll be rooting for that gogoplata.
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