UFL Spring Football - NFL Can Recycling Center

Battlehawks at Panthers is pretty good, despite the 0 - 0 score. That was a nice play by the defense in the end zone deflecting the ball for that pick
I forgot about this nonsense was starting today
I got major heat with the Rock for the bullshit he's been doing to the homie Cody Rhodes so he's lucky I have no life or I wouldnt even watch his bullshit!
I'm sure watching this would be worse than being forced to watch a divisional game between NFC South "rivals."
Perry slinging it! Hope he doesn’t throw another int in the end zone again. lol
Perry with the run TD. Can’t throw in interception if you run it in.

I would’ve went shotgun 4th and inches. Too many guys lined up ready to stuff that
Im starting to see why some of these dumb shits aint make it in the show
I like their system of no field goals for extra points and 1,2 point plays
Damn, that guy boutta be invited to some training camps this summer
The chains to measure first downs in the nfl is one of the dumbest things in all sports.
Since the NFL is adopting the XFL style kickoff rule, they’ll probably end up going this route as well. It’s crazy that we’re in this digital age and the fucking chains are still in use. lol