***VIDEO: "Irish" Joe Duffy SHERDOG Q&A***

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Did your approach in sparring have change since that injury that forced you out of a main event in Dublin?
Sorry 1 more.

Joe, what is your favourite finish?

(Has to be Bousugge surely?! Knockouts via knees don't come much sweeter than that!). Was that more of a reflex action or you saw it coming from a mile away?
can you get me JoJo's phone number? (Purely for research purposes)
Joe, outside of fighting, what are you most interested in doing? Also, do you worry before fights, or maybe just normal nerves before an athletic competition?
What's your favourite submission hold?
Hi Joseph,

in short, what's your training schedule during week?
Joe who would you say has been your toughest opponent or hardest hitter?
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
Who is the best LW on the planet? (Not including yourself)
also, favourite boxer and why?

and who would you like to fight the most in the LW division? (other than conor)
I know you would rather let your fists do the talking but what do you think about the trend of fighters trash talking just to get a fight? Even Sage and Wonderboy are starting to do it. Do you see hyping a fight on social media as a part of your job?
Joe. I know Firas has an exceptional analytical mind when it comes to fighting but at tristar are you exposed to scientific minds to?

Do you have regular DEXA scans and VO2Max tests to understand your body composition and cardiovascular endurance levels?
What do you know about Reza Madadi ? And thanks for taking time to answer our questions and good luck. Hope you win and get a performance of the night bonus.
Hi Joe, thanks for the QandA.

I have a few questions:

1. The training environment at Tristar. Being such a big camp with a lot of members, you have a lot of different people and personalities enter. Does everyone get along or are there sometimes issues which need to be straightened out? If there are issues, how do you go about fixing them?

2. How do you find the cut down to Lightweight? Do you believe that cutting weight is a legitimate factor and facet of the sport or are you with the camp that wants everyone to fight at their natural fighting weight?

3. How are you going to beat Madadi?

Cheers for answering and good luck in your up coming bout. Have some fun!
Joe, who is your favourite MMA fighter to watch currently?
hi joe,

who do you think will win bj or yair?
What area do you feel you need more training in and what trainer outside of your camp would you like to work with to improve this.
Alright, gonna lock it up until the video is made. Thanks for the questions, everyone!
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