Vince McMahon resigns from TKO after sexual misconduct claims

I'd also add to this the fact that a lot of these chicks were probably somewhat starstruck, and wide-eyed...

I've seen restaurant managers pull this type of shit in minimum-wage jobs, absolutely it gets easier the richer and more powerful you are to figuratively, and literally (allegedly) shit all over your employees.

You make excellent points though... Some aspects of this have echoes of the Danny Masterson trial too - scientology and keeping secrets in-house out of fear/blackmail... Fear of losing their career/looking bad in front of stars they admire... Obviously there's a difference between rape and coercion too, but there are similarities... Power, essentially being the common denominator.

A lot of these women are also very damaged coming into the WWE - prime for exploitation... And its been happening since way before Vince was even around, he just took the elements and made it into a machine.

Ever read the Ashley Massaro stuff?

Vince going to hell for that one alone.

Jesus Christ. Vince is a complete piece of shit, but pieces of shit have so many little pieces of shit to defend them.
Jesus Christ. Vince is a complete piece of shit, but pieces of shit have so many little pieces of shit to defend them.
Vince is a charismatic guy that has had loyal supporters for 40+ years... Sherdog is a place filled with angry, undersexed men that think that all women are whores... Is normal... The headlines are mind-blowing to me, but they're also really not surprising if you're a fan if the backstage stuff like me... I already listed a good 10+ shit incidents.

This trafficking/cover-up stuff is so dirty though, and so much more stuff is going to come out over the next few weeks that this could actually be the end for WWE though... Very few peolle are going to escape this one once it gains momentum - the fact that Vince quit, and everyone else is silent speaks volumes... Damage limitation is in effect... They killed Pat Patterson when it came out he'd been molesting the talent, this one they can't just bury with Vince.
Vince is a charismatic guy that has had loyal supporters for 40+ years... Sherdog is a place filled with angry, undersexed men that think that all women are whores... Is normal... The headlines are mind-blowing to me, but they're also really not surprising if you're a fan if the backstage stuff like me... I already listed a good 10+ shit incidents.

This trafficking/cover-up stuff is so dirty though, and so much more stuff is going to come out over the next few weeks that this could actually be the end for WWE though... Very few peolle are going to escape this one once it gains momentum - the fact that Vince quit, and everyone else is silent speaks volumes... Damage limitation is in effect... They killed Pat Patterson when it came out he'd been molesting the talent, this one they can't just bury with Vince.

Explain further on the timing of Pat Pattersons death. I’m always up for a good conspiracy

Also I’m hearing stuff about HBK being gay with Vince now this stuff all came out. Any truth on that one?
SMH it's amazing how may people claim to follow this sport yet know nothing about it
You believe what the media tells you. Don't be a sheep. Do your own research, the information is out there.
Explain further on the timing of Pat Pattersons death. I’m always up for a good conspiracy

Also I’m hearing stuff about HBK being gay with Vince now this stuff all came out. Any truth on that one?
He left the company in 1992 after it came out that he had been tinkering with the talent... He was re-hired in 2005, and remained there until his death in 2020, which coincided with the #metoo throwing giant clouds of shit over Vince's sky when his rape-ridden past got brought up.

Could have just been a blood clot... Probably wasn't.
The classic "She allowed him to hug her with underwear on, so she deserved to be raped" argument. If I had a dollar for every time I heard it

I'd have one dollar, because people aren't usually that fucking dumb and scummy

Did Vince rape her??? When did this happen? Please show where he was found guilty of rape.
I added a few more doozies...

Tbh there are so many that I've forgotten... I used to watch a lot of shoot interviews though, and still watch the occasional OSW Review.

Vince is dirty as sin, and so is everyone around him... They're all degenerates - the man in charge of the promotion, HHH, used to be in a tag team called "Degeneration-X", and his BFF was a crackhead Shawn Michaels... Every shoot interview that exists at least mentions people shitting in eachothers belongings, or food "for a prank"... The fact it was rolled out during a threesome shouldn't surprise anyone at all.

Even Stephanie - she's notorious both for having a jailbait relationship with Randy Savage, and then later, taking her limo out, picking up guys, fucking them in the limo, and then kicking them out halfway through... Allegedly <45>

All of them man... Stone Cold beat the shit out of his wife, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, and The Undertaker all did too... Its just never ending... All overseen by Big Vinny Mac.

The Rock stays squeaky clean btw because everyone knows he's gay... And there's nothing at all wrong with that, it's why he's going to end up winning.

Last thought... How does Vince know that Brock has a "nice" weiner..?

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Bunch of degenerates.


I liked it more when we were making fun of the dick tattoo on Brock's chest... Innocence shattered.
What did Lita do?
Vince is a charismatic guy that has had loyal supporters for 40+ years... Sherdog is a place filled with angry, undersexed men that think that all women are whores... Is normal... The headlines are mind-blowing to me, but they're also really not surprising if you're a fan if the backstage stuff like me... I already listed a good 10+ shit incidents.

This trafficking/cover-up stuff is so dirty though, and so much more stuff is going to come out over the next few weeks that this could actually be the end for WWE though... Very few peolle are going to escape this one once it gains momentum - the fact that Vince quit, and everyone else is silent speaks volumes... Damage limitation is in effect... They killed Pat Patterson when it came out he'd been molesting the talent, this one they can't just bury with Vince.
The Rita Chatterton story and the tanning salon event come to mind
Did Vince rape her??? When did this happen? Please show where he was found guilty of rape.
He's being accused of it, yes. You might find that in the reading.

I mean, since you're already talking about events with a full assuredness that they did or didn't happen, I figure I'd put that in there.
What did Lita do?

Various things that Brock and Lyoto would approve of...


With this fine gentleman

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So people get to blame everyone else for their own personal decisions as an adult?


And really amazing respect you have for women considering you're saying they're incapable of making good decisions.

She wanted a luxurious lifestyle and to mingle with famous people and made decisions to make that dream come true.

Adults can say no.

Seems to be very common nowadays. Some people just love having a victim mentality because apparently it's easier for them instead of taking a good look in the mirror and fixing their own mistakes.
He's being accused of it, yes. You might find that in the reading.

I mean, since you're already talking about events with a full assuredness that they did or didn't happen, I figure I'd put that in there.

So at this point, he has not been found guilty of rape.

The only events that I am sure happened is this lady taking multiple D's in her offices. Because she literally stated that she did in her complaint.
So at this point, he has not been found guilty of rape.

The only events that I am sure happened is this lady taking multiple D's in her offices. Because she literally stated that she did in her complaint.
But you've found her guilty of being a whore. Because you've decided what events and mindsets did and didn't or didn't exist already

Jesus Christ. Vince is a complete piece of shit, but pieces of shit have so many little pieces of shit to defend them.
I work with DV perps and sometimes victims almost daily. I've got a case right now where the documented hospitalization with bleeding eyes and purple neck are being argued against by the guy AND the victim. Shit like that harkens me back to one of my first lessons about the criminal justice system, that the state does not require your consent to press charges on a perpetrator.

The people that exist in this thread don't make it easier with their bullshit. They think everyone can just say no, and it's so easy. And if you don't, or if you ever agreed to any of it, you deserve all of it.
Explain further on the timing of Pat Pattersons death. I’m always up for a good conspiracy

Also I’m hearing stuff about HBK being gay with Vince now this stuff all came out. Any truth on that one?
Imo yes.

The way that they were moving, with Sunnygoing back into Vince's office, in which Shawn had access to his back "sex suite", and would take her is super sus in itself...

We only heard the very tip of the iceberg there... Could try and send Sunny a couple of cartons of cigarettes or a file in a cake for the full story, otherwise we'll never hear it... Imo Vince was fucking Shawn, Sunny, likely Candido too, and definitely was either involved in, or at the very least was in the room calling the shots when Shawn was with Sunny.

Shawn is a born-again Christian now, so we'll never get the truth from him... Marty said it happened though... Then again Marty also said he wants to fuck his own daughter, and that he killed 3 people that are alive and well, so nevermind...
But you've found her guilty of being a whore. Because you've decided what events and mindsets did and didn't or didn't exist already

I work with DV perps and sometimes victims almost daily. I've got a case right now where the documented hospitalization with bleeding eyes and purple neck are being argued against by the guy AND the victim. Shit like that harkens me back to one of my first lessons about the criminal justice system, that the state does not require your consent to press charges on a perpetrator.

The people that exist in this thread don't make it easier with their bullshit. They think everyone can just say no, and it's so easy. And if you don't, or if you ever agreed to any of it, you deserve all of it.

I guess call me old fashioned, but yes, I think getting a train run on you by the entire WWE team and having a job where all you do is have sex with the boss and his buddies does make you a whore.

I am sure she did these things, because she already admitted to them.

Once Vince admits or is found guilty of rape, I will think he is a rapist. Or if these texts are verified authentic, I will think he is a sick man.
So at this point, he has not been found guilty of rape.

The only events that I am sure happened is this lady taking multiple D's in her offices. Because she literally stated that she did in her complaint.
Signing up knowing that dick would be on offer at the job is not the issue though - replies or not, telling an employee in a text message that the best part of their contract negotiation was fucking the new employee is a huge bomb to drop on yourself.

This chick might be making it up. It happens. Thing is, there's a lot of them at this stage - 4 women have been paid off directly by Vince over rape/sexual assaults... His head of talent was accused of molesting young male talent... His female booker was a notorious sex trafficker... They used to shit in eachother's things for jokes... Theres an awful lot of smoke here, sherbro.

I'm the last person that anyone could call a simp/white Knight on here - and I actually like a lot of the shut Vince did over the years... But I believe the chick on this one - Vince quit, and everyone around him is silent as a mouse... He did that monica.

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