Vince McMahon resigns from TKO after sexual misconduct claims

I think the big deal here, is that Vince was basically pimping her out, and not that they had a personal agreement for sexual favors.

That said, given how quickly Johnny Ace tried to save his own ass, there's probably a lot more to this shit than meets the eye. He didn't even attempt to offer a defense, other than to say he was forced into it too. I mean, this is a company that helped cover up a friggin' murder, so I wouldn't put anything past them.

Okay, but this lady went along with it for several months right? Wasn’t like it was a one off thing?

Surely she could have stopped it any time and/or reported it to the police?

Not saying she wasn’t treated horribly but she seemingly accepted the position she was in and was paid handsomely for it?

Don’t care how destitute i am, someone shits on my head while his mate rapes me, I’m not going on more dates with them!
Okay, but this lady went along with it for several months right? Wasn’t like it was a one off thing?

Surely she could have stopped it any time and/or reported it to the police?

Not saying she wasn’t treated horribly but she seemingly accepted the position she was in and was paid handsomely for it?

Don’t care how destitute i am, someone shits on my head while his mate rapes me, I’m not going on more dates with them!
I won't comment on how "into it" she was, but like I said, I think the bigger issue is the human trafficking/pimping aspect. On it's face, it does seem like a bit of revenge for backing out of the NDA payments, but in general, the whole thing seems highly illegal. Personally, I'd like to know why Vince was crazy enough to not pay her, when she has all this shit on him. It was a lousy $3 million dollars. He's a billionaire. If I was that fucked up, but had the money to make my shady dealings go away, she would've received full payment on day one, just to get that weight off my shoulders.
I believe Massaro's family has come out against this woman, and says she's basically grifting. There's unfortunately going to be a fair share of clout chasers coming out of the woodwork to get on TV, during this whole thing.
Her daughter said she's an ex friend and shouldn't be using her name, but didn't actual say anything she said was wrong.
Her daughter said she's an ex friend and shouldn't be using her name, but didn't actual say anything she said was wrong.
Yeah, I just saw a snippet on some clip. Seemed to lean into discrediting her. It's just weird that the family would speak out against someone who is supposedly backing Massaro's claims. It's an odd thing to take issue with. They must really hate that chick, if there's nothing more to it than her and Massaro having a fallout years ago. I mean, what did she do? Fuck her father and break up the family or some shit?
Vince McMahon, who resigned from his role as executive chairman over TKO Group Holdings in January, is selling off more than $400 million worth of stock that he holds in the company.

According to a public filing made to the Securities and Exchange Commission, McMahon filed to sell 5.35 million shares — currently worth $411.95 million — of TKO stock, which accounts for about a quarter of his remaining holdings in the company. The move comes after McMahon previously sold off $700 million worth of stock in TKO this past November, which was around 25 percent of his original shares in the company.

Some previously unnamed people in the lawsuit have now been revealed. Apparently Stephanie McMahon knew about at least some of the Vince stuff which isn't surprising. Khan and Blum haven't been accused of knowing anything about it.

Also it's confirmed that the person who people assumed was Triple H in the lawsuit is actually Nick Khan.
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Wait I'm actually confused. At the start of the article it says they didn't know anything about it, but then later on in the article it says they were instrumental in the cover up.
- I had a Lab and a beagle mixed with cock. I feel your loss.
They still come to me in my dreams.
Beagle cross Pug was mine. I've had family members die and it didn't stick with me like this. Thanks for the kind words, and I know exactly what you mean with that last sentence
- Vince out of WWE it's so good. If wasnt for Edge, Randy and a couple of others, this idiot would have killed WWE back in 2009/10 with his awful ideas.
With or without him, I don't think it's much of a coincidence that the WWE got better, when they got competition. AEW might not be able to compete in popularity, but they have a crazy rich owner who will poach disgruntled stars away from you, if you don't keep them happy. I noticed when AEW started making a bit of noise, things in the WWE got a little less stupid and guys were being afforded a little more freedom.

It was a very rough period from about halfway through the "Ruthless Aggression" era, all the way up to like 2019ish. It was practically unwatchable, and then all of sudden they stopped fucking around.

For people who don't want to read it all here are some interesting parts imo involving Nick Khan, Stephanie McMahon, John Laurinaitis, and Brock Lesnar.

"On March 9, 2021, McMahon informed Ms. Grant, still an entry-level coordinator, that top executives in the Company knew about their relationship"

"Ms. Grant reminded McMahon that the NDA ought to address people who knew about their relationship, including, but not limited to: WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 [Khan], WWE Corporate Officer No. 2 [Blum], John Laurinaitis, and McMahon’s personal assistants."

"Over the course of an approximately half hour call, McMahon lamented both his inability to focus on the upcoming WrestleMania and how his personal life had blown up over the past few weeks. Towards the end of their conversation, McMahon and Ms. Grant agreed to resume contact after WrestleMania. He also instructed Ms. Grant to continue having sexual relations with other men, including WWE Superstar [Brock Lesnar, according to The Wall Street Journal], in the meantime."

"For instance, in or around March 2021, Ms. Grant introduced herself to WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 [Khan] when they passed one another in the hallway. WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 [Khan] responded by telling Ms. Grant that WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 [Khan] knew exactly who she was."

"Following Ms. Grant’s messages to McMahon on March 9, 2021, McMahon summoned Ms. Grant to his condo that evening for a conversation during which McMahon confirmed that WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 [Khan], indeed, knew exactly who she was, as McMahon had met privately with WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 [Khan] and WWE Corporate Officer No. 2 [Blum] and advised these individuals of McMahon’s connection to Ms. Grant."

"McMahon continued this conversation by detailing to Ms. Grant that they had expressed concern but were ultimately supportive. McMahon also advised Ms. Grant that one or both of WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 [Khan] and/or WWE Corporate Officer No. 2 [Blum] inquired whether Ms. Grant could be trusted, and that McMahon offered assurances that Ms. Grant would not do something to hurt the WWE."

"Upon information and belief, WWE Corporate Officer No. 3 [Stephanie McMahon] knew of other instances of [Vince] McMahon engaging in inappropriate sexual conduct."

"Upon information and belief, other WWE employees benefited financially in helping to assist, support and facilitate the commercial sex acts of [Vince] McMahon in that WWE’s culture revolved around trust relationships, increased status with McMahon and prioritizing the protection of the company. For instance, both WWE Corporate Officer No. 1 [Khan] and WWE Corporate Officer No. 2 [Blum] continued to assist in maintaining a position at WWE, as well as advancement opportunities, for Ms. Grant after being told of McMahon’s relations with her. Upon further information and belief, other employees were forced to resign or were let go if they knew of McMahon’s exploits and failed to assist, support and/or facilitate them, such as former WWE employee, WWE Corporate Officer No. 4 [Nurse]."

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