Relationship What are red flags to avoid a relationship or to end a relationship with a woman?


The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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- Your the only one initiating the conversation. She never once messages you first and asks how you're doing.
- Asking for significant amount of money from you.
- You're always paying the bill at a restaurant.
- Terrible listener.
she has friends and is she able to mantein relationship with old pals?
how she speaks about her friends is telling and burning bridges for random motivations is a big sign of immaturity.
she has a licence to drive (it seems stupid but it tells a lot about the maturity of the person)?
she is a modern feminist?

basically everything that tells about the MATURITY of the person, paying the bills is the last important part.
Drama seeking party girls need not apply

this one, 1000%, at the start of the relationship with my ex, she recently left her job so i was the one paying the bills and buying everything.
Helped her take a heavy equipment operating course, so she finally gets a job and does nothing to help with bills or gecories, her paycheques were basically her going out and spending it all on herself, whatever pedi's or hair or just going out drinking.
Later found out she cheated while taking the heavy equipment operating course from her classmate.

Unless you're a big party person too, i don't recommend dating a party at best.
I'm just glad didn't have children with her, because we talked about it at one point.

Last i saw her, she still is partying, but added "white powder" to her partying, i'm glad i dodged that bullet.
1- Your the only one initiating the conversation. She never once messages you first and asks how you're doing.
2- Asking for significant amount of money from you.
3- You're always paying the bill at a restaurant.
4- Terrible listener.
1- That's not necessary a problem, may very well being character related

2- She's getting none (but as general rule my women ever had higher $$$ than me)

3- In dating/fucking phase it's nice do the chivalrous gesture, after that have no problem make her pay half of the times

4- I am the terrible listener
1. Your the only one initiating the conversation. She never once messages you first and asks how you're doing.
2. Asking for significant amount of money from you.
3. You're always paying the bill at a restaurant.
4. Terrible listener.

1. If a woman never initiate conversation, I wouldn't characterize the nature of the relationship as actual relationship.
2. Depend on how long/serious the relationship is, how much is "significant" amount and why she need it. But If we are just dating, asking for any amount is a red flag.
3. Same as 2. If she is poor and isn't choosy where to eat or if she offers to cook then it's not as big of a deal. If she only want to eat at expensive place and never pay then yes that's a problem.
4. Not a deal breaker for me, I think incessant talker is worse.
- Your the only one initiating the conversation. She never once messages you first and asks how you're doing.
- Asking for significant amount of money from you.
- You're always paying the bill at a restaurant.
- Terrible listener.
Just be gay and you don't have to deal with those crazy bitches.

Goes for either sex

They don’t ask about YOUR goals

They do not celebrate your achievements

Their responses to you always begin with “I” or “My” and “mine”

They do not care about your friends or family

They never admit fault in regards to your relationship, or deny any fault in their past relationships