Relationship What are red flags to avoid a relationship or to end a relationship with a woman?

1. Insecurity.
This leads to trust issues. Projection of her inadequate feelings onto you in a myriad of ways that are unhealthy. It also in my experience leads to me under appreciating her because how can I continue to see the inherent value in someone that refuses to see it in themselves long term.

2. How does she treat others. How does she treat the waiter at a restaurant. How does she treat her friends/family. When you ask her about past relationships is it “everybody was an asshole” or is it “we grew apart etc”.

3. How does she value you and show you your value in her eyes? Are you on the forefront of her mind or are you an afterthought? Does she send you funny or interesting things throughout her day that remind her of you or she thinks you would appreciate? Does she think about your needs on a small scale in the intangible moments? If she doesn’t do it early on with the little things she won’t do it in the long run with the big things.

I could go on and on but these are just a few. Also it’s important to note that there aren’t any perfect relationships or females. Don’t set unrealistic expectations (as I’ve seen a lot in this thread). Also it’s important to have a deep understanding of yourself and your own value. The stronger you are in your foundation the better quality of females you will attract. Make sure you aren’t walking around through life just pointing the finger while three more are pointed back at you.
More than 3 kids
More than 2 fathers to those children
Cannot cook (she does not have to do all the cooking but she should know how to)
Friends with ex boyfriends
Severe jealousy
Alienation of your friends
Rude to service staff
SSRIs or family history of mental illness
If she doesn't like dogs.

If her body count can fill up more than a school bus....
What about a school. Last two I had would have a body count in the thousands. Both were former sex workers. (Fun if you are into really freaky shit) but... not so good for stability.

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