What are you playing? v.10 (Red Falcon Edition)

Your Super Contra gun of choice?

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Fallout 4

Ran into those big red exclamation points. Thankfully the glitch only seems to effect the new missions they threw in there. It's funny, because it seems like it's just something they didn't clean up in production, and they all represent hazards. Guy was launching "Bottlecap Mines" at me, and there were just these big red exclamation marks raining down on me. Makes it pretty easy to dodge, LOL.
Holy shit

Dutch is losing it. We got set up by the italian guy. We robbed a bank that had like $5.00 in it. Dutch hit his head. I didn't think anything of it until other characters started mentioning it. He's become more angry. He drowned Bronte and then fed him to a goddamn alligator which was pretty awesome. But he's getting angrier and angrier.

And unfortunately the worst happened. Hosea died. Those fucking goddamn feds shot him right in front of us and then they blew Lenny's head off. John got captured and I'm presuming that's how he wound up working with Ross in RDR1.

Aaaaaaand the plan was to go to Cuba for a bit and then come back and get the gang but we shipwrecked on an Island. I can't remember where they said it was but evidently it's the most profitable sugar plantation in the world and the guys who saved us talk about the guy who owns it, named Fussar.

I can't believe Hosea died. He was the one dude that Dutch respected enough to change his mind about stuff. And Lenny. I loved Lenny so much. It's crazy how they are able to make you feel for these characters so much. It's supremely written, and the voice actors are S-Tier

God this game is fucking amazing. I was going to head to Ctrl Alt Ego in the event that this didn't take off, but boy oh boy, did it take off!
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I really want to love Evil Within, but goddamn it's hard...

It has a great aesthetic, but it's janky and really unforgiving...

Stuck at this point in Chapter 4, but tempted to restart the game to really get the mechanics down...
I really want to love Evil Within, but goddamn it's hard...

It has a great aesthetic, but it's janky and really unforgiving...

Stuck at this point in Chapter 4, but tempted to restart the game to really get the mechanics down...
It has some ridiculous choke points/balance issues. Survival horror is a balancing act between making the player feel weak and fragile, without making them feel that the game is just completely unfair. TEW fell off the beam a few times.

The sequel is far more refined. If you want to love it but can't get past the bullshit, just hop onto the sequel. It fixes just about everything that's wrong with the original. Albeit, some would argue that it lost a bit of intensity by being a bit more forgiving.
It has some ridiculous choke points/balance issues. Survival horror is a balancing act between making the player feel weak and fragile, without making them feel that the game is just completely unfair. TEW fell off the beam a few times.

The sequel is far more refined. If you want to love it but can't get past the bullshit, just hop onto the sequel. It fixes just about everything that's wrong with the original. Albeit, some would argue that it lost a bit of intensity by being a bit more forgiving.

Yeah, it's incredibly tense because of it.

I'm pretty sure that I haven't found a health kit for over an hour of play, so I've been stuck at 1/4 through to the end of chapter 4 and I'm guessing half way through chapter 5?

You really can't relax because of it and you have to be on guard at all times. Those invisible enemies can only be identified through slight nudges in the environment, which I've been dealing with via flash bolt and stealth killing, but considering ammo being so limited...

All points have gone into bolts so far. Side effects have been invaluable, whilst the conventional weapons in this game don't pop much of a punch at all.

I mean I really like a lot of things about the game, but I'm not enjoying the gameplay itself, due to being one shot away from death all the time. I can only play for an hour or so before getting a headache...

Giving it another chance. Going a bit better with my prior knowledge of it's bullshit, that just frustrated the shit out of me on my initial run. I'm slowly getting into a groove and starting to appreciate the effort a bit more. It's a very meaty game, for sure. It's the little things that hurt it. If you could eliminate even one third of it's loading screens, it would play better. In ten minutes of gameplay on some fetch quest, you'll run into at least 20 loading screens. Half of the problem is that these little bitch missions still have you traveling all over the fucking place. Artificially makes the game seem vast, but ultimately the game would play better if most of the side missions were contained within one planet. Like, don't ask me to travel to another galaxy to ask somebody a question, and then go back to tell the quest giver what they said, only for it to branch off into a predictable "go kill those guys" conclusion.

It's still pretty sterile in it's writing and overall vibe, but I have begun to find some fun here and there, now that I've forced myself to get into it's universe. Had a fun time blackmailing some general who ordered his mistress' ship to be destroyed to cover up an affair. It was just a simple side quest, but it branched out pretty good and had a satisfying conclusion(that had many choices). Sometimes the game will surprise you like that, and you get an idea of the grand scope they were shooting for.

Still hate the UI. Still hate the ship controls. Still get lost on damn near every hub world. Still can't stand having four or five missions just pop up with every hallway I walk down. That said, I'm gonna let this run breathe a bit. I'm almost hooked.
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Diablo 4

Decided to give this another try after refunding it an hour in at launch. Playing as sorcerer. Something about this one just seems so..... bland maybe? I can't quite put my finger on it but it just seems to be missing something. I enjoyed D2R quite a bit and 3 wasn't bad but this one just isn't hooking me in. It looks great though. I'll probably finish the campaign, which I understand is pretty short, but I don't see myself doing any endgame type grind/loot stuff.

Forza Motorsport

Giving this one another go too. I'm digging this one a lot more this time around. Actually taking my time to do a few practice laps and getting to know the track before qualifying really makes a difference in the enjoyment of the actual race. I don't mind the car leveling system that everyone bitches about. It makes a casual like me actually stick with and get to know individual cars for a longer period of time. This one is also a nice change of pace from my normal action RPG type games.

Also killed Lord of Cinder in DS3. Still have most of the DLCs to finish but I'm feeling a little burnt out and might just wait until Elden Ring DLC comes out. I have to get my NG+2 character past Mogh in the meantime to play the DLC as I understand it

Giving it another chance. Going a bit better with my prior knowledge of it's bullshit, that just frustrated the shit out of me on my initial run. I'm slowly getting into a groove and starting to appreciate the effort a bit more. It's a very meaty game, for sure. It's the little things that hurt it. If you could eliminate even one third of it's loading screens, it would play better. In ten minutes of gameplay on some fetch quest, you'll run into at least 20 loading screens. Half of the problem is that these little bitch missions still have you traveling all over the fucking place. Artificially makes the game seem vast, but ultimately the game would play better if most of the side missions were contained within one planet. Like, don't ask me to travel to another galaxy to ask somebody a question, and then go back to tell the quest giver what they said, only for it to branch off into a predictable "go kill those guys" conclusion.

It's still pretty sterile in it's writing and overall vibe, but I have begun to find some fun here and there, now that I've forced myself to get into it's universe. Had a fun time blackmailing some general who ordered his mistress' ship to be destroyed to cover up an affair. It was just a simple side quest, but it branched out pretty good and had a satisfying conclusion(that had many choices). Sometimes the game will surprise you like that, and you get an idea of the grand scope they were shooting for.

Still hate the UI. Still hate the ship controls. Still get lost on damn near every hub world. Still can't stand having four or five missions just pop up with every hallway I walk down. That said, I'm gonna let this run breathe a bit. I'm almost hooked.
I do this about once every 6 weeks or so. I always put in about an hour and uninstall. It just completely lacks that quirkiness or humor or whatever you want to call it that the Fallout games had. Throw in the loading screens and the fact that I don't give a shit about ship or settlement building and that's a wrap.
It's about time somebody else around here recognized the greatness that is RDR2. I have absolutely no idea at how this game became so divisive. I can understand some nitpicks here and there, but the game itself in unrivaled by any other open world world sandbox out there. It'll continue to surprise you after the 200 hour mark. To this day, people are still finding little secrets and gameplay mechanics. It's arguably the greatest game ever made, and from a pure technical standpoint, it easily is.
Loved the first and disliked the 2nd on the first few attempts. It was the controls for me. More sluggish and convoluted. It felt so unresponsive compared to the other games I was playing at the time. Everything else was great, and it’s something I had to work very hard to get over. Xbox controller was used.
I do this about once every 6 weeks or so. I always put in about an hour and uninstall. It just completely lacks that quirkiness or humor or whatever you want to call it that the Fallout games had. Throw in the loading screens and the fact that I don't give a shit about ship or settlement building and that's a wrap.

Yeah I get it.

I put about twenty hours into it and realized that most of the characters in the game are dull as dishwater. Not terrible or annoying, but you could replace them with characters from other games and they wouldn't be missed.

Mortal Shell enhanced edition​

I never really loved soulslike games but for some reason decided to give this one chance since it was only 3 buck on PS store. I really enjoy the game, combat is really solid and graphics and visuals are really gorgeous. I also dig the aesthtetics overall. The game is certainly not easy but it's also not way too hard.

8/10 for me for now.
Well now I'm just depressed. So much has happened in RDR2 I don't even know where to begin. I haven't been able to put it down. Every time I try Ctrl Alt Ego I get this nagging sensation, I have to find out what happens next.

Music choice and placement in RDR2 might be the best in any game ever. Definitely up near the top in a competitive race
Been playing rebirth but need a break ATM thinking of trying that old school horror RPG called crow country been getting great reviews yet it's not a very long game
Rogue Legacy

Played it because I was planning on grabbing the sequel. My God, do I ever suck at this game now. I don't remember it being so damn tough. It's fucking insane. I must be getting old and impatient or some shit, because I scorched this game on PS3. It's a lot slower of a crawl than remember. Might just skip the sequel for now and get re-accustomed to this one. My reflexes are fading...
Firing up Halo Reach for the first time since I played it 14 years ago.

Lets see if its as great as I remember.

Its looking gorgeous on SeriesX at 1440P & 120FPS.
Trying to finish up 100%-ing The Binding of Isaac, just need to finish the donation machine and I'm all good. New update in November so we'll see if that's more unlockables.

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