What do you think of the current state of the UFC?

I think a lot of issues right now seem to be coming from some of the fighters kind of taking a stand and injuries to some key fighters. Also ESPN paying the UFC "X" amount per PPV I think has led to some laziness on the UFC's part. I bet the new deal coming will have some very key wording in it if they keep that clause in the deal along with the Apex being over utilized at this point.

Look at 300 fiasco right now. According to Jones he was just recently asked to fight at it. We all know he isn't taking a fight on short notice and they still went to him. That tells you how hard of time they are having putting together whatever match or two they been trying to get done. A lot of the stars in the the UFC make enough money now that they can choose when they want to fight, they don't have to cave in like it was years ago. They see other fighters getting extras(thanks to Conor primarily and I'm sure some other not publicly named) on top of the contract they signed and now they want that to. All this makes putting a top tier fight on harder than ever for the UFC and I'm not sure that will be changing anytime soon.

We all want fighters to get their fair share and it seems like some maybe trying to do that the best they can right now. I think this trend has actually been slowly growing over the last 18 months or so. UFC 300 just might be it all coming to head for the UFC. Every fighter knows this is going to be a heavily watched event and they want their fair share of the pie if they are headlining or co main eventing it since the UFC and ESPN are going to make a lot more bank then just about any other PPV this year.
If it's any indication of popularity, I don't bother with watching fight nights anymore and only stream the "big" PPV's.

There was nothing that interested me Saturday night and all I saw was a highlight of Ige torching Fili after it happened.

There are too many watered down events at this point.
Nina Drama - UFC shill reporter who is being pushed on the fans. May also have Daddy issues. She is a less attractive version of Ariel Helwani.

Ink and piercings are a big turn off for me. Despite my personal preference in that regard, she is an attractive Gal.
i liken the current state of ufc to marvel movies that disney churns out.

at first it was awesome...we had avengers, thor, iron man, orginal spider man movies, now theres a new series or movie every second day thats coming out with generic plots and repeat story lines with shitty superheros.

ufc burnout has set in like it has with marval movies/series burnout.

That's a really good way to put it. The UFC is now in full corporate mode where they're going for maximum short term profits at the expense of everything else. Just churn out shit as fast as possible, slap the UFC label on it and sell sell sell.

Half the divisions are stalled out with endless rematches that no one wants to see, they keep trying to milk more out of their aging stars with dumbass matchups, and they keep trying to shove shit in our faces and trying to hype up and make stars out of 2nd rate hacks instead of fighters who are actually good.
Too many fighters and WMMA doesn't belong.
I think they need to improve the event presentation at arenas. It’s virtually identical to how it was 20 years ago. It’s too rugged and unfinished. Also, remove WMMA.

The UFC ended around 2013.

Haven't bothered watching a UFC fight in well over a year. Couldn't come close to naming all of the champions.
UFC is the biggest it's ever been.

Also, it's far and away the most boring it's ever been.

Since they stopped promoting individual fighters, it's become random fighters fighting each other, no back story, no buildup, just random eastern europeans fighting some other random eastern europeans.

I miss the old days of young Vitor walking out with "No know weaknesses" in the chyron

Leon did not beat Belal
Oh right, totally forgot about that. That only makes me slightly more interested. It's still a fight that needs to happen. But belal is a sleeping pill and it's a forgone conclusion that edwards will easily neutralize the grappling and pick him apart standing.
I had hoped in the early days it would turn into something better than it has. There are still some great fights in it, but the events are too watered down, and the elite talent pool isn't any better than it was many years ago.. I'm surprised it is able to maintain popularity as well as it has.

They need to make MMA great again by competition- a new successful fight league is our only hope really, otherwise it will always stay like it is.
I'm tired of Apex events, especially considering how frequent they are

This is my biggest gripe with the UFC at the moment.

There's no energy to these events. The fighters don't give a fuck most of the time and treat it like sparring matches, and as if nothing is on the line.

That said, the DWCS cards are insane, and last year's were a lot better than even the PPVs the UFC were putting on, but those fighters were out there going hard for a contract.
Too many fights.

The amount of cards is fine, but each card should have 3-5 less fights.

more people would watch MMA and actually watch ALL the fights every card if there were only 8 fights per card. 4 prelims, 4 main cards.

UFC would be more popular, would have more events and the sport would be easier to follow for a casual.

having UFC events as long as 3 basketball games intimidates most new viewers.
it's shit. i don't think it's all the ufc's fault tho. mma as whole is kind stagnant in that people are rarely showing us things we haven't seen before. it's been at this place for the last 10 years or so. there's not much that can be done about it.

i don't like where the ufc is headed in terms of catering to certain markets. it creates a lot of moral hazard, especially when the fights themselves are in places with lax oversight and enforcement. for example, when ufc made that mexican belt to put on a mexican champ, it makes it seem like they have preferred outcomes. and then the manufactures storylines to justify handing out belts—it's pretty tiresome. if it keeps going like this, at some point, it really will merge with pro wrestling.
It’s consistent I guess. When there’s no football. Or literally anything else. I think I hate my life.

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