What If's in the UFC

3) What if ...... Fedor had joined the UFC?

The same thing that happened when he joined Strikeforce in his early thirties.





We saw what happened to his best wins from Pride when they came to the UFC in their early thirties.

If Fedorbl signed in his prime, he would have slaughtered the ufc champs as he did outside the organization.

Seeing Cain fight more would be great. But what made him good, that crazy intensity, was also his downfall.
What if BJ Penn was afraid of flying
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What if Dana never went bald
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What if Herb Dean never made a bad call/decision in his career.
What if Cecil Peoples could actually see.
What if josh rosenthal never smuggled drugs.
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What if John Mccarthy just shut the fuck up.
mario yamasaki bless.
What if Shogun didn't have knee problems. It's easy to forget how good young Shogun was, and where his trajectory was headed. I think him and Jones would have eventually met in an epic showdown. Instead, we got Shogun with old-man knees, no longer able to move and train like he used to, getting steamrolled.
What if Couture fought Fedor or Wanderlei

I know both fights were teased a lot

God Couture retired forever old. I'm 35 and that seems forever ago
What if Jon Jones had never put a single PED in his body? Would he have the same record today if he had been all natural?

What if Nick Diaz had never been suspended for smoking weed?
Last edited:
What if BJ Penn took mma seriously
What if Nick Diaz wasn’t laid off for 5 years?
What if Reyes wasn’t robbed?

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