What is your favorite BJJ / martial arts saying?

When you’re not training your opponent is

- no idea where it came from but heard it lots
If we branch this discussion out to the martial arts in the broadest sense, Napoleon said he'd rather have lucky generals than good ones.

Napoleon's maxim is actually a post-rational selection effect. When the discussion is about 'we need good generals', you in turn inevitably get sophists who want to muddy the waters of 'what is a good general', since they aren't good, and turning the army (or any other organization) into a bureaucracy and marginalizing good officers via memetic weaponry is the only way they can get ahead in the organization, or just plain congenital spitefulness, regardless of if they personally benefit. Eg, "sure he may have succeeded, but that doesn't count because reasons", "sure I may have failed, but that doesn't count because reasons", "we don't understand or can't comprehend what happened, so we can't account for it". And et cetera.

Mooting the discussion over 'luck', on the other hand, short-circuits this rhetorical process, effectively giving feedback from reality itself the final say in any case, ironically bringing things much closer again to de facto selection for good generalship.
"Something tells me to stop with the leg. I don't listen to it".
- Batman, the Dark Knight Returns.
Napoleon's maxim is actually a post-rational selection effect. When the discussion is about 'we need good generals', you in turn inevitably get sophists who want to muddy the waters of 'what is a good general', since they aren't good, and turning the army (or any other organization) into a bureaucracy and marginalizing good officers via memetic weaponry is the only way they can get ahead in the organization, or just plain congenital spitefulness, regardless of if they personally benefit. Eg, "sure he may have succeeded, but that doesn't count because reasons", "sure I may have failed, but that doesn't count because reasons", "we don't understand or can't comprehend what happened, so we can't account for it". And et cetera.

Mooting the discussion over 'luck', on the other hand, short-circuits this rhetorical process, effectively giving feedback from reality itself the final say in any case, ironically bringing things much closer again to de facto selection for good generalship.
interesting perspective
My old Jiu Jitsu coach back in Germany when someone brought up soccer, basketball, tennis etc into the conversation... "real men don't play with balls".
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