What knife did you carry today?

This is my EDC

This is for my own amusement
Not the only one my brother, I travel inter island for work. I bought a Kershaw Skyline at a local Walmart and gave it to my co workers to hold on to until I return to the job. I was using a Morakniv Companion to cut bags of cement and mortar. My working foreman gave me the weirdest looks for a few days, he understood though. I'm Filipino/Spanish(Mexican) so he kinda understood the culture of carrying knives. My boss is Filipino from Vegas and he always jokes around with me about sharpening his chicken fighting knives. I was looking for something bigger though, 6"+ but I seriously think eyes on the job site specially from the general contractors would flip their wig.
I used to work as a dishwasher at this big hotel, and was assigned to do recycling. I carried a Mora Companion because the entire thing including the sheath is very easy to clean. I would also get some weird looks from people and comments. I would like to EDC a fixed blade, but I live in CA and fixed blades need to be open carried. I don't want the attention that comes with that.
That's a cool ring on that Spiderco, I assume it's a Delica.
Yes, it's the Delica with the Wise Men signet ring. I've tried the Endura with the ring, and it makes it too long, and unbalanced. Very blade heavy. The Delica is perfect for the ring.
my long god damn fingernail, I used that sum bitch to scratch peoples god damned eyes out cus I'm evil

Ontario Rat 1
What am I missing about these? I’m admittedly not super knowledgeable on knives. But I bought one of these as a gift for a buddy that helped me out with a bunch of shit, and when I got it, it felt super cheap in the hand to me. Like a flea market knife.
What am I missing about these? I’m admittedly not super knowledgeable on knives. But I bought one of these as a gift for a buddy that helped me out with a bunch of shit, and when I got it, it felt super cheap in the hand to me. Like a flea market knife.
I use it as a cheap worn out EDC. It works and I expect it to fail eventually. I rather save my main carry and use this as a beater knife instead.

But despite that, it's pretty sturdy for its price. I expected worse when I first got it, but it's held up pretty well. I got it for $35
I use it as a cheap worn out EDC. It works and I expect it to fail eventually. I rather save my main carry and use this as a beater knife instead.

But despite that, it's pretty sturdy for its price. I expected worse when I first got it, but it's held up pretty well. I got it for $35

I feel the same way about my Spyderco Tenacious G-10 combo blade for $40.
Only time I carry a knife is when I'm either camping or hiking. Either the ka-bar or the cold steel leatherneck. Camping lean more towards the ka-bar due to the serrations.
Right now I'm using my gen 1 Spyderco techno, before I was carrying my sheepfoot mini grip and before my dragonfly salt.

I love my dragonfly, but sometimes id like something with more substance. Been thinking about a lil native, but black G10 bores me to death
well im waiting on my spyderco persistence but for now I use CRKT squid very thin and small knife folded.

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