Relationship What's the reason you got kids?


The one who doesn't fall, doesn't stand up.
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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Just curious for someone who doesn't have kids. I'd like to know what was the desire to have children?

Personally for me, never really felt the need to have kids. It's all good for me.
Maybe some people are meant to breed and others aren't. That said you'd probably be having kids regardless vefore birth control, what a game changer.
Several reasons:

1. I just felt like my life would be empty and boring eventually if I didn't have them.

2. My dad was pretty shitty for much of my childhood so I felt like I could and should be a better dad than him. Like it was restoring balance in the universe or something.

3. I just had a lot of love to give and not enough people to give it to.
Just curious for someone who doesn't have kids. I'd like to know what was the desire to have children?

Personally for me, never really felt the need to have kids. It's all good for me.
A few reasons.
1. I enjoy the family and the culture that I come from so I see that as a responsibility to continue it.
2. Wanted to create and add value to the world.
3. It's a way to enjoy things in life as they were new again.
4. It is an experience that my wife and I can grow together.
5. A way to make me a better person.
Just curious for someone who doesn't have kids. I'd like to know what was the desire to have children?

Personally for me, never really felt the need to have kids. It's all good for me.
I always wanted kids but I didn't want to be married so I think that was what led me to become an elementary school teacher. That career really satisfied any paternal instincts I might have had. Plus, I worked with mostly women so I had many "work" wives. Driving home each day after school let out I was glad I wasn't coming home to more kids and women.
Several reasons:

1. I just felt like my life would be empty and boring eventually if I didn't have them.

2. My dad was pretty shitty for much of my childhood so I felt like I could and should be a better dad than him. Like it was restoring balance in the universe or something.

3. I just had a lot of love to give and not enough people to give it to.

This is beautiful, man. And it hits home, especially your second point. Just got battered playing one on one basketball with my teenage boy, only to come here and read this thread. He even let me get some easy lay-ups toward the end and when we were finished, gave me a fist bump saying "don't still got it". There's parenting and there's everything else in life. My only regret is not having at least 4 or 5 little rascals.
Nothing completes you like a child. But I didn't know that before I had one.

Awards, accolades, medals, qualifications, degrees, winning, applause, the satisfaction of a job well done....all these things are great, and I am still proud of having achieved / earned them, but the shine wears off each of them fairly quickly leaving you with the need, or at least urge, to do it again.
Friends, lovers, and sadly even spouses aren't necessarily forever. Your kids are always your kids. The contentment of being with them and keeping them safe....the joy and pride of their small milestones....I honestly think reading bedtime stories may be some of the best, happiest, most content moments of my life.

Anyway, kids rule.
Now I want grandkids.