What's your favorite games that you believe most people haven't played?

The "lightsaber" was my thing. Combine flamethrower and laser if i remember right.

Yeah, that's what I keep seeing on these YouTube long plays. Short range but really strong...

I think mine was blue/green?

It may have been...that I was shit...so I picked autopilot and ran like a bitch as my little blue line cleared mobs...
Yakuza series
Enslaved Odyssey to the West on PS3
Fatal Frame 1 and 2
Front Mission 3
Vagrant Story

Most people haven't played any game that's ever existed. <Neil01>

That said probably Oni off the top of my head, mostly because i'm surprised by how many haven't heard of it.. Despite it being Rockstar and Bungie lol
I remember this. Also have a soft spot for Shogo: Mobile Armor Division a game I associate with Oni for some reason.
I like Kenshi. It's a really old goofy game but it is like more mature fallout 2 without the dialogue and more open world setting. Fallout is probably one of my favorite franchises but you can't do whatever you want and the content got a little more vanilla once it became more popular.

I am also surprised people putting Final Fantasy 7 ahead of 6. 6 is almost a perfect game.
Bushido Blade for PlayStation. Not sure if that was a popular game or not but I never really heard anyone mention it.
Knights and Merchants
had laugh watching some random stream when streamer said: "I CANT SELECT WORKERS, HOW DO I SELECT WORKERS? HOW TO PLAY THIS STUPID GAEM

Looks like The Settlers/The Nations
old game on the genesis called Warsong was a fucking masterpiece. Incredible turn based strategy with a lot of depth for the time. Different units had different stats that could work against some enemies and not others. Environmental bonuses, etc. Crazy great game. You can really tell how it influenced other turn based games like Shining Force, etc.


This is a legit a hidden gem. Shining force meets advance wars.
Two games that came back to me today that I absolutely loved back in the day were Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat and Warhammer: Dark Omen

They were like small scale Total War games before Total War became a thing. Fuck I loved these games when I was a kid, and they were one reason why Shogun Total War completely blew my mind and became an obsession back it released. I remember back then thinking a Warhammer game in the Total War engine would be the best shit ever (Not that Warhammer Total War games failed to deliver, they were great too (I haven't played #3 yet))

Everything you're saying about this was Mark Of Chaos for me.

This was the true 'proto' total war.


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