What's your weather like today?

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This is about more than the weather but still relevant.

Lots of rain. It’s past midnight and I decided to go for a run, but on the way home it started pouring.

On the way back I saw a drunk lady stumbling near a main road and I decided to ask her if she was alright. She was drunk of course but she was in good spirits. She was stumbling so I helped hold her up and then I helped her up the hill and walked her home because she lived close to me. We were getting along well and she seemed like a nice person. We were holding hands and she was teasing me about how silly I was to run at this time. Then she was helping ME to avoid the puddles.

She wanted to know where I lived but I didn’t want to say. She then said that I should come into her house but I was feeling a little weird about it and didn’t want to end up being one of those guys. I asked if she lived alone and she said that she lived with Johnny. I asked who he was and he was her boyfriend. I said no it’s best that I don’t come in because he is definitely going to think something is up. I found out that she was 34 — quite a lot older than me, and I also look like a baby. I said that I could take her number instead so that I know everything is well, but I think she came to her senses and she decided to blow me kisses and I blew one back. She was nice but I think that was the correct ending. Maybe I should have got her name but whatever.

But anyway, I help her home and then I have to get home. I have been in this area before but it’s a bit of a maze and full of houses. I basically got lost and couldn’t use my phone to help me because my phone must have been brushing against my hoodie and typing out random passcodes. It was so wet and I ended up walking through this soggy mud field but then I eventually came to familiar territory. Had to walk about a mile home after that and I got home fine, but I am very, very wet.
Miami, 78 it rained a bit today, it's kinda warm honestly, I was at the beach and went on the water on Monday, no complains.
70 and sunny here today NO RAIN.

Estemachine arrival in SoCal LOOMS
balmy damp windless 62
hate it
I'm going to be up that way soon. Road trip up the coast, gonna stop in San Luis Obispo, Big Sur then San Fran for two nights then up to Ft. Bragg and then back.
hit me up if you want
I'm around
might be cool to meet the King of Aragorn
and for you, the robber of graves
This is about more than the weather but still relevant.

Lots of rain. It’s past midnight and I decided to go for a run, but on the way home it started pouring.

On the way back I saw a drunk lady stumbling near a main road and I decided to ask her if she was alright. She was drunk of course but she was in good spirits. She was stumbling so I helped hold her up and then I helped her up the hill and walked her home because she lived close to me. We were getting along well and she seemed like a nice person. We were holding hands and she was teasing me about how silly I was to run at this time. Then she was helping ME to avoid the puddles.

She wanted to know where I lived but I didn’t want to say. She then said that I should come into her house but I was feeling a little weird about it and didn’t want to end up being one of those guys. I asked if she lived alone and she said that she lived with Johnny. I asked who he was and he was her boyfriend. I said no it’s best that I don’t come in because he is definitely going to think something is up. I found out that she was 34 — quite a lot older than me, and I also look like a baby. I said that I could take her number instead so that I know everything is well, but I think she came to her senses and she decided to blow me kisses and I blew one back. She was nice but I think that was the correct ending. Maybe I should have got her name but whatever.

But anyway, I help her home and then I have to get home. I have been in this area before but it’s a bit of a maze and full of houses. I basically got lost and couldn’t use my phone to help me because my phone must have been brushing against my hoodie and typing out random passcodes. It was so wet and I ended up walking through this soggy mud field but then I eventually came to familiar territory. Had to walk about a mile home after that and I got home fine, but I am very, very wet.
Nice to hear your first female interaction lmao
Sunshine Coast Australia. Hot. It absolutely pelted down for about half an hour not that long ago and everything smells nice and fresh now.
Cloudy as fuck, not a bit of blue sky in sight. Also, raining on and off, not too heavy though. 6 degrees Celsius or 42.8 F.
5C, it was pretty sunny earlier, but now it’s gotten pretty cloudy and lame. At least it’s not raining, again. Some snow would be nice plz

Shit... shit... ooh, some sun! Fuck, snow! Shit... Ooh some sun, ooh some sun, ooh some sun
It will sunny and warm once the sun comes up. Should be in the mid 80's - Big Island of Hawaii checking in.
Rained all day
But it’s freezing aswell

Literally drove home all the way from work with fans on full and heated seats on

Still freezing
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