When did you start losing interest in Pro Wrestling?

. There is something really compelling about the world and people of pro-wrestling even though I'm not really interested in actually watching pro-wrestling.

It's carnival business!!

Started losing interest first as the product started going a little downhill in 2006, I was hyped Edge won the belt the way he did cashing in the Money in the Bank, then they gave it right back to Cena and I kinda was over WWE outside of a few wrestlers. Also as my interest in UFC increased I watched less wrestling. Watched more TNA in 2005-2006 than WWE. What finished it off was the Benoit incident. He was one of my favorite wrestlers and one of like 4 guys in WWE I still followed. It left such a bad taste in my mouth I was over it.

But I got back into it later. Finding out AJ Styles was WWE champ (I never thought Vince would push him or handle him well, and I was a big AJ fan from 02-07 until I stopped watching) was the first step to catch my interest, so I'd tune in occasionally if it was on, and I started reading up on the PPV pbp. Then I'm not gonna lie, the female wrestlers, mainly Becky Lynch got me back into it. (the fact that this generation was both hot and could wrestle, as opposed to the Diva 2007-2015 era which was painful to watch) And it progressed to me watching again regularly.
John Cena was my guy when he had the thug persona. Didn't like the marine superhero he changed into ...
also the violence got tamed in the mid 2000's i loved seeing guys bleed and do wild stunts & storylines.
- I like Sasha. Ronda sucked thought!

Oh I know Ronda sucked.
She required a far superior wrestler in the ring to make her look great.

Sasha is the Bret Hart of female wrestling.

Although Sasha had a few title reigns, she wasn't given her due respect by McMahon. She could, and should, have been the GWOAT of WWE, and a main face of the company with the marketing.

Instead, she walked out, and she's one of the few wrestlers that have walked out on WWE and her stock rose and immediately became the #1 free agent in the industry, and still is... unless MJF didn't resign with AEW.
My memory is shit but I remember slowly starting to tune out after Bret Hart left WWF and only tuned in for Stone Cold by the time they bought out WCW and that was mostly because I grew up on regionals and loved the Hollywood Blondes as a kid. I distinctly remember watching The Rock do his bit in the early 2000s and thinking to myself "I'm done."
Not too long after the invasion angle. Such a waste. Tried to get into NWA/TNA but it was unadulterated shite. That’s when I was done with it. Might try to get back into this year. Heard WWE has been decent since McMahon stepped away.
Probably after this Rock / Roman / Bloodline storyline is done
I kind of hated WWF in the 80's, and was a big NWA fan.

When I stopped watching Arn & Tully were still part of the Four Horsemen, but Luger had went babyface. IIRC, The Midnight Express were tag champs and Sting held the TV title. Scott Steiner was pretty new, Dusty Rhodes was still a serious contender, and they still would do barbwire matches and other craziness (like the ladder-bridge 20' over the ring.

Good times. I don't honestly know why I stopped watching, but I did, and 100%. I've only recently started watching old stuff on Peacock, seeing what happened after I left. It's kind of amazing what I just missed, but most of it would have just upset young me as mostly it looks like WWF raided the roster pretty heavily.
John Cena was my guy when he had the thug persona. Didn't like the marine superhero he changed into ...
also the violence got tamed in the mid 2000's i loved seeing guys bleed and do wild stunts & storylines.
You want modern blood do you???

I had to think long and hard about it, but I think it was when they dug up the corpse of ECW, and Katie Vick'd it on Sci Fi network.

The One (Two?) Night Stands were great as stand alones.
I first stopped watching when Triple H was just running through everyone. So that was around 2002/2003. What brought me back was when Foley had that feud with Orton. So I was hooked again in 2004. I finally stopped watching for good in 2009.
I think the last PPV I paid for was Invasion (my dad bought WM18 so that doesn't count).

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