Why sparring is dead

I’m the Joel osteen shooting thread I said I hoped it was him. It feels like I’ve been on dubs forever now
Hoped he was the shooter or the guy being shot? I can see a case for either tbh.
Haha. I got a beating on my first day boxing too, by my uncle when I was 4. It was his "You're not going to cry when you get hit because you'll not embaress yourself if you get in a scrap at school" training. I cried. A lot.

He be arrested now and I'd be removed by child protection. Haha.

First day in a gym i got a smack too. Thought I was hot shit because I'd boxed at home with family and because i was pretty big for my age . I got ego checked bad. Got put in with an ameteur who bloodied my nose then punched me in the liver. Waited until I recovered (like 30 mins later) persuaded me back in then punched me in the liver again.

Found out later he held back a lot after I got hit hard in the liver for the first time. To this day I'd 100% prefer to be punched in my big stupid head than the body.

I'm not sure if those were the good old days or not. But I certainly learned I wasn't hot shit.
That part of the good old days was stupid and that instructor of mine was a bully who liked to hurt people, NGL. But I think it made me realise pretty quickly that I was around people who know how to hurt other people (that I was sort of stepping outside of the „normal people“ perimeter if you will).
That part of the good old days was stupid and that instructor of mine was a bully who liked to hurt people, NGL. But I think it made me realise pretty quickly that I was around people who know how to hurt other people (that I was sort of stepping outside of the „normal people“ perimeter if you will).

Yeah. Totally get what you mean about realizing that this is something else.

Weirdly the biggest bullies I met as instructers was in kickboxing too. Had one instructor who use to hit us with that dowl you roll along your shins if he though you weren't placing enough pressure on it. He'd just grab it and smash it into your leg. Seriously hurt one guy doing it. Tried to make us kick trees too, like we we in kickboxer or something (shout of t ferguson, madman kicking concrete poles). He HK koed a bunch of people in the gym too.

Nobody took KOs all that seriously in the 90s though.Guys got KOed a bunch in training. Like you said, it was almost a badge of honor. Actually, ive seen guys get KOed multiple times in one session. Stuff that would never fly now.

Yeah, thinking back those were definitely not the good ol days.
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Yeah. Totally get what you mean about realizing that this is something else.

Weirdly the biggest bullies I met as instructers was in kickboxing too. Had one instructor who use to hit us with that dowl you roll along your shins if he though you weren't placing enough pressure on it. He'd just grab it and smash it into your leg. Seriously hurt one guy doing it. Tried to make us kick trees too, like we we in kickboxer or something (shout of t ferguson, madman kicking concrete poles). He HK koed a bunch of people in the gym too.

Nobody took KOs all that seriously in the 90s though.Guys got KOed a bunch in training. Like you said, it was almost a badge of honor. Actually, ive seen guys get KOed multiple times in one session. Stuff that would never fly now.

Yeah, thinking back those were definitely not the good ol days.
I do agree with that too. In my experience, kickboxing/K1 has the highest per capita bullies of all combat sports by a wide margin. It seems to attract thugish bros more than other sports for some reason.
How the hell are you supposed to be prepared for a fight situation without sparring? In boxing (and I'm sure there's a name for it in MMA) they call the people who never spar (boxercisers). Which is fine if you don't want to compete... but if you are competing, it's an invaluable tool.

Not to mention, sparring doesn't have to be a free for all to see who can "win." There are a ton of ways to spar to learn.. even specific things. Jab sparring, offense/defense, wall drills, only using specific defensive tactics, etc. All important for learning.
Sparring is incredibly important. If you didn't spar you'd get in the ring get hit and everything you ever knew would go straight out the window lol. Sparring is like heat treating metal while making a knife without a good heat treatment it'll just fail.
Sparring gets you ready for the real thing. Sure in your first few fights everything you know will go out the window anyway. But after you are used to fighting in front of a crowd (something sparring may not prepare you for) all the lessons you learned in sparring are worth their weight in gold.
the video you posted wasn't specific to grappling... so yeah, it really could have gone to either sub. Also, it's not really an appropriate topic for Mayberry.

This guy, smh.

Thumbnail shows 5 strikers. And anyone who isn't sparring (without strikes) in grappling is not winning any grappling tournaments.

There is a discussion to be had in striking arts that lighter sparring is better for fighter longevity, but I don't personally believe that extends directly to grappling.
Sparring is incredibly important. If you didn't spar you'd get in the ring get hit and everything you ever knew would go straight out the window lol. Sparring is like heat treating metal while making a knife without a good heat treatment it'll just fail.
Sparring gets you ready for the real thing. Sure in your first few fights everything you know will go out the window anyway. But after you are used to fighting in front of a crowd (something sparring may not prepare you for) all the lessons you learned in sparring are worth their weight in gold.

Main thing I tell guys when they have thier first fight before a crowd is to remember to breath. Then you hope they got good work in.

Realistically it's a great result if the can remember even a small portion of what they do in sparring. It takes years usually for a guy to perform in a real fight like they do in the gym. Most never do. Im super happy if guys just remember to jab.
dubs over that piece of scum
what has become of this place
I don’t think we are allowed to wish death on people. Especially for real life incidents lol. Also tbf I also said i hoped it was him and all his staff getting shot lol.

Hoped he was the shooter or the guy being shot? I can see a case for either tbh.
Being shot
I don’t think we are allowed to wish death on people. Especially for real life incidents lol. Also tbf I also said i hoped it was him and all his staff getting shot lol.

Being shot
Your yellows are a badge of honor sir. The staff might have been overboard though lol.
I'm really unclear what the op means, can they clarify?

Sparring exists in many different forms and you definitely need some hard sparring... actually gym fights to be more specific a step above hard sparring before you take an ameteur fight.

I would be highly irresponsible for any trainer to put someone he's responsible for into an actual fight to find out how the react to bring hit for real.

Hard sparring is also at a higher speed tha light sparring. Strikes come faster, its useful for that reason alone.

However, there are a load of dickhead "trainers " who take it way to far because rhey want to, I dunno, act hard. Once against, they are responsible for who they train (up to a point) and this is an example of an irresponsible trainer.
I don't think I made myself clear since the thread was moved from the mayberry. My interest in the topic was using play to teach. Play is typically the best learning tool for new learners. For the most part I tend to find gyms to be more ego driven and a lot of coaches are antagonistic to the idea combat sports can promote fun or issue an element of play, e.g he mentions lions and other animals using play fighting. I just thought the video made the issue relevant to a fight forum not that it was aimed at stand up or actually fully endorsing the words of the video title.
I mostly agree with Jesse in this one, although I think it is quite beneficial to step in the ring and mix it up with someone who may or may not attempt to take your head off. Getting hit hard when you make a mistake can drive a point home pretty quickly.

On the flip side, it's usually not very fun and sometimes the only lesson learned was that you shouldn't have been throwing hands with Big Mac in the first place fam.

The same goes for most skills I'd say. I've spent some time teaching kids and young adults how to code, and the same principles apply. Learning happens best when someone feels like a problem solver rather than feeling like they are constantly fucking up hard and having to reassess the entire landscape. If you're screwing up and constantly receiving negative feedback, it becomes more of a "how do I avoid fucking up so much" affair than "how do I effectively solve this problem I'm facing at the moment". The former leads to paralysis by analysis and hinders growth, although sometimes you do need a dose of reality to see where you actually stand and help you stay at the proper level for optimal improvement over the long term.
I don't think I made myself clear since the thread was moved from the mayberry. My interest in the topic was using play to teach. Play is typically the best learning tool for new learners. For the most part I tend to find gyms to be more ego driven and a lot of coaches are antagonistic to the idea combat sports can promote fun or issue an element of play, e.g he mentions lions and other animals using play fighting. I just thought the video made the issue relevant to a fight forum not that it was aimed at stand up or actually fully endorsing the words of the video title.
Play is fine for learning. But there always comes a point when you need to transition from learning to dealing with the getting hit part of fighting.

And if the issue is just that sparring isn't incorporating learning, that's an issue with the trainer, not an issue with sparring.
I don't think I made myself clear since the thread was moved from the mayberry. My interest in the topic was using play to teach. Play is typically the best learning tool for new learners. For the most part I tend to find gyms to be more ego driven and a lot of coaches are antagonistic to the idea combat sports can promote fun or issue an element of play, e.g he mentions lions and other animals using play fighting. I just thought the video made the issue relevant to a fight forum not that it was aimed at stand up or actually fully endorsing the words of the video title.

Thanks dude, appreciate the clarification.

I agree that some gyms have coaches that are focused on being "hard." Generally it's good practice to ask new members what thier goals are and tailor training to that. Play is great, but depending on what somebody's goals are its not going to be great if it's all that's done instead of being a component towards a larger goal.

Thinking about Lions, it could be the reason they dont spar hard is because they have huge claws and teeth and a hard spar is probably fatal if you are a lion. Also, no access to protection gear.
Wow, so many people who clearly didn’t watch the and only decided to comment on the title…
Will never be dead. Hard sparring with brain damage can die for all I want. Considerate sparring is the best excercise.
Boxing without hard sparring is just a fancy interpretive dance routine……..is a hill I’m always prepared to die on.

It depends how intense the sparring is imo.
In MMA as well I think "sparing" seems to mean "hard sparing" which was popular in the early days of the sport.

I think you can point to some positives for it, a lot of fighters from the earlier era did have a very strong mental game were they could react to either being hurt or hurting an opponent very well but perhaps you also see negatives in terms of the effect on longetity although I think that can also be put down to fighters simply being more active.
All of those fighters used to spar, they are just at a level now where perhaps they do not need to and understand that at this stage it is more detrimental to their game than engaging in it.

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