Media Wonderboy: "Alex was setting that left hook up right from the start. Jab after Jab to the body then unleashed to the dome"


Jammahammalol will callout Thompson,
as an Ariel sympathizer, in the coming weeks
It looked like the Strickland KO where he kept jabbing to the body then went to the head after getting reactions. He was in the middle of playing that game and setting Hill up which must’ve been why he called off herb after the dong shot. He wanted hill to stay locked in with him instead of giving him time to think
As I said, he set up that counter beautifully. He's not just a guy with a one punch knockout
Pretty sure he set up the left with jabs to the body against Strickland too.

The punch on Hill was beautiful. A short punch that looked like a shovel uppercut to me. Only landed with two knuckles on the face and still dropped Hill badly. He didn’t see the punch coming so it put him in lala land.

Poatans power is one thing but his timing is phenomenal and adds to the power.
He only hit Hill 4 times to the body with the left jab and set up the killer blow
Not the most eloquent observation but a correct one nonetheless

Poatan probably went with his gut bet he intrinsically knew that after any type of break or reset in action...whether in sparring or a real fight, the opponent usually throws a jab over 50% of the time as his first strike to reengage and measure distance.
It was a shovel punch/hook and yes, it was beautifully set up by repeated jabs to the abdomen.

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