Would you say Taylor Swift is now bigger than Elvis?


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
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Would you say that Taylor Swift as an artist and international ICON is now bigger globally than Elvis?
i wasnt alive when elvis was poppin off, but taylor swift aint exactly setting the world on fire.

swift is bought and paid for.
Tay-Tay's easy on the eyes but Elvis was a fucking dreamboat.


Absolutely, she's a worldwide megastar to everyone regardless of race, creed, gender, nationality or religion, Elvis is still important to a few old white dudes who will all be dead soon

Same could be said for Elvis in his day and decades after he died. There was a whole sub culture of Elvis impersonators for succeeding generations.

The first post had it right. We’ll see if Taylor Swift is still important to a few old white women in 50 years. I have a feeling she won’t be

It’s fair to say Elvis’ legacy is perhaps getting lost in time…despite the movie bringing some of it back. You can’t compare somebody who is hot in the moment to somebody who was hot for decades after he died. Obviously she still has work to do.
You still hear Elvis songs all the time and he's still talked about.. hes been dead for 50 years. I don't think Taylor Swift is going to have that type of legacy... Or even anything close to it.

In the moment she's very successful, globally.. I don't really think she will be nearly as big in ten years. And will be long forgotten in 75

But I suppose it depends on what she does next. She could make a turn in her career and start writing more sophisticated music that appeals to adults.. or become a big movie star. I think she would have to do both of those things extremely well to rival Elvis. And I'm not a Taylor Swift hater, I think she's clearly brilliant and talented.
No just because Elvis made an industry. Swift is more like Brittney Spears or Celine Dion at the height of thier power.

I'm not a music person or a normie btw could be terribly wrong and Taylor. I think she will be remembered in 75 years but only by "music people".
I don’t know. Who cares? Elvis was pretty fat when he became unalive though so she would have to pack on some pounds, although he’s probably not much more than bones with a quiff now so, yeah, she probably is bigger than him.
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