Relationship Would you snitch on your loved ones

If they confessed to you they were a serial killer?

As a good citizen of society I definitely would tell the authorities. But if it's my mom or niece I'd take it to my grave.
If they could just skip the part where they confess to me, I'd appreciate it.

yeah I would being a serial killer is about as low on the totem poll as you could possibly go if you would let that slide with a family member thats essentially saying anything goes
I need more information.

Who did they kill and why?

If they are killing random innocent people, or harming children, I might just take them out myself, no need to burden the taxpayers or deal with all the drama of a court case and media and shit.

If they are killing scumbags, or criminals, I would probably look the other way.

If they are killing pedophiles I might join in on the mission.
I'd snitch on them if they killed just one person let alone being a serial killer.
When we were about 16 I had a friend confide in me that he was attracted to his own younger sister who was about 10. We went seperate ways in life. 20 years later I found out he was convicted of molesting his own Daughter who was about 10 at the time.

That shit has weighed heavy on me ever since, thinking about the horrible shit that may have happened to his little sister. I 100% would snitch long and loud.
Yes I’m a snitch
I would snitch to protect myself immediately
Then I can go safely back to my basement and eat chito’s
It depends? Are the victims randoms or opps?
<Y2JSmirk>I would probably if there was a huge reward