Law WR Rules / Guidelines: Updated 8/3/22

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/Led/ blanket
Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2009
Reaction score
Posting- Posting in the War Room is only available after posters have received their Blue Belt (500 posts).
Flaming- There are limits to the mild flaming that is allowed in the War Room. If you find your posts only containing flaming, you'll likely receive infractions. This is a form of derailment in which you are no longer discussing the topic at hand and choosing to just personally attack another poster. Avoid severe accusations against other posters, both direct and implied (such as murder, paedophilia and rape). A strong line is drawn on any threats (whether violent/sexual) to other posters or members of their families. Additionally, do not wish death on another poster (e.g. "Kill yourself", "I hope you die...").
Violence/Genocide- Do not condone violence or genocide on a person or group of people. You are free to attack a person or groups ideas but you are crossing the line when calling for violence. This will be heavily enforced in threads with breaking news involving victims. If you choose to celebrate the victims injuries and/or deaths or suggest they deserved what happened to them, you will likely get infractions.
Examples: Israel vs. Palestine threads, Mass Shooting threads
Racism/Xenophobia- Refrain from using racial/xenophobic/gay slurs. Just like above, if you stick to arguing for/against an ideology, religion, philosophy, and avoid dehumanizing the group or person that holds that view, you should be fine.
Gore- refrain from posting any images or videos containing gore. Even during a breaking news event, we do not want this content posted.
Derailing- Do not derail threads. Posters tend to come into a thread they do not like in order to derail. Doing this isn't accepted and can lead to infractions. If you don't like the thread, you easily can post in a different one. If you find yourself going off-topic with someone, quote their most recent post, go to the War Room OT Sticky Thread, Click "Insert Quote" and you are free to continue your conversation there without causing any harm.

Thread Starting
- Do not post multiple threads in one day, particularly addressing the same subject. This tends to drown out other posters from bringing different ideas into the discussion. It isn't fair to monopolize the discussion. Posting two or three threads can sometimes be okay, particularly when they are on different subjects. But that is the exception, not the rule. If you are a relatively new poster in this forum, it is particularly important not to begin by spamming lots of new threads.
-Don't post a thread with very little in it. A thread containing just a YouTube video or link is likely going to be dumped.
-Do not continually post threads regarding the exact same issue. If you do not like nation X, that is entirely okay. It is fine to post a thread criticizing nation X. What's not okay is to post nothing but threads attacking nation X, day after day, month after month, obsessively.
-Post replies in your own thread. Don't just post and abandon it. Keep addressing what others say.
-Think a bit before you post. Do you really understand what you are posting about? Did you read it through? Is it really interesting? Don't just post a lazily written introduction to a link when you don't understand what the link actually says.
-A thread title should accurately reflect a summary of your OP
-Do not make call out threads

Thread Moderation
Race baiting, speculative conspiracy theories (especially ones which aren't political) and trolling threads will likely be removed. Multiple threads on similar topics will likely be merged.
This will always be decided on a case by case basis, depending on the circumstances on the day and moderator discretion as to when a topic can stand on its own and when it needs to be merged. Taking into consideration - traffic, variety, organisation, indexing, etc.

If you find a post to be breaking the rules above, please use the report button. The mods cannot see everything posted and just because a mod may be in the specific thread does not mean we necessarily saw and ignored it. Do not assume that a specific infraction is now tolerated if you see it done and go do that same thing yourself. Also give some time for a reported comment to be addressed. Modding isn't instant and many times I see people refer to a comment being allowed that was deleted AFTER they saw it.

Remember this sticky thread is to cover specific issues related to the War Room subforum. Please also refer to the forum-wide terms that you accepted when becoming a member to avoid any problems:

If you have any questions or want guidance on this OP, feel free to PM a mod.
Any questions regarding a thread move, merge or deletion are to be put in this thread:
Any complaints about moderation can be forwarded to @Peteyandjia @Lethal @jei by the personal messaging system.

WR Mods to contact: @Zankou @Madmick @Lead @Ruprecht
@panamaican @irish_thug @Kafir-kun

Previous Thread
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Dear All

In addendum to the above guideline:

Any questions regarding a thread move, merge or deletion are to be put in this thread:​

Any complaints about moderation can be forwarded to @jei or @Peteyandjia @Lethal @Valhoven by the personal messaging system.​
Complaint threads and posts outside of these avenues are subject to deletion and potentially infractions at the discretion of the moderators, as this behaviour disrupts the threads and forums.​
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Edited 21/8/17 to add:

Thread Moderation
Race baiting, speculative conspiracy theories (especially ones which aren't political) and trolling threads will likely be removed. Multiple threads on similar topics will likely be merged.
This will always be decided on a case by case basis, depending on the circumstances on the day and moderator discretion as to when a topic can stand on its own and when it needs to be merged. Taking into consideration - traffic, variety, organisation, indexing, etc.

Thread Starting

-Do not make call out threads

Remember this sticky thread is to cover specific issues related to the War Room subforum. Please also refer to the forum-wide terms that you accepted when becoming a member to avoid any problems:
Flaming policy revised from:

Flaming- There are limits to flaming that will not be tolerated. If you find your posts only containing flaming, you'll likely receive infractions. This is a form of derailment in which you are no longer discussing the topic at hand and choosing to just personally attack another poster. A strong line is drawn on any threats (whether violent/sexual) to the other poster or members of their family.


Flaming- There are limits to the mild flaming that is allowed in the War Room. If you find your posts only containing flaming, you'll likely receive infractions. This is a form of derailment in which you are no longer discussing the topic at hand and choosing to just personally attack another poster. Avoid severe accusations against other posters, both direct and implied (such as murder, paedophilia and rape). A strong line is drawn on any threats (whether violent/sexual) to other posters or members of their families.
Flaming policy revised from:
Flaming- There are limits to the mild flaming that is allowed in the War Room. If you find your posts only containing flaming, you'll likely receive infractions. This is a form of derailment in which you are no longer discussing the topic at hand and choosing to just personally attack another poster. Avoid severe accusations against other posters, both direct and implied (such as murder, paedophilia and rape). A strong line is drawn on any threats (whether violent/sexual) to other posters or members of their families.


Flaming- There are limits to the mild flaming that is allowed in the War Room. If you find your posts only containing flaming, you'll likely receive infractions. This is a form of derailment in which you are no longer discussing the topic at hand and choosing to just personally attack another poster. Avoid severe accusations against other posters, both direct and implied (such as murder, paedophilia and rape). A strong line is drawn on any threats (whether violent/sexual) to other posters or members of their families. Additionally, do not wish death on another poster (e.g. "Kill yourself", "I hope you die...")
Pedo related comments - Due to an influx of these types of posts, clearer rules are needed. Threads and posts related to this topic are not what the parent company wants on the forums. Do not under any circumstance accuse another poster of being a pedo or groomer. If you see members endorse or post questionable comments in regards to this topic, please report instead of engaging and refrain from accusations. Let the forum staff deal with it. Posts that contain the aforementioned disturbing commentary will be met with account terminations.

For a public figure or broad groups, do not make unsubstantiated accusations. Substance may consist of charges filed, a pertinent Iawsuit filed, or conviction. Areas such as formal investigations or prominent figure accusations will be mod discretion, but overall less talk on this subject in general is preferred on this site.

Do not attempt to skirt using pedo/groomer with any adjacent terms, imagery, or code words.
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