WWE Backlash 2024 - Oui, conséquences!

Is Jade blown up or Kylie sandbagging her?

Edit: Damn autocorrect
Xavier and Zelena as king of the ring was pretty weak. I hope they do better this year. Gunther would work great for this.
I legit forgot AJ faced Dusty in TNA.
Kind of surprised Cody didn't go with a Star Wars themed gear since it's May the 4th and all and he's a mark for it.
Figured Jessica Carr already reffed a WWE title match.........go figure.
Cody did the AJ dropdown into a dropkick.
Figured Jessica Carr already reffed a WWE title match.........go figure.
WWE vs Disney, not sure who likes to tout "first ever something" more even if they're making it up.

This crowd is bananas, thought they'd run out of some steam by now.
Cody laying on the Prime logo looked like a chalk outline.
Cody gonna have to turn his whole body to look behind himself when he's AJ's age taking moves like that.
Damn, that suplex into the turnbuckles looked painful. He hit higher up than usual.

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