✝️ R.I.P. BIGWAVERIDER The Greatest Sherbro of All Time!

This is the hardest thing I've ever had to write on Sherdog. I still can't even believe this is true. My heart is broken. I haven't stopped crying since I found out.

@bigwaverider has passed away.

I received an email from his Nephew asking me to call him and after talking to him he told me that our Sherbro and my brother @bigwaverider had passed away.

His family asked me to let you guys know as they know how much we all loved him here and how much he was respected.

He helped all of us, he brought joy, and laughter, and would do anything for anybody if they asked. I want this so much to be some kind of awful joke but I'm afraid it isn't.

I'm not going to get into what happened as this is all new and I'm still trying to come to terms with this myself, but I want us to let his family know how much we loved him and how much he means to us all.

I'll get a shoop thread up in a few days so we can send our brother off in the style he deserves. He loved the shoop scene here and it brought him so much joy, he loved it when somebody would contact him and ask him how to start shooping and that is exactly how we met and became great friends.

He was a mentor to me, a true friend and one of the greatest people I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I consider myself lucky that I got to become such good friends with him over the years.

He taught me so much I don't even know where to begin. I struggled so much but he was always there and when I was too dumb to understand something he was explaining to me (which was all the time) he would take the time to make a video tutorial and make it look and sound so simple.

He was there for me when my Grandad passed and asked me every day how I was doing and went above and beyond to put a smile on my face with his amazing art and kind words.

I'm going to miss him so much and I still can't believe this has happened.

I love you brother. Say hello to my Grandad for me in heaven. I'm sure you two will get along.

If you want to post a shoop please do but I will get a thread up for the biggest and best shoop thread that Sherdog has ever seen in a couple of days. I need some time.

Please offer your condolences to his family and let's show them how much he was loved here.
I apologize i cannot give this a like it just doesn't feel right. No offense to people who chose to do so. It can't be easy being the bearer of bad news like this but want you to know it is very much appreciated and i as well hope his family see's this.
Horrible news. The amount of times his shoops made me laugh is too many to count, I hope he realised how many posters and lurkers got a kick out of his works.

RIP and my condolences to all his family and friends.
That actually pulled a heart string, this news really sucks man.
I haven't been on here long, but I always remember him being one of the nicest people here that would treat everyone with kindness.
His shoop threads is where you could really see his fun personality shine.
It won't be the same on Sherdog without him.

I hope he's good wherever he's at now and that his family/friends are ok.
Gonna miss you bigwaverider, you were a great person and one of the best posters I've met on here.
I apologize i cannot give this a like it just doesn't feel right. No offense to people who chose to do so. It can't be easy being the bearer of bad news like this but want you to know it is very much appreciated and i as well hope his family see's this.

Thanks bud. I'm still in shock man this place won't be the same without him.

His family will see it and they will see how much we loved him here. It doesn't even feel real man.
Oh man. This is horrible. We gave each other a good amount of good natured trash talk, but that poll war I had with him was one of my most fun Sherdog moments I ever had.

He truly cared about the shooper community here. It was more than just a laugh and a hobby to him. He’ll be missed deeply.
Thanks bud. I'm still in shock man this place won't be the same without him.

His family will see it and they will see how much we loved him here. It doesn't even feel real man.

If there is some type of fund, please let me know. We did something for Grego. I'm more than willing to do something here.
I just don't know how to think right now... We just lost one best of the posters of all time on Sherdog. He made amazing shoops, helped make avatars for many users. he was a great moderator and poster and overall a great guy. My sincere condolences to his family.

bigwaverider you will be missed. R.I.P.
Thank you all for the kinda words, My name is Patrick Shaffer, I am @bigwaverider nephew. There is no words to put how gut wrenching this sudden loss is for me and my family. My family and I wanted to let EVERY SINGLE ONE of you know how much you meant to Mike in his life. Birthdays, Holidays didn't matter he always had something to say, or show what he was doing on the site. He dedicated a lot of time here so I felt it was only right to come on here and thank all of you for being the best community there is on the web. He truly dedicated a lot of time here and it meant the world to him. I am deeply saddened by this event but I know his spirit and memory will go on through his art, and I love you guys for that. I also want to say something small to @Arqueto. He spoke so highly of you every time i seen my uncle he loved helping you and seeing your progression . He considered you a dear friend, from the bottom of my heart thank you and all of you sherbros for giving my uncle joy and happiness during his time here.
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