Under review Ads pushing the formatting around

This is the 4th time that this ad popped on the same page within 3 seconds of closing it. I feel like ads should go away when you close them

Ads are making it insufferable on mobile. I lost several posts because the ada shifted my feed up and down and a misclicked on them (second thoughts that is a great way to push ad clicking but also great to push users out) losing all I was writing.

Particularly annoying whem on PBP during fights. Lose all momentum. I wish I still got paid in dollars to get premium
I'm glad I found this thread. I was platty for years, never had an issue. Now I'm not, and it's just insane. I can't even type, let alone read a thread anymore. I use adblocker but it's obviously not working.
Are the ads going out of control? On mobile (chrome on android) and desktop (firefox), things are getting shifted around and ads are appearing over text. On mobile, it looks like there's an ad between every single post in a thread, and on desktop, I'm seeing things like this:

Don't have any screens from mobile because it's been wildly inconsistent, but the blanks that appear above are filled with ads that go under the text of the thread titles.

Or these lovely ADs going straight through people's posts...smh

Are the adds on every single page gonna stop or do I have to purchase premium ? What does premium offer
This forum has become fucking rough man, before I held off on my criticism of devs because I suspected these overly intrusive ads would've been fixed by now, but it almost seems to me like they do not give a shit.

Step your game up or at least give us a notice/estimate when you expect it to be fixed. It's been months now. I am losing interest very fast.
Install Firefox mobile version.
Once installed go to settings and then tracking protection.
Click on Strict under protection level. Click Done and reload website. If that causes too many webpages to act up just switch to Standard.
You get kickbacks from this? Only problem is I can’t remember the login info for my account lol
I actually use Firefox with adblock but I thought I'd just share the simplest solution.

No kickbacks, just install a decent browser, export the settings on your current one into the new one.
You heard the man, mods.

We are gonna need more porn on sherdog..
It’s ironic that showing somebody get their head smashed with ground and pound is okay but the female breast….
No way can’t show it or you get banned.
So the ads on mobile have been f****** horrific since the remodel what's the best ad blocker to prevent them from being in the way of where I need to see so I can see what I'm typing?
A wonderful question.....
something that would work on android preferably....

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