Locked AEW CXIV: Punk is still the biggest draw

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Really enjoyed that Dynamite minus the Jericho sucking the energy out of the crowd and show in the middle.
Ouch just saw Jay White is on the pre show, hopefully he can unify the titles and move on. As I've said before it's a shame the company felt like star power was lacking with all the injuries and they have Jay White doing side missions.
I swear to god BCG better go over.

Jericho and Hook should be on the pre-show.
Deonna was pushed to lose to Toni. It was never in doubt. Its a temporary push while Toni wins.

Statlander hasn't gotten a shot, because Tony's conservative booking. He doesn't want Statlander to lose right now. Also, I think she's turning heel.

I'd not be against Stat taking the title from Toni eventually.

I know Toni is supposed to be a heel but nobody is booing her. It actually ruined Deonnas debuting as a face. They need to stop forcing it. She is too entertaining to be booed.
More bullet points from Tony Khan's media call.

- When asked about the fan feedback from airing the All In footage, says TBS was happy with airing the footage and happy with the rating and the rating is the #1 source of fan feedback

- Said CM Punk saying he paid for his own medical expenses doesn't sound right. AEW always pays for talent's medical expenses when they get hurt wrestling in AEW. Says he'll double check and if he finds out CM Punk did pay for it himself he'll reimburse Punk.

- Says he expects AEW to have content on a streaming platform in their next media rights deal, they're still in exclusive negotiating window with WBD.

- Says he hasn't made a decision about whether to keep running Oklahoma. Says he wants to still do right by fans in Oklahoma.

- Confirmed the trios titles will be merged at Dynasty
I'd not be against Stat taking the title from Toni eventually.

I know Toni is supposed to be a heel but nobody is booing her. It actually ruined Deonnas debuting as a face. They need to stop forcing it. She is too entertaining to be booed.

Yeah, the longer this goes, the more Toni Storm needs to be a face.

Honestly the division should be built around:

Babyfaces: Willow, Toni and Hayter
Heels: Mone, Baker and Mariah

With those 6 feuding against each other.

Deonna and Thunder Rosa are just stopgaps to give Toni wins building to her "real" feuds.
Yeah, the longer this goes, the more Toni Storm needs to be a face.

Honestly the division should be built around:

Babyfaces: Willow, Toni and Hayter
Heels: Mone, Baker and Mariah

With those 6 feuding against each other.

Deonna and Thunder Rosa are just stopgaps to give Toni wins building to her "real" feuds.

Toni is already a face in everything but name. The crowd loves her and her gimmick. They just need to have someone out-heel her to make it official. I imagine that's what they've been holding Mariah May for, though I've been wanting to see Serena Deeb get some love for a long time now.
I feel like the women's picture is going to be

World title: Toni Storm keeps pushing forward through the summer. Deonna is showing heel tendencies, wouldn't doubt if Deonna and Toni make amends and team back up to keep beating up Thunder Rosa. Hayter returns early summer to back up Thunder Rosa. Hayter beats Toni at Wembley. Thunder Rosa and Deonna will have a feud and the crowd will yawn.

TBS title: Mercedes Mone beats whoever is champ at Double or Nothing, probably Willow, fresh heel Statlander will beat Willow to establish heel turn then spend the summer getting pinned by Mone. Mone will probably have a really long run, will probably retain in a TBS Title 4 way at Wembley and probably be TBS champ well into 2025.

Rest of the division will have random mini feuds and get their street fight main events on Rampage like always.

Feel like this division needs tag titles to get more people involved, because they don't really know how to book feuds with women without a title. (I know lol moar titles). Julia Hart/Skye Blue, Mina/Mariah May, Saraya/Harley, Anna Jay/Tay Melo, Deeb can "mentor" someone in the Deeb Dojo to get her involved in something, maybe Yuka Sakazaki since they had Deeb walk out after her match on Collision.
Just finished Dynamite. Ospreay vs Claudio might be my favorite match in recent memory. It told a story, there was great ring ability shown by both sides, no tables or overly long stretches on the floor. A realistic (for rasslin') contest, and for once the chants were warranted. That one should have been on a PPV.
Meanwhile they have Riho not doing anything, Shida not doing anything, Athena shoved away on a show no one watches because they don't know what else to do with her. Britt Baker will be back, but what do they even do with her? Nyla Rose squashing jobbers on ROH cause they don't know what else to do.

So many people in the women's division they have nothing for.
Meanwhile they have Riho not doing anything, Shida not doing anything, Athena shoved away on a show no one watches because they don't know what else to do with her. Britt Baker will be back, but what do they even do with her? Nyla Rose squashing jobbers on ROH cause they don't know what else to do.

So many people in the women's division they have nothing for.

Riho is currently booked against visa issues I’d thought.
I just went to the AEW roster page to check it out and it's crazy how massive their women's roster is lol

Paige VanZant is still on the roster. Leila Grey is still on the roster. Rebel is still on the roster and I know they update the roster cause Mercedes Mone and Mother Wayne are on it lol

Abadon already disappeared off AEW TV and is squashing jobbers on ROH.

They got so many people they're never going to do anything of note with like Diamante, Kiera Hogan, Leyla Hirsch, Mercedes Martinez, Penelope Ford, Red Velvet, Marina Shafir, Emi Sakura, Madison Rayne

It sucks ass that Queen Aminata is already stuck in ROH purgatory.
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